# Contribution Guidelines Ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines: - Search included books before adding a new one, as yours may be a duplicate. - Use the following format: `<📕 or 📖> [Name](link) (Year) - Description.` - If you can't find the year the book was written in, you can skip it. - If the book is free, link to the free book and add 📖 emoji. - If the book is not free, link to the book on [goodreads.com](https://www.goodreads.com/) and add 📕 emoji. - The book should be put into its appropriate category. Pick the one you think is closest if you are not sure. - Only add books you really think are actually interesting. - If you want to add a link to notes for the book, add it below the book as subdashed point. - Start the description with a capital and end with a full stop. - Don't start the description with `A` or `An`. - New categories or improvements to the existing categorisation are welcome. - Check your spelling and grammar. - You can also add other related websites and repositories in the end. Thank you for your [suggestions](https://github.com/learn-anything/books/edit/master/readme.md)! 💜