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2015-03-08 03:18:50 +06:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Updated September 2013 by Anon
# Version 2.01
# Incorporated minor fixes posted at Apprentice Alf's.
# Updates July 2012 by Michael Newton
# PWSD ID is no longer a MAC address, but should always
# be stored in the registry. Script now works with OS X
# and checks plist for values instead of registry. Must
# have biplist installed for OS X support.
# This app was made for Python 2.7 on Windows 32-bit
# This app needs pycrypto - get from here:
# Usage:
# Choose the book you want to decrypt
# Shouts to my krew - you know who you are - and one in
# particular who gave me a lot of help with this - thank
# you so much!
# Kopimi /K\
# Keep sharing, keep copying, but remember that nothing is
# for free - make sure you compensate your favorite
# authors - and cut out the middle man whenever possible
# ;) ;) ;)
# The Kobo DRM was incredibly easy to crack, but it took
# me months to get around to making this. Here's the
# basics of how it works:
# 1: Get MAC address of first NIC in ipconfig (sometimes
# stored in registry as pwsdid)
# 2: Get user ID (stored in tons of places, this gets it
# from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Kobo\Kobo Desktop
# Edition\Browser\cookies)
# 3: Concatenate and SHA256, take the second half - this
# is your master key
# 4: Open %LOCALAPPDATA%\Kobo Desktop Editions\Kobo.sqlite
# and dump content_keys
# 5: Unbase64 the keys, then decode these with the master
# key - these are your page keys
# 6: Unzip EPUB of your choice, decrypt each page with its
# page key, then zip back up again
# Inept works very well, but authors on Kobo can choose
# what DRM they want to use - and some have chosen not to
# let people download them with Adobe Digital Editions -
# they would rather lock you into a single platform.
# With Obok, you can sync Kobo Desktop, decrypt all your
# ebooks, and then use them on whatever device you want
# - you bought them, you own them, you can do what you
# like with them.
# Obok is Kobo backwards, but it is also means "next to"
# in Polish.
# When you buy a real book, it is right next to you. You
# can read it at home, at work, on a train, you can lend
# it to a friend, you can scribble on it, and add your own
# explanations/translations.
# Obok gives you this power over your ebooks - no longer
# are you restricted to one device. This allows you to
# embed foreign fonts into your books, as older Kobo's
# can't display them properly. You can read your books
# on your phones, in different PC readers, and different
# ereader devices. You can share them with your friends
# too, if you like - you can do that with a real book
# after all.
Decrypt Kobo encrypted EPUB books.
import os
import sys
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
import _winreg
elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
from biplist import readPlist
import re
import string
import hashlib
import sqlite3
import base64
import binascii
import zipfile
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
def SHA256(raw):
return hashlib.sha256(raw).hexdigest()
def RemoveAESPadding(contents):
lastchar = binascii.b2a_hex(contents[-1:])
strlen = int(lastchar, 16)
padding = strlen
if(strlen == 1):
return contents[:-1]
if(strlen < 16):
for i in range(strlen):
testchar = binascii.b2a_hex(contents[-strlen:-(strlen-1)])
if(testchar != lastchar):
padding = 0
if(padding > 0):
contents = contents[:-padding]
return contents
def GetVolumeKeys(dbase, enc):
volumekeys = {}
for row in dbase.execute("SELECT * from content_keys"):
if(row[0] not in volumekeys):
volumekeys[row[0]] = {}
volumekeys[row[0]][row[1]] = {}
volumekeys[row[0]][row[1]]["encryptedkey"] = base64.b64decode(row[2])
volumekeys[row[0]][row[1]]["decryptedkey"] = enc.decrypt(volumekeys[row[0]][row[1]]["encryptedkey"])
# get book name
for key in volumekeys.keys():
volumekeys[key]["title"] = dbase.execute("SELECT Title from content where ContentID = '%s'" % (key)).fetchone()[0]
return volumekeys
def ByteArrayToString(bytearr):
wincheck = re.match("@ByteArray\\((.+)\\)", bytearr)
if wincheck:
return bytearr
def GetUserHexKey(prefs = ""):
"find wsuid and pwsdid"
wsuid = ""
pwsdid = ""
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
regkey_browser = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Kobo\\Kobo Desktop Edition\\Browser")
cookies = _winreg.QueryValueEx(regkey_browser, "cookies")
bytearrays = cookies[0]
elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
cookies = readPlist(prefs)
bytearrays = cookies["Browser.cookies"]
for bytearr in bytearrays:
cookie = ByteArrayToString(bytearr)
print cookie
wsuidcheck = re.match("^wsuid=([0-9a-f-]+)", cookie)
wsuid =
pwsdidcheck = re.match("^pwsdid=([0-9a-f-]+)", cookie)
if (pwsdidcheck):
pwsdid =
if(wsuid == "" or pwsdid == ""):
print "wsuid or pwsdid key not found :/"
preuserkey = string.join((pwsdid, wsuid), "")
print SHA256(pwsdid)
userkey = SHA256(preuserkey)
return userkey[32:]
# get dirs
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
delim = "\\"
if (sys.getwindowsversion().major > 5):
kobodir = string.join((os.environ['LOCALAPPDATA'], "Kobo\\Kobo Desktop Edition"), delim)
kobodir = string.join((os.environ['USERPROFILE'], "Local Settings\\Application Data\\Kobo\\Kobo Desktop Edition"), delim)
prefs = ""
elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
delim = "/"
kobodir = string.join((os.environ['HOME'], "Library/Application Support/Kobo/Kobo Desktop Edition"), delim)
prefs = string.join((os.environ['HOME'], "Library/Preferences/com.kobo.Kobo Desktop Edition.plist"), delim)
sqlitefile = string.join((kobodir, "Kobo.sqlite"), delim)
bookdir = string.join((kobodir, "kepub"), delim)
# get key
userkeyhex = GetUserHexKey(prefs)
# load into AES
userkey = binascii.a2b_hex(userkeyhex)
enc =, AES.MODE_ECB)
# open sqlite
conn = sqlite3.connect(sqlitefile)
dbcursor = conn.cursor()
# get volume keys
volumekeys = GetVolumeKeys(dbcursor, enc)
# choose a volumeID
volumeid = ""
print "Choose a book to decrypt:"
i = 1
for key in volumekeys.keys():
print "%d: %s" % (i, volumekeys[key]["title"])
i += 1
num = input("...")
i = 1
for key in volumekeys.keys():
if(i == num):
volumeid = key
i += 1
if(volumeid == ""):
zippath = string.join((bookdir, volumeid), delim)
z = zipfile.ZipFile(zippath, "r")
# make filename out of Unicode alphanumeric and whitespace equivalents from title
outname = "%s.epub" % (re.sub("[^\s\w]", "", volumekeys[volumeid]["title"], 0, re.UNICODE))
zout = zipfile.ZipFile(outname, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
for filename in z.namelist():
#print filename
# read in and decrypt
if(filename in volumekeys[volumeid]):
# do decrypted version
pagekey = volumekeys[volumeid][filename]["decryptedkey"]
penc =, AES.MODE_ECB)
contents = RemoveAESPadding(penc.decrypt(
# need to fix padding
zout.writestr(filename, contents)
print "Book saved as %s%s%s" % (os.getcwd(), delim, outname)