Writes a Python script to read, parse YAML and insert markdown to readme

This commit is contained in:
Alicia Sykes 2024-02-25 15:28:27 +00:00
parent 6a6ba907fc
commit 24e59790d0
2 changed files with 147 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
Reads app list from awesome-privacy.yml,
formats into markdown, and inserts into README.md
import os
import re
import yaml
import logging
from urllib.parse import urlparse
# Configure Logging
LOG_LEVEL = os.environ.get("LOG_LEVEL", "INFO").upper()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Determine the project root based on the script's location
project_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
app_list_file_path = os.path.join(project_root, 'awesome-privacy.yml')
readme_path = os.path.join(project_root, '.github/README.md')
# Read the main YAML file, where all data lives
logger.info("Reading the awesome-privacy file...")
with open(app_list_file_path, 'r') as file:
data = yaml.safe_load(file)
def iconElement(serviceUrl, serviceIcon):
path = serviceIcon or f"https://icon.horse/icon/{urlparse(serviceUrl).netloc}"
return f"<img src='{path}' width='{icon_size}' height='{icon_size}' alt='icon' />"
def repoElement(repoUrl):
if not repoUrl:
return ""
return (
f"\t- [![GitHub: {repoUrl}](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/{repoUrl}"
def makeHref(text):
if not text: return "#"
return re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', text.lower()).replace(" ", "-")
def makeContents():
contents = "## Contents\n\n"
for category in data.get('categories'):
contents += f"- **{category.get('name')}**"
for section in category.get('sections'):
contents += (
f"\n\t- [{section.get('name')}](#{makeHref(section.get('name'))}) "
f"({len(section.get('services') or [])})"
contents += "\n"
return contents
def makeAwesomePrivacy():
markdown = ""
for category in data.get('categories'):
markdown += f"## {category.get('name')}\n\n"
for section in category.get('sections'):
markdown += f"### {section.get('name')}\n\n"
# Add intro
if section.get('intro'):
markdown += f"{section.get('intro')}\n"
# No services yet
if not section.get('services') or len(section.get('services')) == 0:
markdown += (
"<p align=\"center\">"
"<b>⚠️ This section is still a work in progress ⚠️</b><br />"
"<i>Check back soon, or help us complete it by submitting a pull request</i>"
# For each service, list it's name, icon, url, and description
for app in section.get('services') or []:
markdown += (
f"- **[{iconElement(app.get('url'), app.get('icon'))} {app.get('name')}]"
f"({app.get('url')})** - {app.get('description')} "
markdown += "\n"
# If word of warning exists, append it
if section.get('wordOfWarning'):
markdown += "<details>\n<summary>⚠️ <b>Word of Warning</b></summary>\n\n"
markdown += f"> {section.get('wordOfWarning')}\n\n"
markdown += "</details>\n\n"
# If notable mentions exists, append it (either as a list or a single string)
if section.get('notableMentions'):
markdown += "<details>\n<summary>✳️ <b>Notable Mentions</b></summary>\n\n"
if isinstance(section.get('notableMentions'), list):
for mention in section.get('notableMentions'):
markdown += f"> - [{mention.get('name')}]({mention.get('url')})" + (
f" - {mention.get('description')}" if mention.get('description') else "\n"
notable_mentions = section.get('notableMentions').replace('\n', '\n> ')
markdown += f"> {notable_mentions}"
markdown += "</details>\n\n"
# If further info exists, append it
if section.get('furtherInfo'):
markdown += "<details>\n<summary> <b>Further Info</b></summary>\n\n"
markdown += f"> {section.get('furtherInfo')}"
markdown += "</details>\n\n"
markdown += "<p align=\"right\"><sup><a href=\"#top\">⬆️ [Back to Top]</a></sub></p>\n"
markdown += "\n---\n\n"
return markdown
awesome_privacy_results = makeContents() + makeAwesomePrivacy()
# Update the README.md between markers
logger.info("Reading README.md file...")
with open(readme_path, 'r') as file:
readme_content = file.read()
def update_content_between_markers(content, start_marker, end_marker, new_content):
logger.info(f"Updating content between {start_marker} and {end_marker} markers...")
start_index = content.find(start_marker)
end_index = content.find(end_marker)
if start_index != -1 and end_index != -1:
before_section = content[:start_index + len(start_marker)]
after_section = content[end_index:]
updated_content = before_section + '\n' + new_content + after_section
return updated_content
logger.error(f"Markers {start_marker} and {end_marker} not found.")
return content
# Update guides and resources in README.md
readme_content = update_content_between_markers(
"<!-- awesome-privacy-start -->",
"<!-- awesome-privacy-end -->",
# Write back the updated content to README.md
logger.info("Writing back to README.md...")
with open(readme_path, 'w') as file:
# All done. Time to go home for tea and medals.
logger.info("Script completed successfully!")

lib/requirements.txt Normal file
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