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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import with_statement
# ignobleepub.pyw, version 3.6
# Copyright © 2009-2012 by DiapDealer et al.
# engine to remove drm from Kindle for Mac and Kindle for PC books
# for personal use for archiving and converting your ebooks
# We want all authors and publishers, and eBook stores to live
# long and prosperous lives but at the same time we just want to
# be able to read OUR books on whatever device we want and to keep
# readable for a long, long time
# This borrows very heavily from works by CMBDTC, IHeartCabbages, skindle,
# unswindle, DarkReverser, ApprenticeAlf, DiapDealer, some_updates
# and many many others
# Special thanks to The Dark Reverser for MobiDeDrm and CMBDTC for cmbdtc_dump
# from which this script borrows most unashamedly.
# Changelog
# 1.0 - Name change to k4mobidedrm. Adds Mac support, Adds plugin code
# 1.1 - Adds support for additional files
# 1.2 - Better error handling for older Mobipocket
# 1.3 - Don't try to decrypt Topaz books
# 1.7 - Add support for Topaz books and Kindle serial numbers. Split code.
# 1.9 - Tidy up after Topaz, minor exception changes
# 2.1 - Topaz fix and filename sanitizing
# 2.2 - Topaz Fix and minor Mac code fix
# 2.3 - More Topaz fixes
# 2.4 - K4PC/Mac key generation fix
# 2.6 - Better handling of non-K4PC/Mac ebooks
# 2.7 - Better trailing bytes handling in mobidedrm
# 2.8 - Moved parsing of files to mac & pc util files.
# 3.1 - Updated for new calibre interface. Now __init__ in plugin.
# 3.5 - Now support Kindle for PC/Mac 1.6
# 3.6 - Even better trailing bytes handling in mobidedrm
# 3.7 - Add support for Amazon Print Replica ebooks.
# 3.8 - Improved Topaz support
# 4.1 - Improved Topaz support and faster decryption with alfcrypto
# 4.2 - Added support for Amazon's KF8 format ebooks
# 4.4 - Linux calls to Wine added, and improved configuration dialog
# 4.5 - Linux works again without Wine. Some Mac key file search changes
# 4.6 - First attempt to handle unicode properly
# 4.7 - Added timing reports, and changed search for Mac key files
# 4.8 - Much better unicode handling, matching the updated inept and ignoble scripts
# - Moved back into plugin, __init__ in plugin now only contains plugin code.
__version__ = '4.8'
import sys, os, re
import csv
import getopt
import re
2011-10-28 12:24:15 +06:00
import traceback
2012-11-20 19:28:12 +06:00
import time
import htmlentitydefs
class DrmException(Exception):
if 'calibre' in sys.modules:
inCalibre = True
inCalibre = False
if inCalibre:
from calibre_plugins.k4mobidedrm import mobidedrm
from calibre_plugins.k4mobidedrm import topazextract
from calibre_plugins.k4mobidedrm import kgenpids
import mobidedrm
import topazextract
import kgenpids
# Wrap a stream so that output gets flushed immediately
# and also make sure that any unicode strings get
# encoded using "replace" before writing them.
class SafeUnbuffered:
def __init__(self, stream): = stream
self.encoding = stream.encoding
if self.encoding == None:
self.encoding = "utf-8"
def write(self, data):
if isinstance(data,unicode):
data = data.encode(self.encoding,"replace")
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(, attr)
iswindows = sys.platform.startswith('win')
isosx = sys.platform.startswith('darwin')
def unicode_argv():
if iswindows:
# Uses shell32.GetCommandLineArgvW to get sys.argv as a list of Unicode
# strings.
# Versions 2.x of Python don't support Unicode in sys.argv on
# Windows, with the underlying Windows API instead replacing multi-byte
# characters with '?'.
from ctypes import POINTER, byref, cdll, c_int, windll
from ctypes.wintypes import LPCWSTR, LPWSTR
GetCommandLineW = cdll.kernel32.GetCommandLineW
GetCommandLineW.argtypes = []
GetCommandLineW.restype = LPCWSTR
CommandLineToArgvW = windll.shell32.CommandLineToArgvW
CommandLineToArgvW.argtypes = [LPCWSTR, POINTER(c_int)]
CommandLineToArgvW.restype = POINTER(LPWSTR)
cmd = GetCommandLineW()
argc = c_int(0)
argv = CommandLineToArgvW(cmd, byref(argc))
if argc.value > 0:
# Remove Python executable and commands if present
start = argc.value - len(sys.argv)
return [argv[i] for i in
xrange(start, argc.value)]
# if we don't have any arguments at all, just pass back script name
# this should never happen
return [u""]
argvencoding = sys.stdin.encoding
if argvencoding == None:
argvencoding = "utf-8"
return [arg if (type(arg) == unicode) else unicode(arg,argvencoding) for arg in sys.argv]
# cleanup unicode filenames
# borrowed from calibre from calibre/src/calibre/
# added in removal of control (<32) chars
# and removal of . at start and end
# and with some (heavily edited) code from Paul Durrant's
def cleanup_name(name):
# substitute filename unfriendly characters
name = name.replace(u"<",u"[").replace(u">",u"]").replace(u" : ",u" ").replace(u": ",u" ").replace(u":",u"").replace(u"/",u"_").replace(u"\\",u"_").replace(u"|",u"_").replace(u"\"",u"\'")
# delete control characters
name = u"".join(char for char in name if ord(char)>=32)
# white space to single space, delete leading and trailing while space
name = re.sub(ur"\s", u" ", name).strip()
# remove leading dots
while len(name)>0 and name[0] == u".":
name = name[1:]
# remove trailing dots (Windows doesn't like them)
if name.endswith(u'.'):
name = name[:-1]
return name
# must be passed unicode
def unescape(text):
def fixup(m):
text =
if text[:2] == u"&#":
# character reference
if text[:3] == u"&#x":
return unichr(int(text[3:-1], 16))
return unichr(int(text[2:-1]))
except ValueError:
# named entity
text = unichr(htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[text[1:-1]])
except KeyError:
return text # leave as is
return re.sub(u"&#?\w+;", fixup, text)
def GetDecryptedBook(infile, kInfoFiles, serials, pids, starttime = time.time()):
# handle the obvious cases at the beginning
if not os.path.isfile(infile):
raise DRMException (u"Input file does not exist.")
2012-11-20 19:28:12 +06:00
mobi = True
magic3 = file(infile,'rb').read(3)
if magic3 == 'TPZ':
mobi = False
if mobi:
mb = mobidedrm.MobiBook(infile)
mb = topazextract.TopazBook(infile)
bookname = unescape(mb.getBookTitle())
print u"Decrypting {1} ebook: {0}".format(bookname, mb.getBookType())
# extend PID list with book-specific PIDs
md1, md2 = mb.getPIDMetaInfo()
pids.extend(kgenpids.getPidList(md1, md2, serials, kInfoFiles))
print u"Found {1:d} keys to try after {0:.1f} seconds".format(time.time()-starttime, len(pids))
2012-11-20 19:28:12 +06:00
print u"Decryption succeeded after {0:.1f} seconds".format(time.time()-starttime)
return mb
# infile, outdir and kInfoFiles should be unicode strings
def decryptBook(infile, outdir, kInfoFiles, serials, pids):
starttime = time.time()
print "Starting decryptBook routine."
book = GetDecryptedBook(infile, kInfoFiles, serials, pids, starttime)
2011-02-02 20:41:15 +06:00
except Exception, e:
print u"Error decrypting book after {1:.1f} seconds: {0}".format(e.args[0],time.time()-starttime)
return 1
# if we're saving to the same folder as the original, use file name_
# if to a different folder, use book name
if os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(outdir)) == os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(infile))):
outfilename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(infile))[0]
outfilename = cleanup_name(book.getBookTitle())
2012-11-20 19:28:12 +06:00
# avoid excessively long file names
if len(outfilename)>150:
outfilename = outfilename[:150]
outfilename = outfilename+u"_nodrm"
outfile = os.path.join(outdir, outfilename + book.getBookExtension())
print u"Saved decrypted book {1:s} after {0:.1f} seconds".format(time.time()-starttime, outfilename)
if book.getBookType()==u"Topaz":
zipname = os.path.join(outdir, outfilename + u"")
print u"Saved SVG ZIP Archive for {1:s} after {0:.1f} seconds".format(time.time()-starttime, outfilename)
# remove internal temporary directory of Topaz pieces
def usage(progname):
print u"Removes DRM protection from Mobipocket, Amazon KF8, Amazon Print Replica and Amazon Topaz ebooks"
print u"Usage:"
print u" {0} [-k <>] [-p <comma separated PIDs>] [-s <comma separated Kindle serial numbers>] <infile> <outdir>".format(progname)
# Main
def cli_main(argv=unicode_argv()):
progname = os.path.basename(argv[0])
print u"K4MobiDeDrm v{0}.\nCopyright © 2008-2012 The Dark Reverser et al.".format(__version__)
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "k:p:s:")
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
print u"Error in options or arguments: {0}".format(err.args[0])
if len(args)<2:
infile = args[0]
outdir = args[1]
kInfoFiles = []
serials = []
pids = []
for o, a in opts:
if o == "-k":
if a == None :
raise DrmException("Invalid parameter for -k")
if o == "-p":
if a == None :
raise DrmException("Invalid parameter for -p")
pids = a.split(',')
if o == "-s":
if a == None :
raise DrmException("Invalid parameter for -s")
serials = a.split(',')
# try with built in Kindle Info files if not on Linux
k4 = not sys.platform.startswith('linux')
return decryptBook(infile, outdir, kInfoFiles, serials, pids)
if __name__ == '__main__':