terraform config to create woodpecker ci cache storage on oci
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oci woodpecker cache

sets up a cache bucket on oci for use with woodpecker ci.

depends on terraform-oci-free.


terraform init -backend-config=terraform.backend.tfvars
terraform apply -var-file=terraform.tfvars

Collect the output values and create woodpecker ci user-level variables, eg:

CACHE_S3_ENDPOINT: <s3_endpoint>
CACHE_S3_BUCKET: <s3_bucket_name>
CACHE_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID: <s3_access_key_id>
CACHE_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: <s3_secret_access_key>

these variables can then be used with the drone-cache plugin in a woodpecker ci pipeline.

Terraform Docs


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.8.0
oci ~> 5.42.0


Name Version
oci 5.42.0
terraform n/a


No modules.


Name Type
oci_identity_customer_secret_key.woodpecker_cache resource
oci_identity_group.woodpecker_cache resource
oci_identity_policy.woodpecker_cache resource
oci_identity_user.woodpecker_cache resource
oci_identity_user_capabilities_management.woodpecker_cache resource
oci_identity_user_group_membership.woodpecker_cache resource
oci_objectstorage_bucket.woodpecker_cache resource
oci_objectstorage_object_lifecycle_policy.woodpecker_cache resource
oci_objectstorage_namespace.ns data source
terraform_remote_state.base data source


Name Description Type Default Required
oci_region n/a string n/a yes
remote_state_config The configuration of the remote state backend to fetch the compartment_id from any n/a yes
remote_state_type The type of the remote state backend to fetch the compartment_id from string n/a yes
iac_component Component name of the iac config. used in various tags and metadata. string "oci-woodpecker-cache" no
iac_source Source of the iac config. used in various tags and metadata. string "git@git.bdeshi.space:bdeshi/terraform-oci-woodpecker-cache.git" no


Name Description
s3_accss_key_id n/a
s3_bucket_name n/a
s3_endpoint n/a
s3_secret_access_key n/a
s3_use_path_style Use path style access for S3. This is necessary for OCI object storage.