// Copyright 2022 Stefan Kerkmann (KarlK90) // Copyright 2022 Ulrich Spörlein (@uqs) // Copyright 2021 Alabastard (@Alabastard-64) // Copyright 2020 Christopher Courtney, aka Drashna Jael're (@drashna) // Copyright 2019 Sunjun Kim // Copyright 2020 Ploopy Corporation // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "pmw33xx_common.h" #include "progmem.h" uint16_t pmw33xx_get_cpi(uint8_t sensor) { if (sensor >= pmw33xx_number_of_sensors) { return 0; } uint8_t cpival = pmw33xx_read(sensor, REG_Config1); // In some cases (100, 900, 1700, 2500), reading the CPI corrupts the firmware and the sensor stops responding. // To avoid this, we write the value back to the sensor, which seems to prevent the corruption. pmw33xx_write(sensor, REG_Config1, cpival); return (uint16_t)((cpival + 1) & 0xFF) * PMW33XX_CPI_STEP; } void pmw33xx_set_cpi(uint8_t sensor, uint16_t cpi) { if (sensor >= pmw33xx_number_of_sensors) { return; } uint8_t cpival = CONSTRAIN((cpi / PMW33XX_CPI_STEP), (PMW33XX_CPI_MIN / PMW33XX_CPI_STEP), (PMW33XX_CPI_MAX / PMW33XX_CPI_STEP)) - 1U; pmw33xx_write(sensor, REG_Config1, cpival); } // PID, Inverse PID, SROM version const uint8_t pmw33xx_firmware_signature[2] PROGMEM = {0x42, 0xBD};