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Rémy-Christophe Schermesser 2018-10-02 10:31:07 +02:00
parent 3c3865fa9e
commit c73ed21d30
6 changed files with 47 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
# The base building block: `pod`
## Introduction
In this section we will learn what is a pod, deploy your first container, configure k8s, and interact with k8s in the command line.
The base job of k8s is to schedule pods. K8s will choose how and where to schedule them. You can also see a pod as an object that requests some CPU & RAM, and k8s will take those requirements into account in his scheduling.
But it has a base assumption that a pod can be killed whenever it wants to. So keep in mind that a pod is **mortal** and it **will** be destroyed at some point.
## First pod
Let's start to deploy this docker image
It's a stateless python JSON API that answers on:
@ -47,6 +51,8 @@ pod "simple-service" created
We also could have used the `kubectl create -f ...`. But it's better to have a declarative approach in k8s rather than an imperative one (see:
## `kubectl get`
Now list all the pods running in k8s. `get` is the `ls` of k8s.
simple-service 1/1 Running 0 4s
## Logs
Let's have a look at the logs of this pod:
@ -66,6 +74,8 @@ $ kubectl logs simple-service
2018-10-01T09:23:21 INFO 200 GET /info ( 1.38ms [at line 1946]
## `kubectl describe`
Our first pod is now running. Now `describe` it. `describe` is a `get` in steroid, with more information.

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Naming things: `label` & `annotation`
## Introduction
In this section we will learn how to name things in k8s, and how to find them again.
Labels are the way to organise objects in kubernetes. The labels are a list of key/value.
@ -12,6 +14,8 @@ Valid label keys have two segments: an optional prefix and name, separated by a
Valid label values must be 63 characters or less and must be empty or begin and end with an alphanumeric character `[a-z0-9A-Z]` with dashes `-`, underscores `_`, dots `.`, and alphanumerics between.
## Labels in action
Apply the pod `05-label-annotation/01-simple-service.yml`. It is the same as `04-pods/01-simple-service.yml` but with 2 labels:
* `env`: `production`
* `tier`: `backend`

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@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
# Deploying my first application: `deployment`
## Introduction
In this section you will learn how to deploy a stateless application with multiple replicas and scale it.
Managing pods manually is doable, but what if you want to deploy multiple times the same one?
Of course you can copy/paste the yaml files and `apply` them. But remember, pods are **mortal**, so k8s can kill them whenever it feels like it.
So you can either have a look for your k8s cluster to recreate pods when needed, or you can use a `deployment`.
## First deployment
Let's create our first deployment:
@ -45,6 +49,8 @@ $ kubectl apply -f 06-deployment/01-simple-deployment.yml
deployment.apps "simple-deployment" created
## Inside a `deployment`
Let's have a look at what this `deployment` created for us:
@ -89,6 +95,8 @@ We see 3 things, you might have a section `ClusterIP` ignore it for now:
So in fact k8s created more `kind` than expected.
We won't go into details of what a [`ReplicaSet`]( is, just keep it mind that it ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any one time.
## Scale up
Let's play with our deployment now.
Update the number of `replicas` in the yaml, to a reasonnable number - say `5`.
@ -106,10 +114,14 @@ You can also edit the configuration in place with `kubectl edit`:
$ kubectl edit deployment simple-deployment
I would recommend to only use `kubectl apply` as it declarative and your local computer, so you can commit it afterwards.
What is happening? What changed?
You can use the flag `--watch` to `kubectl`, for example: `kubectl get pod --watch`.
Do not forget the `kubectl logs [...]` command.
## Scale down
Change again the number of replicas to `2`, reapply, see what is happening.
We know how to scale up/down a deployment, but how can we deploy a new version of the application. To achieve this, we need to tell k8s to update the image we are using in our deployment, for this:

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@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
# Accessing my first application: `service`
## Introduction
In this section you will learn how to access your application from outside your cluster, and do service discovery.
## Prerequisites
If it's not already done install the `minikube` addon `coredns` & `ingress`
$ minikube addons enable coredns
@ -11,6 +15,8 @@ $ minikube addons enable ingress
ingress was successfully enabled
## First `service`
You are able to deploy an image with multiple replicas, but it is not very convenient to access it. You need to know the IP of a `pod` to be able to target your application. And it's not accessible from the outside of the cluster.
What we need is a `service`. It'll allow us to acces our pods internally or externally.
@ -94,6 +100,8 @@ Can you access this service from the outside of k8s?
The answer is no, it's not possible. To do this you need an `ingress`. Ingress means "entering into".
## Ingress
You need to connect internet to the ingress that'll connect it to a service:

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Running a background process: `cronjob`
In this section you will lean how to run background tasks using crons & deployments.
## Introduction
In this section you will lean how to run background tasks using crons & jobs.
## `CronJob`
Let's start with crons. Crons are like the cron in linux a time-based job scheduler.
@ -35,6 +39,8 @@ cronjob.batch "simple-cronjob" created
Wait a bit and access the logs of the pod created by the cron.
## `Job`
If you need to run a one time job, you can use the `Job` in kubernetes. In fact the `CronJob` will start a `Job` for you at the scheduled interval.

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@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
# Running a stateful application: `volumes`
## Introduction
In this section you will learn how to deploy a stateful application, mysql in this example.
As you know a `pod` is mortal, meaning it can be destroyed by k8s anytime, and with it it's local data, memory, etc. So it's perfect for stateless applications. Of course, in the real world we need a way to store our data, and we need this data to be persistent in time.
So how can we deploy a stateful application with a persistent storage in k8s? Let's deploy a mysql.
## Volumes
We need to review what a volume is before continuing with the deployment of our mysql. As stated above, the disk of a pod is detroyed with it, so it's lost. For a database it'll nice if we could keep the data between restarts of the pods. Here comes the `volume`.
We can see a `pod` as something that requests CPU & RAM. We can see a `volume` as something that requests a storage on disk. K8s handles a lot of different kind of volumes - 26 has this file hands on is written - from local disk storage to s3.
@ -66,6 +70,8 @@ The configuration is pretty similiar to the `PersistentVolume`.
$ kubectl apply -f 09-stateful-set/02-simple-mysql-pvc.yml
## Stateful application
Now let's create the `deployment` of mysql: