finished editing translation file according to changes in original file

This commit is contained in:
Marlon Aviz 2017-04-01 12:29:10 -03:00
parent a616bbe65b
commit 09ad22ecdd
1 changed files with 114 additions and 119 deletions

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@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ Se você quer ser um engenheiro de confiabilidade ou engenheiro de sistemas, est
- [Por que usar?](#por-que-usar)
- [Como usar?](#como-usar)
- [Não ache que você não é inteligente o suficiente](#não-ache-que-você-não-é-inteligente-o-suficiente)
- [Sobre a Google](#sobre-a-google)
- [Sobre os recursos em vídeo](#sobre-os-recursos-em-vídeo)
- [Processo de Entrevista e Preparação Geral para a Entrevista](#processo-de-entrevista-e-preparação-geral-para-a-entrevista)
- [Escolha Uma Linguagem para a Entrevista](#escolha-uma-linguagem-para-a-entrevista)
@ -76,6 +75,11 @@ Se você quer ser um engenheiro de confiabilidade ou engenheiro de sistemas, est
- [Scheduling](#scheduling)
- [Implement system routines](#implement-system-routines)
- [String searching & manipulations](#string-searching--manipulations)
- [Tries](#tries)
- [Floating Point Numbers](#floating-point-numbers)
- [Unicode](#unicode)
- [Endianness](#endianness)
- [Networking](#networking)
- [System Design, Scalability, Data Handling](#system-design-scalability-data-handling) (if you have 4+ years experience)
- [Final Review](#final-review)
- [Coding Question Practice](#coding-question-practice)
@ -91,9 +95,6 @@ Se você quer ser um engenheiro de confiabilidade ou engenheiro de sistemas, est
- [Additional Books](#additional-books)
- [Additional Learning](#additional-learning)
- [Compilers](#compilers)
- [Floating Point Numbers](#floating-point-numbers)
- [Unicode](#unicode)
- [Endianness](#endianness)
- [Emacs and vi(m)](#emacs-and-vim)
- [Unix command line tools](#unix-command-line-tools)
- [Information theory](#information-theory)
@ -101,18 +102,17 @@ Se você quer ser um engenheiro de confiabilidade ou engenheiro de sistemas, est
- [Entropy](#entropy)
- [Cryptography](#cryptography)
- [Compression](#compression)
- [Networking](#networking) (if you have networking experience or want to be a systems engineer, expect questions)
- [Computer Security](#computer-security)
- [Garbage collection](#garbage-collection)
- [Parallel Programming](#parallel-programming)
- [Messaging, Serialization, and Queueing Systems](#messaging-serialization-and-queueing-systems)
- [A*](#a)
- [Fast Fourier Transform](#fast-fourier-transform)
- [Bloom Filter](#bloom-filter)
- [HyperLogLog](#hyperloglog)
- [Locality-Sensitive Hashing](#locality-sensitive-hashing)
- [van Emde Boas Trees](#van-emde-boas-trees)
- [Augmented Data Structures](#augmented-data-structures)
- [Tries](#tries)
- [N-ary (K-ary, M-ary) trees](#n-ary-k-ary-m-ary-trees)
- [Balanced search trees](#balanced-search-trees)
- AVL trees
@ -132,7 +132,6 @@ Se você quer ser um engenheiro de confiabilidade ou engenheiro de sistemas, est
- [Geometry, Convex hull](#geometry-convex-hull)
- [Discrete math](#discrete-math)
- [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
- [Go](#go)
- [Additional Detail on Some Subjects](#additional-detail-on-some-subjects)
- [Video Series](#video-series)
- [Computer Science Courses](#computer-science-courses)
@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ Eu estou usando a sintaxe de markdown especial do Github, incluindo listas de ta
`git checkout -b progress`
`git remote add jwasham`
`git remote add jwasham`
`git fetch --all`
@ -225,7 +224,6 @@ Você precisa estar confortável com a linguagem e ser bem informado.
Leia mais sobre as escolhas:
[Veja recursos de linguagens aqui](
@ -310,7 +308,7 @@ OU:
- por Goodrich, Tamassia, Goldwasser
- Eu adorei esse livro. Ele cobriu tudo e mais.
- Código pythonico.
- meu brilhante resumo:
- meu brilhante resumo:
### Livros Opcionais
@ -366,7 +364,7 @@ Assisti a horas de vídeos e fiz anotações e meses depois havia muito que eu n
Por favor, leia para que você não cometa os meus erros:
[Retaining Computer Science Knowledge](
[Retaining Computer Science Knowledge](
### 2. Use Flashcards
@ -402,7 +400,7 @@ Há um monte de distrações que podem ocupar um tempo valioso. Foco e concentra
## O que você não verá
Essa grande lista começou como uma "to-do list" pessoal feita a partir de anotações do treinamento de entrevistas da Google. Essas são tecnologias predominantes, mas que não foram mencionadas nessas anotações:
Essas são tecnologias predominantes, mas não são partes desse plano de estudo:
- Javascript
@ -793,17 +791,19 @@ Write code on a whiteboard or paper, not a computer. Test with some sample input
- [ ] [Randomization: Matrix Multiply, Quicksort, Freivalds' algorithm (video)](
- [ ] [Sorting in Linear Time (video)](
As a summary, here is a visual representation of [15 sorting algorithms](
If you need more detail on this subject, see "Sorting" section in [Additional Detail on Some Subjects](#additional-detail-on-some-subjects)
## Graphs
Graphs can be used to represent many problems in computer science, so this section is long, like trees and sorting were.
- Notes from Yegge:
- There are three basic ways to represent a graph in memory:
- Notes:
- There are 4 basic ways to represent a graph in memory:
- objects and pointers
- matrix
- adjacency matrix
- adjacency list
- adjacency map
- Familiarize yourself with each representation and its pros & cons
- BFS and DFS - know their computational complexity, their tradeoffs, and how to implement them in real code
- When asked a question, look for a graph-based solution first, then move on if none.
@ -834,13 +834,6 @@ Graphs can be used to represent many problems in computer science, so this secti
- Full Coursera Course:
- [ ] [Algorithms on Graphs (video)](
- Yegge: If you get a chance, try to study up on fancier algorithms:
- [ ] Dijkstra's algorithm - see above - 6.006
- [ ] A*
- [ ] [A Search Algorithm](*_search_algorithm)
- [ ] [A* Pathfinding Tutorial (video)](
- [ ] [A* Pathfinding (E01: algorithm explanation) (video)](
- I'll implement:
- [ ] DFS with adjacency list (recursive)
- [ ] DFS with adjacency list (iterative with stack)
@ -873,7 +866,6 @@ Você ganhará mais prática com gráficos no livro do Skiena (veja a seção de
- [ ] [Tail Recursion (video)](
- ### Dynamic Programming
- **NOTE:** DP is a valuable technique, but it is not mentioned on any of the prep material Google provides. But you could get a problem where DP provides an optimal solution. So I'm including it.
- This subject can be pretty difficult, as each DP soluble problem must be defined as a recursion relation, and coming up with it can be tricky.
- I suggest looking at many examples of DP problems until you have a solid understanding of the pattern involved.
- [ ] vídeos:
@ -909,7 +901,7 @@ Você ganhará mais prática com gráficos no livro do Skiena (veja a seção de
- [ ] [SOLID Principles (video)](
- [ ] S - [Single Responsibility Principle]( | [Single responsibility to each Object](
- [more flavor](
- [ ] O - [Open/Closed Principal]( | [On production level Objects are ready for extension for not for modification](
- [ ] O - [Open/Closed Principal]( | [On production level Objects are ready for extension for not for modification](
- [more flavor](
- [ ] L - [Liskov Substitution Principal]( | [Base Class and Derived class follow IS A principal](
- [more flavor](
@ -947,6 +939,7 @@ Você ganhará mais prática com gráficos no livro do Skiena (veja a seção de
- [ ] [Head First Design Patterns](
- I know the canonical book is "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software", but Head First is great for beginners to OO.
- [ ] [Handy reference: 101 Design Patterns & Tips for Developers](
- [ ] [Design patterns for humans](
- ### Combinatorics (n choose k) & Probability
- [ ] [Math Skills: How to find Factorial, Permutation and Combination (Choose) (video)](
@ -1007,6 +1000,9 @@ Você ganhará mais prática com gráficos no livro do Skiena (veja a seção de
- livelock
- CPU activity, interrupts, context switching
- Modern concurrency constructs with multicore processors
- [Paging, segmentation and virtual memory (video)](
- [Interrupts (video)](
- [Scheduling (video)](
- Process resource needs (memory: code, static storage, stack, heap, and also file descriptors, i/o)
- Thread resource needs (shares above (minus stack) with other threads in the same process but each has its own pc, stack counter, registers, and stack)
- Forking is really copy on write (read-only) until the new process writes to memory, then it does a full copy.
@ -1023,11 +1019,10 @@ Você ganhará mais prática com gráficos no livro do Skiena (veja a seção de
- [ ] [Mutex in Python](
- ### Papers
- These are Google papers and well-known papers.
- Reading all from end to end with full comprehension will likely take more time than you have. I recommend being selective on papers and their sections.
- [Love classic papers?](
- [ ] [1978: Communicating Sequential Processes](
- [implemented in Go](
- [Love classic papers?](
- [ ] [2003: The Google File System](
- replaced by Colossus in 2012
- [ ] [2004: MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters](
@ -1035,7 +1030,9 @@ Você ganhará mais prática com gráficos no livro do Skiena (veja a seção de
- [ ] [2006: Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data](
- [An Inside Look at Google BigQuery](
- [ ] [2006: The Chubby Lock Service for Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systems](
- [ ] [2007: What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory (very long, and the author encourages skipping of some sections)](
- [ ] [2007: Dynamo: Amazons Highly Available Key-value Store](
- The Dynamo paper kicked off the NoSQL revolution
- [ ] [2007: What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory (very long, and the author encourages skipping of some sections)](
- [ ] [2010: Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure](
- [ ] [2010: Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale Datasets](
- [ ] [2012: Google's Colossus](
@ -1065,7 +1062,7 @@ Você ganhará mais prática com gráficos no livro do Skiena (veja a seção de
- [slides](
- [ ] [TDD is dead. Long live testing.](
- [ ] [Is TDD dead? (video)](
- [ ] [video series (152 videos) - not all are needed (video)](
- [ ] [Video series (152 videos) - not all are needed (video)](
- [ ] [Test-Driven Web Development with Python](
- [ ] Dependency injection:
- [ ] [video](
@ -1089,17 +1086,65 @@ Você ganhará mais prática com gráficos no livro do Skiena (veja a seção de
- [ ] [4. Boyer-Moore](
- [ ] [5. Rabin-Karp](
- [ ] [Search pattern in text (video)](
If you need more detail on this subject, see "String Matching" section in [Additional Detail on Some Subjects](#additional-detail-on-some-subjects)
- ### Tries
- Note there are different kinds of tries. Some have prefixes, some don't, and some use string instead of bits
to track the path.
- I read through code, but will not implement.
- [ ] [Sedgewick - Tries (3 videos)](
- [ ] [1. R Way Tries](
- [ ] [2. Ternary Search Tries](
- [ ] [3. Character Based Operations](
- [ ] [Notes on Data Structures and Programming Techniques](
- [ ] Short course videos:
- [ ] [Introduction To Tries (video)](
- [ ] [Performance Of Tries (video)](
- [ ] [Implementing A Trie (video)](
- [ ] [The Trie: A Neglected Data Structure](
- [ ] [TopCoder - Using Tries](
- [ ] [Stanford Lecture (real world use case) (video)](
- [ ] [MIT, Advanced Data Structures, Strings (can get pretty obscure about halfway through)](
- ### Floating Point Numbers
- [ ] simple 8-bit: [Representation of Floating Point Numbers - 1 (video - there is an error in calculations - see video description)](
- [ ] 32 bit: [IEEE754 32-bit floating point binary (video)](
- ### Unicode
- [ ] [The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets](
- [ ] [What Every Programmer Absolutely, Positively Needs To Know About Encodings And Character Sets To Work With Text](
- ### Endianness
- [ ] [Big And Little Endian](
- [ ] [Big Endian Vs Little Endian (video)](
- [ ] [Big And Little Endian Inside/Out (video)](
- Very technical talk for kernel devs. Don't worry if most is over your head.
- The first half is enough.
- ### Networking
- **if you have networking experience or want to be a systems engineer, expect questions**
- otherwise, this is just good to know
- [ ] [Khan Academy](
- [ ] [UDP and TCP: Comparison of Transport Protocols](
- [ ] [TCP/IP and the OSI Model Explained!](
- [ ] [Packet Transmission across the Internet. Networking & TCP/IP tutorial.](
- [ ] [HTTP](
- [ ] [SSL and HTTPS](
- [ ] [SSL/TLS](
- [ ] [HTTP 2.0](
- [ ] [Video Series (21 videos)](
- [ ] [Subnetting Demystified - Part 5 CIDR Notation](
- [ ] Sockets:
- [ ] [Java - Sockets - Introduction (video)](
- [ ] [Socket Programming (video)](
## System Design, Scalability, Data Handling
- **You can expect system design questions if you have 4+ years of experience.**
- Scalability and System Design are very large topics with many topics and resources, since
there is a lot to consider when designing a software/hardware system that can scale.
- Scalability and System Design are very large topics with many topics and resources, since
there is a lot to consider when designing a software/hardware system that can scale.
Expect to spend quite a bit of time on this.
- Considerations from Yegge:
- Considerations:
- scalability
- Distill large data sets to single values
- Transform one data set to another
@ -1166,7 +1211,7 @@ Você ganhará mais prática com gráficos no livro do Skiena (veja a seção de
- [ ] [A Patreon Architecture Short](
- [ ] [Tinder: How Does One Of The Largest Recommendation Engines Decide Who You'll See Next?](
- [ ] [Design Of A Modern Cache](
- [ ] [Live video Streaming At Facebook Scale](
- [ ] [Live Video Streaming At Facebook Scale](
- [ ] [A Beginner's Guide To Scaling To 11 Million+ Users On Amazon's AWS](
- [ ] [How Does The Use Of Docker Effect Latency?](
- [ ] [Does AMP Counter An Existential Threat To Google?](
@ -1175,7 +1220,7 @@ Você ganhará mais prática com gráficos no livro do Skiena (veja a seção de
- [ ] [Serverless (very long, just need the gist)](
- [ ] [What Powers Instagram: Hundreds of Instances, Dozens of Technologies](
- [ ] [Cinchcast Architecture - Producing 1,500 Hours Of Audio Every Day](
- [ ] [Justin.Tv's Live video Broadcasting Architecture](
- [ ] [Justin.Tv's Live Video Broadcasting Architecture](
- [ ] [Playfish's Social Gaming Architecture - 50 Million Monthly Users And Growing](
- [ ] [TripAdvisor Architecture - 40M Visitors, 200M Dynamic Page Views, 30TB Data](
- [ ] [PlentyOfFish Architecture](
@ -1185,10 +1230,10 @@ Você ganhará mais prática com gráficos no livro do Skiena (veja a seção de
- [ ] Twitter:
- [O'Reilly MySQL CE 2011: Jeremy Cole, "Big and Small Data at @Twitter" (video)](
- [Timelines at Scale](
- For even more, see "Mining Massive Datasets" video series in the video Series section.
- For even more, see "Mining Massive Datasets" video series in the Video Series section.
- [ ] Practicing the system design process: Here are some ideas to try working through on paper, each with some documentation on how it was handled in the real world:
- review: [System Design from HiredInTech](
- [cheat sheet](
- [cheat sheet](
- flow:
1. Understand the problem and scope:
- define the use cases, with interviewer's help
@ -1222,14 +1267,14 @@ Você ganhará mais prática com gráficos no livro do Skiena (veja a seção de
## Final Review
Essa seção terá vídeos mais curtos que você pode assistir rapidamente para revisar a maioria dos conceitos importantes.
É legal se você quiser dar uma refrescada na memória.
This section will have shorter videos that you can watch pretty quickly to review most of the important concepts.
It's nice if you want a refresher often.
- [ ] Series of 2-3 minutes short subject videos (23 videos)
- [videos](
- [Videos](
- [ ] Series of 2-5 minutes short subject videos - Michael Sambol (18 videos):
- [videos](
- [ ] [Sedgewick videos - Algorithms I](
- [Videos](
- [ ] [Sedgewick Videos - Algorithms I](
- [ ] [01. Union-Find](
- [ ] [02. Analysis of Algorithms](
- [ ] [03. Stacks and Queues](
@ -1241,7 +1286,7 @@ Você ganhará mais prática com gráficos no livro do Skiena (veja a seção de
- [ ] [09. Balanced Search Trees](
- [ ] [10. Geometric Applications of BST](
- [ ] [11. Hash Tables](
- [ ] [Sedgewick videos - Algorithms II](
- [ ] [Sedgewick Videos - Algorithms II](
- [ ] [01. Undirected Graphs](
- [ ] [02. Directed Graphs](
- [ ] [03. Minimum Spanning Trees](
@ -1273,11 +1318,9 @@ Why you need to practice doing programming problems:
- testing your solutions
There is a great intro for methodical, communicative problem solving in an interview. You'll get this from the programming
interview livros, too, but I found this outstanding:
interview books, too, but I found this outstanding:
[Algorithm design canvas](
[My Process for Coding Interview (Book) Exercises](
No whiteboard at home? That makes sense. I'm a weirdo and have a big whiteboard. Instead of a whiteboard, pick up a
large drawing pad from an art store. You can sit on the couch and practice. This is my "sofa whiteboard".
I added the pen in the photo for scale. If you use a pen, you'll wish you could erase. Gets messy quick.
@ -1308,6 +1351,10 @@ Take coding challenges every day, as many as you can.
- [ ] [How to Find a Solution](
- [ ] [How to Dissect a Topcoder Problem Statement](
Coding Interview Question Videos:
- [IDeserve (88 videos)](
- [Tushar Roy (5 playlists)](
Challenge sites:
- [LeetCode](
- [TopCoder](
@ -1318,9 +1365,12 @@ Challenge sites:
- [InterviewCake](
- [Geeks for Geeks](
- [InterviewBit](
- [Sphere Online Judge (spoj)](
- [Mock interviewers from big companies](
Mock Interviews:
- [ Mock interviewers from big companies](
- [Pramp: Mock interviews from/with peers](
- [Refdash: Mock interviews](
## Once you're closer to the interview
@ -1331,7 +1381,6 @@ Maybe:
## Your Resume
- [Ten Tips for a (Slightly) Less Awful Resume](
- See Resume prep items in Cracking The Coding Interview and back of Programming Interviews Exposed
@ -1344,7 +1393,7 @@ Have a story, not just data, about something you accomplished.
- What's a tough problem you've solved?
- Biggest challenges faced?
- Best/worst designs seen?
- Ideas for improving an existing Google product.
- Ideas for improving an existing product.
- How do you work best, as an individual and as part of a team?
- Which of your skills or experiences would be assets in the role and why?
- What did you most enjoy at [job x / project y]?
@ -1371,8 +1420,6 @@ Have a story, not just data, about something you accomplished.
- [10 things I wish I knew on my first day at Google](
Keep learning.
You're never really done.
@ -1382,7 +1429,7 @@ You're never really done.
Everything below this point is optional. These are my recommendations, not Google's.
Everything below this point is optional.
By studying these, you'll get greater exposure to more CS concepts, and will be better prepared for
any software engineering job. You'll be a much more well-rounded software engineer.
@ -1391,7 +1438,7 @@ You're never really done.
## Livros Adicionais
## Additional Books
- [ ] [The Unix Programming Environment](
- an oldie but a goodie
@ -1403,35 +1450,21 @@ You're never really done.
- [ ] [Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software](
- aka the "Gang Of Four" book, or GOF
- the canonical design patterns book
- [ ] [Site Reliability Engineering](
- [Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems](
- [ ] [UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook, 4th Edition](
## Additional Learning
These topics will likely not come up in an interview, but I added them to help you become a well-rounded
software engineer, and to be aware of certain technologies and algorithms, so you'll have a bigger toolbox.
- ### Compilers
- [ ] [How a Compiler Works in ~1 minute (video)](
- [ ] [Harvard CS50 - Compilers (video)](
- [ ] [C++ (video)](
- [ ] [Understanding Compiler Optimization (C++) (video)](
- ### Floating Point Numbers
- [ ] simple 8-bit: [Representation of Floating Point Numbers - 1 (video - there is an error in calculations - see video description)](
- [ ] 32 bit: [IEEE754 32-bit floating point binary (video)](
- ### Unicode
- [ ] [The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets](
- [ ] [What Every Programmer Absolutely, Positively Needs To Know About Encodings And Character Sets To Work With Text](
- ### Endianness
- [ ] [Big And Little Endian](
- [ ] [Big Endian Vs Little Endian (video)](
- [ ] [Big And Little Endian Inside/Out (video)](
- Very technical talk for kernel devs. Don't worry if most is over your head.
- The first half is enough.
- ### Emacs and vi(m)
- suggested by Yegge, from an old Amazon recruiting post: Familiarize yourself with a unix-based code editor
- Familiarize yourself with a unix-based code editor
- vi(m):
- [Editing With vim 01 - Installation, Setup, and The Modes (video)](
- [VIM Adventures](
@ -1452,7 +1485,7 @@ You're never really done.
- [(maybe) Org Mode In Depth: Managing Structure (video)](
- ### Unix command line tools
- suggested by Yegge, from an old Amazon recruiting post. I filled in the list below from good tools.
- I filled in the list below from good tools.
- [ ] bash
- [ ] cat
- [ ] grep
@ -1505,20 +1538,6 @@ You're never really done.
- [ ] [Compressor Head videos](
- [ ] [(optional) Google Developers Live: GZIP is not enough!](
- ### Networking
- **if you have networking experience or want to be a systems engineer, expect questions**
- otherwise, this is just good to know
- [ ] [Khan Academy](
- [ ] [UDP and TCP: Comparison of Transport Protocols](
- [ ] [TCP/IP and the OSI Model Explained!](
- [ ] [Packet Transmission across the Internet. Networking & TCP/IP tutorial.](
- [ ] [HTTP](
- [ ] [SSL and HTTPS](
- [ ] [SSL/TLS](
- [ ] [HTTP 2.0](
- [ ] [video Series (21 videos)](
- [ ] [Subnetting Demystified - Part 5 CIDR Notation](
- ### Computer Security
- [MIT (23 videos)](
- [ ] [Introduction, Threat Models](
@ -1567,6 +1586,11 @@ You're never really done.
- [ ] [MessagePack](
- [ ] [Avro](
- ### A*
- [ ] [A Search Algorithm](*_search_algorithm)
- [ ] [A* Pathfinding Tutorial (video)](
- [ ] [A* Pathfinding (E01: algorithm explanation) (video)](
- ### Fast Fourier Transform
- [ ] [An Interactive Guide To The Fourier Transform](
- [ ] [What is a Fourier transform? What is it used for?](
@ -1596,24 +1620,6 @@ You're never really done.
- ### Augmented Data Structures
- [ ] [CS 61B Lecture 39: Augmenting Data Structures](
- ### Tries
- Note there are different kinds of tries. Some have prefixes, some don't, and some use string instead of bits
to track the path.
- I read through code, but will not implement.
- [ ] [Sedgewick - Tries (3 videos)](
- [ ] [1. R Way Tries](
- [ ] [2. Ternary Search Tries](
- [ ] [3. Character Based Operations](
- [ ] [Notes on Data Structures and Programming Techniques](
- [ ] Short course videos:
- [ ] [Introduction To Tries (video)](
- [ ] [Performance Of Tries (video)](
- [ ] [Implementing A Trie (video)](
- [ ] [The Trie: A Neglected Data Structure](
- [ ] [TopCoder - Using Tries](
- [ ] [Stanford Lecture (real world use case) (video)](
- [ ] [MIT, Advanced Data Structures, Strings (can get pretty obscure about halfway through)](
- ### Balanced search trees
- Know least one type of balanced binary tree (and know how it's implemented):
- "Among balanced search trees, AVL and 2/3 trees are now passé, and red-black trees seem to be more popular.
@ -1648,7 +1654,7 @@ You're never really done.
- [ ] [CS 61B: Splay Trees (video)](
- [ ] MIT Lecture: Splay Trees:
- Gets very mathy, but watch the last 10 minutes for sure.
- [video](
- [Video](
- [ ] **Red/black trees**
- these are a translation of a 2-3 tree (see below)
@ -1769,23 +1775,13 @@ You're never really done.
- [Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree](
- [Metis Online Course ($99 for 2 months)](
- Resources:
- Livros:
- Books:
- [Python Machine Learning](
- [Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python](
- [Introduction to Machine Learning with Python](
- [Machine Learning for Software Engineers](
- Data School:
- ### Go
- [ ] videos:
- [ ] [Why Learn Go?](
- [ ] [Go Programming](
- [ ] [A Tour of Go](
- [ ] Livros:
- [ ] [An Introduction to Programming in Go (read free online)](
- [ ] [The Go Programming Language (Donovan & Kernighan)](
- [ ] [Bootcamp](
## Additional Detail on Some Subjects
@ -1925,5 +1921,4 @@ Sit back and enjoy. "Netflix and skill" :P
## Computer Science Courses
- [Directory of Online CS Courses](
- [Directory of CS Courses (many with online lectures)](
- [Directory of CS Courses (many with online lectures)](