Move other configuration commands

This commit is contained in:
Richard Littauer 2017-12-17 13:23:05 -05:00 committed by Richard Littauer
parent 5b8c8fb6a5
commit db547ce1fe
1 changed files with 85 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ For clarity's sake all examples in this document use a customized bash prompt in
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [I want to set a global user](#i-want-to-set-a-global-user)
- [I want to add command line coloring for Git](#i-want-to-add-command-line-coloring-for-git)
- [I want to add aliases for some Git commands](#i-want-to-add-aliases-for-some-git-commands)
- [I want to add an empty directory to my repository](#i-want-to-add-an-empty-directory-to-my-repository)
- [I want to cache a username and password for a repository](#i-want-to-cache-a-username-and-password-for-a-repository)
- [I want to make Git ignore permissions and filemode changes](#i-want-to-make-git-ignore-permissions-and-filemode-changes)
- [Repositories](#repositories)
- [I want to start a local repository](#i-want-to-start-a-local-repository)
- [I want to clone a remote repository](#i-want-to-clone-a-remote-repository)
@ -108,11 +112,6 @@ For clarity's sake all examples in this document use a customized bash prompt in
- [I want to overwrite local files when doing a git pull](#i-want-to-overwrite-local-files-when-doing-a-git-pull)
- [I want to remove a file from Git but keep the file](#i-want-to-remove-a-file-from-git-but-keep-the-file)
- [I want to revert a file to a specific revision](#i-want-to-revert-a-file-to-a-specific-revision)
- [Configuration](#configuration-1)
- [I want to add aliases for some Git commands](#i-want-to-add-aliases-for-some-git-commands)
- [I want to add an empty directory to my repository](#i-want-to-add-an-empty-directory-to-my-repository)
- [I want to cache a username and password for a repository](#i-want-to-cache-a-username-and-password-for-a-repository)
- [I want to make Git ignore permissions and filemode changes](#i-want-to-make-git-ignore-permissions-and-filemode-changes)
- [I've no idea what I did wrong](#ive-no-idea-what-i-did-wrong)
- [Other Resources](#other-resources)
- [Books](#books)
@ -149,6 +148,83 @@ To set automatic command line coloring for Git for easy reviewing:
$ git config --global color.ui auto
<a name="adding-command-aliases"></a>
### I want to add aliases for some Git commands
On OS X and Linux, your git configuration file is stored in ```~/.gitconfig```. I've added some example aliases I use as shortcuts (and some of my common typos) in the ```[alias]``` section as shown below:
a = add
amend = commit --amend
c = commit
ca = commit --amend
ci = commit -a
co = checkout
d = diff
dc = diff --changed
ds = diff --staged
f = fetch
loll = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
m = merge
one = log --pretty=oneline
outstanding = rebase -i @{u}
s = status
unpushed = log @{u}
wc = whatchanged
wip = rebase -i @{u}
zap = fetch -p
<a name="adding-empty-repository"></a>
### I want to add an empty directory to my repository
You cant! Git doesnt support this, but theres a hack. You can create a .gitignore file in the directory with the following contents:
# Ignore everything in this directory
# Except this file
Another common convention is to make an empty file in the folder, titled .gitkeep.
$ mkdir mydir
$ touch mydir/.gitkeep
You can also name the file as just .keep , in which case the second line above would be ```touch mydir/.keep```
<a name="credential-helper"></a>
### I want to cache a username and password for a repository
You might have a repository that requires authentication. In which case you can cache a username and password so you don't have to enter it on every push / pull. Credential helper can do this for you.
$ git config --global credential.helper cache
# Set git to use the credential memory cache
$ git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'
# Set the cache to timeout after 1 hour (setting is in seconds)
<a name="i-want-to-make-git-ignore-permissions-and-filemode-changes"></a>
### I want to make Git ignore permissions and filemode changes
$ git config core.fileMode false
If you want to make this the default behaviour for logged-in users, then use:
$ git config --global core.fileMode false
## Repositories
### I want to start a local repository
@ -1377,6 +1453,7 @@ If you want to revert to changes made just 1 commit before c5f567, pass the comm
(master)$ git checkout c5f567~1 -- file1/to/restore file2/to/restore
<<<<<<< HEAD
## Configuration
<a name="adding-command-aliases"></a>
@ -1455,6 +1532,9 @@ If you want to make this the default behaviour for logged-in users, then use:
$ git config --global core.fileMode false
<a href="#ive-no-idea-what-i-did-wrong"></a>
>>>>>>> Move other configuration commands
## I've no idea what I did wrong
So, you're screwed - you `reset` something, or you merged the wrong branch, or you force pushed and now you can't find your commits. You know, at some point, you were doing alright, and you want to go back to some state you were at.