add email dkim & admin smtp cred

This commit is contained in:
bdeshi 2024-05-28 05:26:50 +06:00
parent 7812040eb8
commit 51eadd4b9a
Signed by: bdeshi
GPG Key ID: 410D03DA9A3468E0
5 changed files with 42 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ No modules.
| [oci_core_public_ip.static]( | resource |
| [oci_core_subnet.public]( | resource |
| [oci_core_vcn.vcn]( | resource |
| [oci_email_dkim.domain]( | resource |
| [oci_email_email_domain.domain]( | resource |
| [oci_email_sender.sender]( | resource |
| [oci_email_suppression.suppression]( | resource |
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ No modules.
| [oci_identity_group.administrators]( | resource |
| [oci_identity_policy.administrators]( | resource |
| [oci_identity_policy.kms_service_policy]( | resource |
| [oci_identity_smtp_credential.admin]( | resource |
| [oci_identity_ui_password.admin_initial]( | resource |
| [oci_identity_user.admin]( | resource |
| [oci_identity_user_group_membership.admin]( | resource |
@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ No modules.
| <a name="input_oci_region"></a> [oci\_region](#input\_oci\_region) | The region for the OCI provider | `string` | n/a | yes |
| <a name="input_tenancy_id"></a> [tenancy\_id](#input\_tenancy\_id) | The OCID of the tenancy | `string` | n/a | yes |
| <a name="input_admin_create_credentials"></a> [admin\_create\_credentials](#input\_admin\_create\_credentials) | Types of credentials to create for the admin user | <pre>object({<br> api_key = bool<br> auth_token = bool<br> customer_key = bool<br> password = bool<br> })</pre> | <pre>{<br> "api_key": true,<br> "auth_token": false,<br> "customer_key": false,<br> "password": false<br>}</pre> | no |
| <a name="input_admin_create_credentials"></a> [admin\_create\_credentials](#input\_admin\_create\_credentials) | Types of credentials to create for the admin user | <pre>object({<br> api_key = bool<br> auth_token = bool<br> customer_key = bool<br> password = bool<br> smtp = bool<br> })</pre> | <pre>{<br> "api_key": true,<br> "auth_token": false,<br> "customer_key": false,<br> "password": false,<br> "smtp": true<br>}</pre> | no |
| <a name="input_create_instances"></a> [create\_instances](#input\_create\_instances) | Create compute instances types | <pre>object({<br> micro = bool<br> flex = bool<br> })</pre> | <pre>{<br> "flex": true,<br> "micro": true<br>}</pre> | no |
| <a name="input_create_static_ip"></a> [create\_static\_ip](#input\_create\_static\_ip) | Create a reserved static IP | `bool` | `true` | no |
| <a name="input_create_topics"></a> [create\_topics](#input\_create\_topics) | Create notification topics | `bool` | `true` | no |
@ -87,6 +89,8 @@ No modules.
| <a name="output_admin_auth_token"></a> [admin\_auth\_token](#output\_admin\_auth\_token) | The auth token of the admin user |
| <a name="output_admin_initial_password"></a> [admin\_initial\_password](#output\_admin\_initial\_password) | The initial password of the admin user |
| <a name="output_admin_smtp_password"></a> [admin\_smtp\_password](#output\_admin\_smtp\_password) | The SMTP password of the admin user |
| <a name="output_admin_smtp_username"></a> [admin\_smtp\_username](#output\_admin\_smtp\_username) | The SMTP username of the admin user |
| <a name="output_admin_user_id"></a> [admin\_user\_id](#output\_admin\_user\_id) | The ID of the admin user |
| <a name="output_api_key_fingerprint"></a> [api\_key\_fingerprint](#output\_api\_key\_fingerprint) | The fingerprint of the admin user API key |
| <a name="output_api_key_private"></a> [api\_key\_private](#output\_api\_key\_private) | The private part of the admin user API key |
@ -94,6 +98,7 @@ No modules.
| <a name="output_compartment_name"></a> [compartment\_name](#output\_compartment\_name) | The name of the created compartment |
| <a name="output_customer_key_id"></a> [customer\_key\_id](#output\_customer\_key\_id) | The ID of the customer key |
| <a name="output_customer_key_key"></a> [customer\_key\_key](#output\_customer\_key\_key) | The ID of the customer key |
| <a name="output_email_dkim_records"></a> [email\_dkim\_records](#output\_email\_dkim\_records) | The DKIM records for the email domain |
| <a name="output_email_endpoints"></a> [email\_endpoints](#output\_email\_endpoints) | The email configuration endpoints |
| <a name="output_instance_availability_domains"></a> [instance\_availability\_domains](#output\_instance\_availability\_domains) | The availability domains of the instances |
| <a name="output_instance_ips"></a> [instance\_ips](#output\_instance\_ips) | The public IP addresses of the instances |

View File

@ -5,6 +5,13 @@ resource "oci_email_email_domain" "domain" {
freeform_tags = local.freeform_tags
resource "oci_email_dkim" "domain" {
for_each = toset(var.enable_email_delivery ? var.email_configuration.email_domains : [])
email_domain_id = oci_email_email_domain.domain[each.value].id
freeform_tags = local.freeform_tags
resource "oci_email_sender" "sender" {
for_each = toset(var.enable_email_delivery ? var.email_configuration.approved_senders : [])

View File

@ -47,6 +47,13 @@ resource "oci_identity_auth_token" "admin" {
description = local.common_description
resource "oci_identity_smtp_credential" "admin" {
count = var.admin_create_credentials.smtp ? 1 : 0
description = "default smtp credentials"
user_id =
resource "tls_private_key" "admin_api_key" {
count = var.admin_create_credentials.api_key ? 1 : 0

View File

@ -46,6 +46,17 @@ output "admin_auth_token" {
sensitive = true
output "admin_smtp_username" {
description = "The SMTP username of the admin user"
value = oci_identity_smtp_credential.admin[0].username
output "admin_smtp_password" {
description = "The SMTP password of the admin user"
value = oci_identity_smtp_credential.admin[0].password
sensitive = true
output "api_key_private" {
description = "The private part of the admin user API key"
value = try(tls_private_key.admin_api_key[0].private_key_pem, null)
@ -121,6 +132,15 @@ output "email_endpoints" {
output "email_dkim_records" {
description = "The DKIM records for the email domain"
value = { for k, v in oci_email_dkim.domain : k => {
cname_value = v.cname_record_value
cname_record = v.dns_subdomain_name
txt_record = v.txt_record_value
} }
output "kms_vault_id" {
description = "The ID of the KMS vault"
value = oci_kms_vault.vault[0].id

View File

@ -39,12 +39,14 @@ variable "admin_create_credentials" {
auth_token = bool
customer_key = bool
password = bool
smtp = bool
default = {
api_key = true
auth_token = false
customer_key = false
password = false
smtp = true
description = "Types of credentials to create for the admin user"