To remove the DRM of Kindle ebooks from eInk Kindles, eReader pdb ebooks, Barnes & Noble ePubs, or Mobipocket ebooks, you must first run DeDRM application (by double-clicking it) and set some additional Preferences including:\
A final preference is the destination folder for the DRM-free copies of your ebooks that the application produces. This can be either the same folder as the original ebook, or a folder of your choice.\
\i0 first install Python 2.7.3 from At the time of writing, the direct download link is\
Drag the DeDRM application from from the DeDRM_Application_Macintosh folder (the location of this ReadMe) to your Applications folder, or anywhere else you find convenient.\
\b0 \cf0 A log is created on your desktop (DeDRM.log) containing detailed information from all the scripts. If you have any problems decrypting your ebooks, copy the contents of this log in a comment at Apprentice Alf's blog.\
\b0 \cf0 The mobidedrm and erdr2pml scripts were created by The Dark Reverser\
The i
\f1 \CocoaLigature0 gnobleepub, ignoblekeygen, ineptepub and adobe key scripts were created by
\f0 \CocoaLigature1 i
\f2 \CocoaLigature0 \uc0\u9829
\f1 cabbages\
The k4mobidedrm script and supporting scripts were written by some_updates with help from DiapDealer and Apprentice Alf, based on code by Bart Simpson (aka Skindle), CMBDTC and clarknova \
The alfcrypto library was created by some_updates\
The ePub encryption detection script was adapted by Apprentice Alf from a script by Paul Durrant\
The DeDRM all-in-one AppleScript was created by Apprentice Alf\