#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' This is an experimental Python version of libgourou. ''' import getpass, sys if sys.version_info[0] < 3: print("This script requires Python 3.") exit(1) from libadobe import VAR_HOBBES_VERSION, createDeviceKeyFile from libadobeAccount import createDeviceFile, createUser, signIn, activateDevice # These are the only two variables you'll need to change # The mail address and password of your Adobe account to assign. # This tool doesn't support anonymous registrations, # so it's recommended to make a throwaway Adobe account. VAR_MAIL = "" VAR_PASS = "" ################################################################# def main(): global VAR_MAIL global VAR_PASS if (VAR_MAIL == ""): VAR_MAIL = input("Please enter your AdobeID: ") if (VAR_PASS == ""): VAR_PASS = getpass.getpass("Please enter the password for your AdobeID: ") if (VAR_MAIL == "" or VAR_PASS == ""): print("Empty credential, aborting") exit(1) createDeviceKeyFile() createDeviceFile(VAR_HOBBES_VERSION, False) success, resp = createUser() if (success is False): print("Error, couldn't create user: %s" % resp) exit(1) success, resp = signIn(VAR_MAIL, VAR_PASS) if (success is False): print("Login unsuccessful: " + resp) exit(1) success, resp = activateDevice() if (success is False): print("Couldn't activate device: " + resp) exit(1) print("Authorized to account " + VAR_MAIL) if __name__ == "__main__": main()