Add Tech Interview Handbook

Yangshun Tay 7 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 88199c8935
commit f72fdc5904

@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ But knowing the stuff will help you become better! :muscle:*
- :page_facing_up: [Equity 101 for Startup Employees]( - :page_facing_up: [Equity 101 for Startup Employees](
- :book: [Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions]( - :book: [Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions](
- :fire: [Everything you need to know to get the job]( - :fire: [Everything you need to know to get the job](
- :book: [Tech Interview Handbook](
### Remote Work ### Remote Work
- :globe_with_meridians: [Remote Work List for Developers]( - :globe_with_meridians: [Remote Work List for Developers](
