2024-05-17 09:53:03 +06:00

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section.options a(href="#options") options
li a(href="#sysadmin") --sys-admin
I bring in-depth experience of #[em linux server] administration, covering
installation, configuration, optimization, hardening, and maintenance of
various common linux distros such as ArchLinux, AmazonLinux, Ubuntu, CentOS, Oracle etc.
With my hands-on knowledge of #[em DNS] and #[em Email server] administration, I can
configure and publish secure and performant DNS/Email servers with load balancing.
In fact, I manage my own DNS, email, and web hosting service, and more.
My expertise on #[em Windows] systems is above-average, with working knowledge of #[em Mac OSX].
li a(href="#devops") --dev-ops
I am involved in both classic and modern DevOps practices, having current knowledge of
devOps orchestration and management tools such as #[em Docker], #[em Kubernetes], #[em Terraform].
My professional experience includes managing production k8s clusters on #[em AWS] cloud.
I have also worked on converting legacy workloads to #[em serverless] paradigm and maintaining them.
I can set up a working DevOps environment from scratch, with a working CI/CD pipeline —
doing this with both modern container-based tools such as #[em k8s], #[em Helm], #[em Argo],
#[em Gitlab/Github CI], or alternatively with legacy tools such as #[em Ansible] and #[em Jenkins].
My expertise on #[em observability] comprises of managing monitoring and alerting stacks built
with #[em prometheus], #[em Grafana], #[em PagerDuty], as well as in-depth observability
toolkits such as #[em Graylog], #[em NewRelic], #[em DataDog], #[em Splunk] etc.
li a(href="#backend") --back-end
My lack of frontend design charm is balanced by my keen interest and experience in backend
engineering. I have created multiple backend services with #[em Flask] and co., catering to
various production-grade use cases, as well as #[em api gateways] to establish communication
between disparate systems. My preferred language of coding is #[em Python];
I'm also learning #[em Golang] as a low-level option.
li a(href="#automation") --automation
When faced with work challenges, I always try to find a solution that is both efficient
and easy to maintain. Automation is a natural fit in this field. I always look out for
any repetitive tasks to convert into a simple script or button press. Some of my shortcut
scripts have actually grown into actively maintained full-fledged programs covering some
repetitive needs.
My tools of the trade for automation and glue-coding includes, but is not limited to,
#[em Python], #[em shell-scripts], #[em Lua], #[em Ansible], as well as specialized
workflow tools like #[em Zapier], #[em n8n], #[em inotify] etc.
li a(href="#contrib") --contrib
outside of professional life, I am an enthusiastic and active supporter of open-source ideals.
I have worked on #[em numerous open-source projects] such as a localized keyboard layout,
a popular regional keyboard input system, a time tracking tool, a regex utility, a password
manager, as well as plugins for sublime text, vim, and numerous miscellaneous applications.
My contributions exist in documentation for #[em freecodecamp], #[em ArchLinux wiki],
#[em Wikipedia], and improvements to #[em i18n] translations for many open-source projects.
For a long time, I helped maintain multiple local online Linux-centric community to welcome
freshers and new contributors into the digital world, and to educate on the values of
open-source and digital safety.
li a(href="#misc") --misc
As a strong proponent of #[em selfhosting] and owning my data, I wrote an Ansible playbook
to deploy and manange a complete self-hosted environment that includes web hosting, email,
DNS, VPN, code hosting, RSS, caldav and more.
My other interests are the #[em decentralized web] and the #[em indie] community.
I closely follow the fediverse and indieweb movements.
I am a #[strike huge] mid-level nerd, which might be apparent from the design of this page.
My field of work is complementary to my passion. I love to tinker with technology,
and I'm always looking for interesting stuff to learn, and for new ways to improve my skills.