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hashcookie 2023-08-27 18:04:47 +08:00
parent 85ffe64eb4
commit 99f5d03386
1 changed files with 525 additions and 0 deletions

525 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
# OSSU 2023 调查
你好 OSSUnians
我们正在进行第一次人口普查。[您愿意花 15 分钟填写调查表吗?](
<h3 align="center">开源社会大学</h3>
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<img alt="Open Source Society University - Computer Science" src="">
# 目录
- [概述](#概述)
- [社区](#社区)
- [课程](#课程)
- [行为准则](#行为准则)
- [团队](#团队)
# 概述
OSSU 的课程是利用在线教材进行的 **完整的计算机科学教育**
- 开放注册
- 定期运行(最好采用自定进度的形式,否则每年运行多次)
- 教材和教学原则质量普遍较高
- 与 [CS 2013]( 的课程标准相匹配:计算机科学本科学位课程指南
它们属于 [extras/courses] (extras/ 或 [extras/readings] (extras/。
**组织** 课程设计如下:
- *CS 入门*:让学生尝试学习 CS看看是否适合自己
- *核心 CS*:大致相当于计算机科学课程的前三年,学习所有专业必修的课程
- *高级 CS*:大致相当于计算机科学课程的最后一年,根据学生的兴趣选修课
- *最终项目*:学生验证、巩固和展示其知识的项目,由全球同行进行评估
**学制** 如果你认真计划,每周投入大约 20 个小时的学习时间,在大约 2 年内完成学业是可能的。学员可以使用 [此电子表格
](来估算自己的结束日期。复制一份,并在 "时间表 "表中输入开始日期和每周预计学时。在学习课程的过程中,您可以在 "课程数据 "表中输入您的实际课程完成日期,并获得最新的完成时间估计。
**费用** 所有或几乎所有课程材料均免费提供。不过,有些课程可能会对作业/测试/项目的评分收取费用。
请注意,[Coursera]( 和 [edX]( 都提供经济援助。
**过程** 学生可以单独或分组、按顺序或不按顺序完成课程。
- 我们建议在核心 CS 中学习所有课程,只有在确定已经学过相关内容时才跳过某门课程。
- 为简单起见,我们建议按照从上到下的顺序学习课程(尤其是核心 CS因为这些课程已经按照先决条件进行了[拓扑排序](。
- 高级 CS 课程为选修课。选择一个您希望成为专家的科目(如高级编程),然后选修该科目下的所有课程。您也可以创建自己的自定义科目,但我们建议您就所选科目从社区中获得验证。
**[获取帮助](** (有关常见问题解答和聊天室的详细信息)
# 社区
- 我们有一个 Discord 服务器![![Discord](]( 这应该是您与其他 OSSU 学生交流的第一站。何不现在就自我介绍一下呢?[加入 OSSU Discord](
- 您还可以通过 GitHub 问题进行互动。如果课程有问题,或者需要对课程进行修改,可以在这里开始对话。阅读更多 [此处](。
- 订阅我们的 [时事通讯](。
- 将开源社会大学添加到您的 [Linkedin]( 个人资料中!
- 注意:在搜索开放源码社会大学时,您可能会发现一个未经维护且已过时的 firebase 应用程序。您可以放心地忽略它。请参阅 [FAQ](./ 获取更多信息。
# 课程
**课程版本**`8.0.0`(参考 [变更日志](。
- [先决条件](#先决条件)
- [CS 简介](#CS-简介)
- [编程入门](#编程入门)
- [计算机科学导论](#计算机科学导论)
- [核心 CS](#核心CS)
- [核心编程](#核心编程)
- [核心数学](#核心数学)
- [CS 工具](#CS工具)
- [核心系统](#核心系统)
- [核心理论](#核心理论)
- [核心安全](#核心安全)
- [核心应用](#核心应用)
- [核心伦理](#核心伦理)
- [高级 CS](#高级CS)
- [高级编程](#高级编程)
- [高级系统](#高级系统)
- [高级理论](#advanced-theory)
- [高级信息安全](#高级信息安全)
- [高级数学](#高级数学)
- [最终项目](#最终项目)
## 先决条件
- [核心 CS](#核心CS)假定学生已经学过[高中数学](,包括代数、几何和微积分前期课程。
- [高级 CS](#高级CS)假定学生已学完核心 CS 的全部课程。
- 请注意,[高级系统](#高级系统) 假设学生已修过基础物理课程(如高中的 AP 物理)。
## CS 简介
### 编程入门
如果您从未编写过 for 循环,或者不知道什么是编程中的字符串,那么就从这里开始吧。本课程是自定进度的,您可以根据自己的需要调整每周的学时。
课程 | 时间 | 精力 | 先决条件 | 讨论
:-- | :--:| :--:| :--:| :--:
[面向所有人的 Python]( | 10 周 | 10 小时/周 | 没有 | [聊天](
### 计算机科学入门
课程 | 时间 | 精力 | 先决条件 | 讨论
:-- | :--:| :--:| :--:| :--:
[计算机科学与 Python 编程入门]( ([替代](| 9 周 | 15 小时/周 | [高中代数]( | [聊天](
## 核心 CS
除非另有说明,否则核心 CS 下的所有课程均为**必修**。
### 核心编程
`ML 家族语言(通过标准 ML`
`Lisp 家族语言(通过 Racket`
课程 | 时间 | 精力 | 先决条件 | 讨论
:-- | :--:| :--:| :--:| :--:
[如何编写代码 - 简单数据]( [(课本)]( | 7 周 | 8-10 小时/周 | 无 | [聊天](
[如何编码 - 复杂数据]( | 6 周 | 8-10 小时/周 | 如何编码:简单数据 | [聊天](
[编程语言 A 部分]( | 5 周 | 4-8 小时/周 | 如何编码 ([听教员讲课]( | [聊天](
[编程语言 B 部分]( | 3 周 | 4-8 小时/周 | 编程语言 A 部分 | [聊天](
[编程语言 C 部分]( | 3 周 | 4-8 小时/周 | 编程语言 B 部分 | [聊天](
[面向对象设计]( | 4周 | 4小时/周 | [基础Java](
[设计模式]( | 4 周 | 4 小时/周 | 面向对象设计
[软件体系结构]( | 4 周 | 2-5 小时/周 | 设计模式
### 核心数学
离散数学CS 数学)是先修课程,与算法和数据结构的学习密切相关。微积分既能为学生学习离散数学做好准备,又能帮助学生发展成熟的数学能力。
`O 符号`
课程 | 时间 | 精力 | 笔记 | 先决条件 | 讨论
:-- | :--:| :--:| :--:| :--:| :--:
[微积分 1A微分]( ([替代]( | 13 周 | 6-10 小时/周 | 备用课程涵盖本课程和以下 2 门课程 | [高中数学]( | [聊天](
[微积分 1B: 积分]( | 13 周 | 5-10 小时/周 | - | 微积分 1A | [聊天](
[微积分1C: 坐标系与无穷级数]( | 6 周 | 5-10 小时/周 | - | Calculus 1B | [chat](
[计算机科学数学](约) ([替代](| 13 周 | 5 小时/周 | [2015/2019 年解决方案]( [2010 年解决方案]( [2005 年解决方案](。| 微积分 1C | [聊天](
### CS工具
课程 | 时间 | 精力 | 先决条件 | 讨论
:-- | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--:
[你计算机科学教育中缺失的那个学期]( | 2 周 | 12 小时/周 | - | [聊天](
### 核心系统
课程 | 时间 | 精力 | 附加文本/作业| 先决条件 | 讨论
:-- | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--:
[从 Nand 到 Tetris建立现代计算机]( ([备选]( | 6 周 | 7-13 小时/周 | - | 类似 C 的编程语言 | [聊天](
[从 Nand 到 Tetris建立现代计算机 II 部分]( | 6 周 | 12-18 小时/周 | - | 以下编程语言之一 [这些编程语言](, 从 Nand 到 Tetris 第一部分 | [聊天](
[操作系统:三步轻松完成](coursepages/ostep/ | 10-12 周 | 6-10 小时/周 | - | 从 Nand 到 Tetris 第二部分 | [聊天](
[计算机网络:自顶向下方法](| 8 周 | 412 小时/周 | [Wireshark 实验]( | 代数、概率、基本的计算机科学 | [聊天](
### 核心理论
课程 | 时间 | 精力 | 先决条件 | 讨论
:-- | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--:
[分治算法、排序和搜索、以及随机算法]( | 4 周 | 4-8 小时/周 | 任何编程语言、计算机科学中的数学知识 | [聊天](
[图搜索、最短路径和数据结构]( | 4 周 | 4-8 小时/周 | 分治算法、排序和搜索、以及随机算法 | [聊天](
[贪心算法、最小生成树和动态规划]( | 4 周 | 4-8 小时/周 | 图搜索、最短路径和数据结构 | [聊天](
[最短路径再探、NP完全问题以及解决方案]( | 4 周 | 4-8 小时/周 | 贪心算法、最小生成树和动态规划 | [聊天](
### 核心安全
课程 | 时间 | 精力 | 先决条件 | 讨论
:-- | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--:
[网络安全基础知识]( | 8 周 | 10-12 小时/周 | - | [聊天](
[安全编码原则](| 4 周 | 4 小时/周 | - | [聊天](
[安全漏洞的识别]( | 4 周 | 4 小时/周 | - | [聊天](
选择下列 **其中** 一个:
课程 | 时间 | 精力 | 先决条件 | 讨论
:-- | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--:
[C/C++编程中的安全漏洞识别 ]( | 4 周 | 5 小时/周 | - | [聊天](
[Java应用程序中的漏洞利用与安全性保障]( | 4 周 | 5 小时/周 | - | [聊天](
### 核心应用程序
课程 | 时间 | 精力 | 先决条件 | 讨论
:-- | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--:
[数据库:建模与理论](| 2 周 | 10 小时/周 | 核心编程 | [聊天](
[数据库关系数据库与SQL](| 2 周 | 10 小时/周 | 核心编程 | [聊天](
[数据库:半结构化数据](| 2 周 | 10 小时/周 | 核心编程 | [聊天](
[机器学习](| 11 周 | 9 小时/周 | 基本编程 | [聊天](
[计算机图形学](| 6 周 | 12 小时/周 | C++ 或 Java线性代数 | [聊天](
[软件工程:入门]( | 6 周 | 8-10 小时/周 | 核心编程, 和一个 [较大的项目]( | [聊天](
### 核心道德
课程 | 时间 | 精力 | 先决条件 | 讨论
:-- | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--:
[道德、技术与工程](| 9 周 | 2 小时/周 | none | [聊天](
[知识产权概论](| 4 周 | 2 小时/周 | 无 | [聊天](
[Data Privacy Fundamentals](| 3 周 | 3 小时/周 | 无 | [聊天](
## 高级CS
After completing **every required course** in Core CS, students should choose a subset of courses from Advanced CS based on interest.
Not every course from a subcategory needs to be taken.
But students should take *every* course that is relevant to the field they intend to go into.
### Advanced programming
**Topics covered**:
`debugging theory and practice`
`goal-oriented programming`
`parallel computing`
`object-oriented analysis and design`
`large-scale software architecture and design`
`and more`
Courses | Duration | Effort | Prerequisites
:-- | :--: | :--: | :--:
[Parallel Programming](| 4 weeks | 6-8 hours/week | Scala programming
[Compilers]( | 9 weeks | 6-8 hours/week | none
[Introduction to Haskell](| 14 weeks | - | -
[Learn Prolog Now!]( ([alt](*| 12 weeks | - | -
[Software Debugging](| 8 weeks | 6 hours/week | Python, object-oriented programming
[Software Testing]( | 4 weeks | 6 hours/week | Python, programming experience
(*) book by Blackburn, Bos, Striegnitz (compiled from [source](, redistributed under [CC license](
### Advanced systems
**Topics covered**:
`digital signaling`
`combinational logic`
`CMOS technologies`
`sequential logic`
`finite state machines`
`processor instruction sets`
`parallel processing`
`virtual memory`
`synchronization primitives`
`system call interface`
`and more`
Courses | Duration | Effort | Prerequisites | Notes
:-- | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--:
[Computation Structures 1: Digital Circuits]( [alt1]( [alt2 ]( | 10 weeks | 6 hours/week | [Nand2Tetris II]( | Alternate links contain all 3 courses.
[Computation Structures 2: Computer Architecture]( | 10 weeks | 6 hours/week | Computation Structures 1 |
[Computation Structures 3: Computer Organization]( | 10 weeks | 6 hours/week | Computation Structures 2 |
### Advanced theory
**Topics covered**:
`formal languages`
`Turing machines`
`event-driven concurrency`
`distributed shared memory`
`consensus algorithms`
`state machine replication`
`computational geometry theory`
`propositional logic`
`relational logic`
`Herbrand logic`
`game trees`
`and more`
Courses | Duration | Effort | Prerequisites
:-- | :--: | :--: | :--:
[Theory of Computation]( ([alt]( | 13 weeks | 10 hours/week | [Mathematics for Computer Science](, logic, algorithms
[Computational Geometry]( | 16 weeks | 8 hours/week | algorithms, C++
[Game Theory]( | 8 weeks | 3 hours/week | mathematical thinking, probability, calculus
### Advanced Information Security
Courses | Duration | Effort | Prerequisites
:-- | :--: | :--: | :--:
[Web Security Fundamentals]( | 5 weeks | 4-6 hours/week | understanding basic web technologies
[Security Governance & Compliance]( | 3 weeks | 3 hours/week | -
[Digital Forensics Concepts]( | 3 weeks | 2-3 hours/week | Core Security
[Secure Software Development: Requirements, Design, and Reuse]( | 7 weeks | 1-2 hours/week | Core Programming and Core Security
[Secure Software Development: Implementation]( | 7 weeks | 1-2 hours/week | Secure Software Development: Requirements, Design, and Reuse
[Secure Software Development: Verification and More Specialized Topics]( | 7 weeks | 1-2 hours/week | Secure Software Development: Implementation
### Advanced math
Courses | Duration | Effort | Prerequisites | Discussion
:-- | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--:
[Essence of Linear Algebra]( | - | - | [high school math]( | [chat](
[Linear Algebra]( | 14 weeks | 12 hours/week | corequisite: Essence of Linear Algebra | [chat](
[Introduction to Numerical Methods](| 14 weeks | 12 hours/week | [Linear Algebra]( | [chat](
[Introduction to Formal Logic]( | 10 weeks | 4-8 hours/week | [Set Theory]( | [chat](
[Probability]( | 15 weeks | 5-10 hours/week | [Differentiation and Integration]( | [chat](
## Final project
OSS University is project-focused.
The assignments and exams for each course are to prepare you to use your knowledge to solve real-world problems.
After you've gotten through all of Core CS and the parts of Advanced CS relevant to you, you should think about a problem that you can solve using the knowledge you've acquired.
Not only does real project work look great on a resume, but the project will also validate and consolidate your knowledge.
You can create something entirely new, or you can find an existing project that needs help via websites like
[First Timers Only](
Students who would like more guidance in creating a project may choose to use a series of project oriented courses. Here is a sample of options (many more are available, at this point you should be capable of identifying a series that is interesting and relevant to you):
Courses | Duration | Effort | Prerequisites
:-- | :--: | :--: | :--:
[Fullstack Open]( | 12 weeks | 15 hours/week | programming
[Modern Robotics (Specialization)]( | 26 weeks | 2-5 hours/week | freshman-level physics, linear algebra, calculus, [linear ordinary differential equations](
[Data Mining (Specialization)]( | 30 weeks | 2-5 hours/week | machine learning
[Big Data (Specialization)]( | 30 weeks | 3-5 hours/week | none
[Internet of Things (Specialization)]( | 30 weeks | 1-5 hours/week | strong programming
[Cloud Computing (Specialization)]( | 30 weeks | 2-6 hours/week | C++ programming
[Data Science (Specialization)]( | 43 weeks | 1-6 hours/week | none
[Functional Programming in Scala (Specialization)]( | 29 weeks | 4-5 hours/week | One year programming experience
[Game Design and Development with Unity 2020 (Specialization)]( | 6 months | 5 hours/week | programming, interactive design
### Evaluation
Upon completing your final project:
- Submit your project's information to [PROJECTS]( via a pull request.
- Put the OSSU-CS badge in the README of your repository!
[![Open Source Society University - Computer Science](](
- Markdown: `[![Open Source Society University - Computer Science](](`
- HTML: `<a href=""><img alt="Open Source Society University - Computer Science" src=""></a>`
- Use our [community](#community) channels to announce it to your fellow students.
Solicit feedback from your OSSU peers.
You will not be "graded" in the traditional sense — everyone has their own measurements for what they consider a success.
The purpose of the evaluation is to act as your first announcement to the world that you are a computer scientist
and to get experience listening to feedback — both positive and negative.
The final project evaluation has a second purpose: to evaluate whether OSSU,
through its community and curriculum, is successful in its mission to guide independent learners in obtaining a world-class computer science education.
### Cooperative work
You can create this project alone or with other students!
**We love cooperative work**!
Use our [channels](#community) to communicate with other fellows to combine and create new projects!
### Which programming languages should I use?
My friend, here is the best part of liberty!
You can use **any** language that you want to complete the final project.
The important thing is to **internalize** the core concepts and to be able to use them with whatever tool (programming language) that you wish.
## Congratulations
After completing the requirements of the curriculum above, you will have completed the equivalent of a full bachelor's degree in Computer Science. Congratulations!
What is next for you? The possibilities are boundless and overlapping:
- Look for a job as a developer!
- Check out the [readings](extras/ for classic books you can read that will sharpen your skills and expand your knowledge.
- Join a local developer meetup (e.g. via [](
- Pay attention to emerging technologies in the world of software development:
+ Explore the **actor model** through [Elixir](, a new functional programming language for the web based on the battle-tested Erlang Virtual Machine!
+ Explore **borrowing and lifetimes** through [Rust](, a systems language which achieves memory- and thread-safety without a garbage collector!
+ Explore **dependent type systems** through [Idris](, a new Haskell-inspired language with unprecedented support for type-driven development.
![keep learning](
# Code of conduct
[OSSU's code of conduct](
## How to show your progress
1. Create an account in [Trello](
1. Copy [this]( board to your personal account.
See how to copy a board [here](
Now that you have a copy of our official board, you just need to pass the cards to the `Doing` column or `Done` column as you progress in your study.
We also have **labels** to help you have more control through the process.
The meaning of each of these labels is:
- `Main Curriculum`: cards with that label represent courses that are listed in our curriculum.
- `Extra Resources`: cards with that label represent courses that were added by the student.
- `Doing`: cards with that label represent courses the student is currently doing.
- `Done`: cards with that label represent courses finished by the student.
Those cards should also have the link for at least one project/article built with the knowledge acquired in such a course.
- `Section`: cards with that label represent the section that we have in our curriculum.
Those cards with the `Section` label are only to help the organization of the Done column.
You should put the *Course's cards* below its respective *Section's card*.
The intention of this board is to provide our students a way to track their progress, and also the ability to show their progress through a public page for friends, family, employers, etc.
You can change the status of your board to be *public* or *private*.
# Team
* **[Eric Douglas](**: founder of OSSU
* **[Josh Hanson](**: lead technical maintainer
* **[Waciuma Wanjohi](**: lead academic maintainer
* **[Contributors](**