翻译剩余的内容 + 目录

This commit is contained in:
sqrtthree 2016-10-11 17:32:19 +08:00
parent e95d6098ab
commit 873b45ed3d
1 changed files with 64 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -49,31 +49,31 @@
- [字典树Tries](#字典树tries)
- [平衡查找树Balanced search trees](#平衡查找树balanced-search-trees)
- [N 叉树K 叉树、M 叉树)](#n-叉树k-叉树m-叉树)
- [Sorting](#sorting)
- [Graphs](#graphs)
- [Even More Knowledge](#even-more-knowledge)
- [Recursion](#recursion)
- [动态规划](#dynamic-programming)
- [Combinatorics (n choose k) & Probability](#combinatorics-n-choose-k--probability)
- [NP, NP-Complete and Approximation Algorithms](#np-np-complete-and-approximation-algorithms)
- [Caches](#caches)
- [Processes and Threads](#processes-and-threads)
- [System Design, Scalability, Data Handling](#system-design-scalability-data-handling)
- [Papers](#papers)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Scheduling](#scheduling)
- [Implement system routines](#implement-system-routines)
- [String searching & manipulations](#string-searching--manipulations)
- [Final Review](#final-review)
- [Books](#books)
- [Coding exercises/challenges](#coding-exerciseschallenges)
- [Once you're closer to the interview](#once-youre-closer-to-the-interview)
- [Your Resume](#your-resume)
- [Be thinking of for when the interview comes](#be-thinking-of-for-when-the-interview-comes)
- [Have questions for the interviewer](#have-questions-for-the-interviewer)
- [Once You've Got The Job](#once-youve-got-the-job)
- [排序](#排序sorting)
- [图(Graphs](#graphs)
- [更多知识](#更多知识)
- [递归](#递归recursion)
- [动态规划](#动态规划dynamic-programming)
- [组合 & 概率](#组合combinatorics-n-中选-k-个--概率probability)
- [NP, NP-完全和近似算法](#np-np-完全和近似算法)
- [缓存](#缓存cache)
- [进程和线程](#进程processe和线程thread)
- [系统设计、可伸缩性、数据处理](#系统设计可伸缩性数据处理)
- [论文](#论文)
- [测试](#测试)
- [调度](#调度)
- [实现系统例程](#实现系统例程)
- [字符串搜索和操作](#字符串搜索和操作)
- [终面](#终面)
- [书籍](#书籍)
- [编码练习和挑战](#编码练习和挑战)
- [当你临近面试时](#当你临近面试时)
- [你的简历](#你的简历)
- [当面试来临的时候](#当面试来临的时候)
- [问面试官的问题](#问面试官的问题)
- [当你获得了梦想的职位](#当你获得了梦想的职位)
---------------- Everything below this point is optional ----------------
---------------- 下面的内容是可选的 ----------------
- [Additional Learning](#additional-learning)
- [Unicode](#unicode)
@ -804,7 +804,7 @@
- 尾递归会更好么?
- [ ] [什么是尾递归以及为什么它如此糟糕?](https://www.quora.com/What-is-tail-recursion-Why-is-it-so-bad)
- [ ] [尾递归 (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1jjXGfxozc)
- ### 动态规划Dynamic Programming
- This subject can be pretty difficult, as each DP soluble problem must be defined as a recursion relation, and coming up with it can be tricky.
- 这一部分会有点困难,每个可以用动态规划解决的问题都必须先定义出递推关系,要推导出来可能会有点棘手。
@ -821,7 +821,7 @@
- [ ] [Simonson: 动态规划 II - 课程 12 (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1qiRwuJU7g&list=PLFDnELG9dpVxQCxuD-9BSy2E7BWY3t5Sm&index=12)
- [ ] 单独的 DP 问题 (每一个视频都很短):
[动态规划 (video)](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrmLmBdmIlpsHaNTPP_jHHDx_os9ItYXr)
- [ ] Yale 课程笔记:
- [ ] Yale 课程笔记:
- [ ] [动态规划](http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/aspnes/classes/223/notes.html#dynamicProgramming)
- [ ] Coursera 课程:
- [ ] [RNA 二级结构问题 (video)](https://www.coursera.org/learn/algorithmic-thinking-2/lecture/80RrW/the-rna-secondary-structure-problem)
@ -934,14 +934,14 @@
- [ ] [上下文切换操作会耗费多少时间?](http://blog.tsunanet.net/2010/11/how-long-does-it-take-to-make-context.html)
- [ ] [跨数据中心的事务 (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srOgpXECblk)
- [ ] [简明 CAP 理论介绍](http://ksat.me/a-plain-english-introduction-to-cap-theorem/)
- [ ] Paxos 一致性算法:
- [ ] Paxos 一致性算法:
- [时间很短](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8JqcZtvnsM)
- [用例 和 multi-paxos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEpsBg0AO6o)
- [论文](http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/lamport/pubs/paxos-simple.pdf)
- [ ] [一致性哈希](http://www.tom-e-white.com/2007/11/consistent-hashing.html)
- [ ] [NoSQL 模式](http://horicky.blogspot.com/2009/11/nosql-patterns.html)
- [ ] [OOSE: UML 2.0 系列 (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkC7HKtiZC0&list=PLGLfVvz_LVvQ5G-LdJ8RLqe-ndo7QITYc)
- [ ] OOSE: 使用 UML 和 Java 开发软件 (21 videos):
- [ ] OOSE: 使用 UML 和 Java 开发软件 (21 videos):
- 如果你对 OO 都深刻的理解和实践,可以跳过这部分。
- [OOSE: 使用 UML 和 Java 开发软件](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ9pm_Rc9HesnkwKlal_buSIHA-jTZMpO)
- [ ] 面向对象编程的 SOLID 原则:
@ -962,7 +962,7 @@
- [更多](http://docs.google.com/a/cleancoder.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BwhCYaYDn8EgMjdlMWIzNGUtZTQ0NC00ZjQ5LTkwYzQtZjRhMDRlNTQ3ZGMz&hl=en)
- [ ] 可伸缩性:
- [ ] [很棒的概述 (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W9F__D3oY4)
- [ ] 简短系列:
- [ ] 简短系列:
- [克隆](http://www.lecloud.net/post/7295452622/scalability-for-dummies-part-1-clones)
- [数据库](http://www.lecloud.net/post/7994751381/scalability-for-dummies-part-2-database)
- [缓存](http://www.lecloud.net/post/9246290032/scalability-for-dummies-part-3-cache)
@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@
## 终面
## 终面
@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@
#### 排序:
- [ ] 归并排序: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCae1WNvnZM
## 书籍
@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@
- [ ] [Cracking the Coding Interview, 6th Edition](http://www.amazon.com/Cracking-Coding-Interview-6th-Programming/dp/0984782850/)
- 如果你看到有人在看 "The Google Resume", 实际上它和 "Cracking the Coding Interview" 是同一个作者写的,而且后者是升级版。
### 附加书单
### 附加书单
这些没有被 Google 推荐阅读,不过我因为需要这些背景知识所以也把它们列在了这里。
@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@
### 如果你有时间
- [ ] [Introduction to Algorithms](https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Algorithms-3rd-MIT-Press/dp/0262033844)
- [ ] [Elements of Programming Interviews](https://www.amazon.com/Elements-Programming-Interviews-Insiders-Guide/dp/1479274836)
- 如果你希望在面试里用 C++ 写代码,这本书的代码全都是 C++ 写的
- 通常情况下能找到解决方案的好书.
@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@
随着下面列举的问题思考下你可能会遇到的 20 个面试问题
每个问题准备 2-3 种回答
- 你为什么想得到这份工作?
- 你解决过的最有难度的问题是什么?
- 面对过的最大挑战是什么?
@ -1276,49 +1276,49 @@
Everything below this point is optional. These are my recommendations, not Google's.
By studying these, you'll get greater exposure to more CS concepts, and will be better prepared for
any software engineering job.
下面的内容都是可选的。这些是我的推荐,不是 Google 的。
通过学习这些内容,你将会得到更多的有关 CS 的概念,并将为所有的软件工程工作做更好的准备。
## Additional Learning
## 附加的学习
- ### Unicode
- [ ] [The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets]( http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html)
- [ ] [What Every Programmer Absolutely, Positively Needs To Know About Encodings And Character Sets To Work With Text](http://kunststube.net/encoding/)
- [ ] [每一个软件开发者的绝对最低限度,必须要知道的关于 Unicode 和字符集知识]( http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html)
- [ ] [关于处理文本需要的编码和字符集, 每个程序员绝对需要知道的知识](http://kunststube.net/encoding/)
- ### Endianness
- [ ] [Big And Little Endian](https://www.cs.umd.edu/class/sum2003/cmsc311/Notes/Data/endian.html)
- [ ] [Big Endian Vs Little Endian (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrNF0KRAlyo)
- [ ] [Big And Little Endian Inside/Out (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBSuXP-1Tc0)
- Very technical talk for kernel devs. Don't worry if most is over your head.
- The first half is enough.
- ### 字节顺序
- [ ] [大、小端字节序](https://www.cs.umd.edu/class/sum2003/cmsc311/Notes/Data/endian.html)
- [ ] [大端字节 Vs 小端字节(视频)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrNF0KRAlyo)
- [ ] [大、小端字节序的里里外外(Big And Little Endian Inside/Out) (视频)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBSuXP-1Tc0)
- 内核开发者的讨论非常技术性,如果大多数都超出了你的理解范围,不要太担心。
- 前半段已经足够了。
- ### Emacs and vi(m)
- suggested by Yegge, from an old Amazon recruiting post: Familiarize yourself with a unix-based code editor
- Yegge 的建议,从一个很早以前的亚马逊招聘信息中而来:熟悉基于 unix 的代码编辑器
- vi(m):
- [Editing With vim 01 - Installation, Setup, and The Modes (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5givLEMcINQ&index=1&list=PL13bz4SHGmRxlZVmWQ9DvXo1fEg4UdGkr)
- [VIM Adventures](http://vim-adventures.com/)
- set of 4 videos:
- [The vi/vim editor - Lesson 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI8TeVMX8pk)
- [The vi/vim editor - Lesson 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3OO7ZIOaJE)
- [The vi/vim editor - Lesson 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYEccA_nMaI)
- [The vi/vim editor - Lesson 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lYD5gwgZIA)
- [Using Vi Instead of Emacs](http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/aspnes/classes/223/notes.html#Using_Vi_instead_of_Emacs)
- [使用 vim 进行编辑 01 - 安装, 设置和模式 (视频)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5givLEMcINQ&index=1&list=PL13bz4SHGmRxlZVmWQ9DvXo1fEg4UdGkr)
- [VIM 的冒险之旅](http://vim-adventures.com/)
- 4 个视频集:
- [vi/vim 编辑器 - 课程 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI8TeVMX8pk)
- [vi/vim 编辑器 - 课程 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3OO7ZIOaJE)
- [vi/vim 编辑器 - 课程 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lYD5gwgZIA)
- [vi/vim 编辑器 - 课程 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYEccA_nMaI)
- [使用 Vi 而不是 Emacs](http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/aspnes/classes/223/notes.html#Using_Vi_instead_of_Emacs)
- emacs:
- [Basics Emacs Tutorial (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbmV1bnQ-i0)
- set of 3 (videos):
- [Emacs Tutorial (Beginners) -Part 1- File commands, cut/copy/paste, cursor commands](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujODL7MD04Q)
- [Emacs Tutorial (Beginners) -Part 2- Buffer management, search, M-x grep and rgrep modes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWpsRupJ4II)
- [Emacs Tutorial (Beginners) -Part 3- Expressions, Statements, ~/.emacs file and packages](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paSgzPso-yc)
- [Evil Mode: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Emacs (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWD1Fpdd4Pc)
- [Writing C Programs With Emacs](http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/aspnes/classes/223/notes.html#Writing_C_programs_with_Emacs)
- [(maybe) Org Mode In Depth: Managing Structure (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsGYet02bEk)
- [基础 Emacs 教程 (视频)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbmV1bnQ-i0)
- 3 个视频集:
- [Emacs 教程 (初学者) -第 1 部分- 文件命令, 剪切/复制/粘贴, 自定义命令](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujODL7MD04Q)
- [Emacs 教程 (初学者 -第 2 部分- Buffer 管理, 搜索, M-x grep 和 rgrep 模式](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWpsRupJ4II)
- [Emacs 教程 (初学者 -第 3 部分- 表达式, 声明, ~/.emacs 文件和包机制](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paSgzPso-yc)
- [Evil 模式: 或许, 我是怎样对 Emacs 路人转粉的 (视频)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWD1Fpdd4Pc)
- [使用 Emacs 开发 C 程序](http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/aspnes/classes/223/notes.html#Writing_C_programs_with_Emacs)
- [(或许) 深度组织模式:管理结构 (视频)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsGYet02bEk)
- ### Unix 命令行工具
- 下列内容中的优秀工具由的 Yegge 推荐Yegge 目前致力于 Amazon 人事招聘处。
@ -1506,7 +1506,7 @@
- ### Math for Fast Processing
- [ ] [Integer Arithmetic, Karatsuba Multiplication (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCaXlAaN2uE&index=11&list=PLUl4u3cNGP61Oq3tWYp6V_F-5jb5L2iHb)
- [ ] [The Chinese Remainder Theorem (used in cryptography) (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ru7mWZJlRQg)
- ### Treap
- Combination of a binary search tree and a heap
- [ ] [Treap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treap)