Moar stuffs

Alexey Migutsky 7 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 4b0b35d314
commit ee6ef7415c

@ -1,38 +1,64 @@
# Every Developer Should Know :thinking:
A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know.
A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know.
Highly opinionated :bomb:. Not backed by science.
Comes in no particular order :recycle:
### Papers on Programming
- [Papers We Love](
### Floating Point
- [Floating Point Guide](
### Strings
- [Big List of Naughty Strings](
- [Unicode and Character Sets](
- :page_facing_up: [Unicode and Character Sets](
- [Homoglyphs](
- [Unicode Common Locale Data Repository](
### Latency
- [Interactive Latency Infographics](
### Time
- [Falsehoods programmers believe about time](
- [More falsehoods programmers believe about time; “wisdom of the crowd” edition](
- [Some notes about time](
- :page_facing_up: [Falsehoods programmers believe about time](
- :page_facing_up: [More falsehoods programmers believe about time; “wisdom of the crowd” edition](
- :page_facing_up: [Some notes about time](
### Memory
- [What every Programmer should know about memory](
- :page_facing_up: [What every Programmer should know about memory](
### Distributed Systems
- [Designs, Lessons and Advice from Building Large Distributed Systems](
- [Time, Clocks and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System](
- [There is No Now](
- :scroll: [Designs, Lessons and Advice from Building Large Distributed Systems](
- :scroll: [Time, Clocks and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System](
- :page_facing_up: [There is No Now](
### RegExp
- [RegexHQ](
### Arhitecture
- [A Field Guide to Boxology](
- [Out of the Tar Pit](
- :scroll: [A Field Guide to Boxology](
- :scroll: [Out of the Tar Pit](
- :scroll: [No Silver Bullet — Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering](
- :movie_camera: [Growing a Language](
- :movie_camera: [CQRS and Event Sourcing](
### Practices
- :book: [Working Effectively with Legacy Code](
- :book: [Test Driven Development: By Example](
- :white_check_mark: [Going To Production Checklist](
### Career
- :page_facing_up: [How Much Do Software Engineers Really Make in Each City?](
- :page_facing_up: [Software Engineers Tenure in San Francisco](
- [Software Engineering 101](
- :book: [The Passionate Programmer](
- :book: [Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual](
- :book: [Programming Beyond Practices: Be More Than Just a Code Monkey](
### Engineering Philosophy
- :movie_camera: [Simple Made Easy](
### Papers on Programming
- :heart: [Papers We Love](
- :newspaper: [The Morning Paper](
### Free Books on Programming
- [Free Programming Books](
