
222 lines
7.6 KiB
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2010-01-17 18:10:35 +06:00
#! /usr/bin/python
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
from __future__ import with_statement
import csv
import sys
import os
import getopt
from struct import pack
from struct import unpack
class DocParser(object):
def __init__(self, flatxml):
self.flatdoc = flatxml.split('\n')
stags = {
'paragraph' : 'p',
'graphic' : '.graphic'
attr_val_map = {
'hang' : ('text-indent: ', 135),
'indent' : ('text-indent: ', 135),
'line-space' : ('line-height: ', 190),
'margin-bottom' : ('margin-bottom: ', 135),
'margin-left' : ('margin-left: ', 135),
'margin-right' : ('margin-right: ', 135),
'margin-top' : ('margin-top: ', 135),
'space-after' : ('padding-bottom: ', 135),
attr_str_map = {
'align-center' : 'text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;',
'align-left' : 'text-align: left;',
'align-right' : 'text-align: right;',
'align-justify' : 'text-align: justify;',
'display-inline' : 'display: inline;',
'pos-left' : 'text-align: left;',
'pos-right' : 'text-align: right;',
'pos-center' : 'text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;',
# find tag if within pos to end inclusive
def findinDoc(self, tagpath, pos, end) :
result = None
docList = self.flatdoc
cnt = len(docList)
if end == -1 :
end = cnt
end = min(cnt,end)
foundat = -1
for j in xrange(pos, end):
item = docList[j]
if item.find('=') >= 0:
(name, argres) = item.split('=')
else :
name = item
argres = ''
if name.endswith(tagpath) :
result = argres
foundat = j
return foundat, result
# return list of start positions for the tagpath
def posinDoc(self, tagpath):
startpos = []
pos = 0
res = ""
while res != None :
(foundpos, res) = self.findinDoc(tagpath, pos, -1)
if res != None :
pos = foundpos + 1
return startpos
def process(self):
csspage = ''
# generate a list of each <style> starting point in the stylesheet
styleList= self.posinDoc('')
stylecnt = len(styleList)
# process each style converting what you can
for j in xrange(stylecnt):
start = styleList[j]
end = styleList[j+1]
(pos, tag) = self.findinDoc('style._tag',start,end)
if tag == None :
(pos, tag) = self.findinDoc('style.type',start,end)
# Is this something we know how to convert to css
if tag in self.stags :
# get the style class
(pos, sclass) = self.findinDoc('style.class',start,end)
if sclass != None:
sclass = '.cl_' + sclass.lower()
else :
sclass = ''
# check for any "after class" specifiers
(pos, aftclass) = self.findinDoc('style._after_class',start,end)
if aftclass != None:
aftclass = '.cl_' + aftclass.lower()
else :
aftclass = ''
cssargs = {}
while True :
(pos, attr) = self.findinDoc('style.rule.attr', start, end)
(pos, val) = self.findinDoc('style.rule.value', start, end)
if attr == None : break
if (attr == 'display') or (attr == 'pos') or (attr == 'align'):
# handle text based attributess
attr = attr + '-' + val
if attr in self.attr_str_map :
cssargs[attr] = (self.attr_str_map[attr], '')
else :
# handle value based attributes
if attr in self.attr_val_map :
(name, scale) = self.attr_val_map[attr]
if not ((attr == 'hang') and (int(val) == 0)) :
ems = int(val)/scale
cssargs[attr] = (self.attr_val_map[attr][0], ems)
keep = True
start = pos + 1
# disable all of the after class tags until I figure out how to handle them
# remove all numerals after the "reclustered"
if aftclass != "" : keep = False
p = sclass.find('reclustered')
if p >= 0:
sclass = sclass[0:p+11]
if keep :
# make sure line-space does not go below 1em
if 'line-space' in cssargs:
seg = cssargs['line-space'][0]
val = cssargs['line-space'][1]
if val < 1.0: val = 1.0
del cssargs['line-space']
cssargs['line-space'] = (self.attr_val_map['line-space'][0], val)
# handle modifications for css style hanging indents
if 'hang' in cssargs:
hseg = cssargs['hang'][0]
hval = cssargs['hang'][1]
del cssargs['hang']
cssargs['hang'] = (self.attr_val_map['hang'][0], -hval)
mval = 0
mseg = 'margin-left: '
if 'margin-left' in cssargs:
mseg = cssargs['margin-left'][0]
mval = cssargs['margin-left'][1]
mval = hval + mval
cssargs['margin-left'] = (mseg, mval)
if 'indent' in cssargs:
del cssargs['indent']
cssline = sclass + ' { '
for key in iter(cssargs):
mseg = cssargs[key][0]
mval = cssargs[key][1]
if mval == '':
cssline += mseg + ' '
else :
aseg = mseg + '%.1fem;' % mval
cssline += aseg + ' '
cssline += '}'
# handle special case of paragraph class used inside chapter heading
# and non-chapter headings
if sclass != '' :
ctype = sclass[4:7]
if ctype == 'ch1' :
csspage += 'h1' + cssline + '\n'
if ctype == 'ch2' :
csspage += 'h2' + cssline + '\n'
if ctype == 'ch3' :
csspage += 'h3' + cssline + '\n'
if ctype == 'h1-' :
csspage += 'h4' + cssline + '\n'
if ctype == 'h2-' :
csspage += 'h5' + cssline + '\n'
if ctype == 'h3_' :
csspage += 'h6' + cssline + '\n'
csspage += self.stags[tag] + cssline + '\n'
return csspage
def convert2CSS(flatxml):
# create a document parser
dp = DocParser(flatxml)
csspage = dp.process()
return csspage