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site_name: School Of SRE
docs_dir: courses
name: material
logo: img/sos.png
favicon: img/favicon.ico
custom_dir: overrides
- stylesheets/custom.css
- Home:
- Level 101:
- Fundamentals Series:
- Linux Basics:
- Introduction: level101/linux_basics/
- Command Line Basics: level101/linux_basics/
- Server Administration: level101/linux_basics/
- Conclusion: level101/linux_basics/
- Git:
- Git Basics: level101/git/
- Working With Branches: level101/git/
- Github and Hooks: level101/git/
- Conclusion: level101/git/
- Linux Networking:
- Introduction: level101/linux_networking/
- DNS: level101/linux_networking/
- UDP: level101/linux_networking/
- HTTP: level101/linux_networking/
- TCP: level101/linux_networking/
- Routing: level101/linux_networking/
- Conclusion: level101/linux_networking/
- Python and Web:
- Introduction: level101/python_web/
- Some Python Concepts: level101/python_web/
- Python, Web and Flask: level101/python_web/
- The URL Shortening App: level101/python_web/
- Conclusion: level101/python_web/
- Data:
- Relational Databases:
- Introduction: level101/databases_sql/
- Key Concepts: level101/databases_sql/
- MySQL: level101/databases_sql/
- InnoDB: level101/databases_sql/
- Backup and Recovery: level101/databases_sql/
- MySQL Replication: level101/databases_sql/
- Operational Concepts:
- Select Query: level101/databases_sql/
- Query Performance: level101/databases_sql/
- Lab: level101/databases_sql/
- Conclusion: level101/databases_sql/
- NoSQL:
- Introduction: level101/databases_nosql/
- Key Concepts: level101/databases_nosql/
- Conclusion: level101/databases_nosql/
- Big Data:
- Introduction: level101/big_data/
- Evolution and Architecture of Hadoop: level101/big_data/
- Conclusion: level101/big_data/
- Systems Design:
- Introduction: level101/systems_design/
- Scalability: level101/systems_design/
- Availability: level101/systems_design/
- Fault Tolerance: level101/systems_design/
- Conclusion: level101/systems_design/
- Metrics and Monitoring:
- Introduction: level101/metrics_and_monitoring/
- Command-line Tools: level101/metrics_and_monitoring/
- Third-party Monitoring: level101/metrics_and_monitoring/
- Proactive Monitoring with Alerts: level101/metrics_and_monitoring/
- Best Practices for Monitoring: level101/metrics_and_monitoring/
- Observability: level101/metrics_and_monitoring/
- Conclusion: level101/metrics_and_monitoring/
- Security:
- Introduction: level101/security/
- Fundamentals of Security: level101/security/
- Network Security: level101/security/
- Threat, Attacks & Defences: level101/security/
- Writing Secure code: level101/security/
- Conclusion: level101/security/
- Level 102:
- Linux Advanced:
- Containerization And Orchestration:
- Introduction: level102/containerization_and_orchestration/
- Introduction To Containers: level102/containerization_and_orchestration/
- Containerization With Docker: level102/containerization_and_orchestration/
- Orchestration With Kubernetes: level102/containerization_and_orchestration/
- Conclusion: level102/containerization_and_orchestration/
- Networking:
- Introduction: level102/networking/
- Security: level102/networking/
- Scale: level102/networking/
- RTT: level102/networking/
- Infrastructure Services: level102/networking/
- Conclusion: level102/networking/
- System Design:
- Introduction: level102/system_design/
- Large System Design: level102/system_design/
- Scaling: level102/system_design/
- Scaling Beyond the Data Center: level102/system_design/
- Resiliency: level102/system_design/
- Conclusion: level102/system_design/
- System Troubleshooting and Performance Improvements:
- Introduction: level102/system_troubleshooting_and_performance/
- Troubleshooting: level102/system_troubleshooting_and_performance/
- Important Tools: level102/system_troubleshooting_and_performance/
- Performance Improvements: level102/system_troubleshooting_and_performance/
- Troubleshooting Example: level102/system_troubleshooting_and_performance/
- Conclusion: level102/system_troubleshooting_and_performance/
- Contribute:
- Code of Conduct:
- SRE Community:
copyright: "Copyright 2020 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License"
- icon: fontawesome/brands/github