#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Leseratte10 # This file is part of the ACSM Input Plugin by Leseratte10 # ACSM Input Plugin for Calibre / acsm-calibre-plugin # # For more information, see: # https://github.com/Leseratte10/acsm-calibre-plugin sed_i() { script="$1" path="$2" tmpfile="$path.tmp" sed "$script" "$path" > "$tmpfile" mv "$tmpfile" "$path" } [ ! -f calibre-plugin/asn1crypto.zip ] && ./package_modules.sh [ ! -f calibre-plugin/oscrypto.zip ] && ./package_modules.sh rm -rf calibre-plugin-tmp || /bin/true cp -r calibre-plugin calibre-plugin-tmp pushd calibre-plugin-tmp pushd keyextract # Compile C programs: make base64 decrypt_win32.exe > decrypt_win32_b64.txt base64 decrypt_win64.exe > decrypt_win64_b64.txt # Base64-encode binaries and place them inside decryptor.py: sed_i "/@@@CALIBRE_DECRYPTOR_WIN32_B64@@@/ { r decrypt_win32_b64.txt d }" ../keyextractDecryptor.py sed_i "/@@@CALIBRE_DECRYPTOR_WIN64_B64@@@/ { r decrypt_win64_b64.txt d }" ../keyextractDecryptor.py rm decrypt_win32_b64.txt decrypt_win64_b64.txt rm decrypt_win32.exe decrypt_win64.exe popd # Delete cache rm -r __pycache__ rm *.pyc # Set module ID. This needs to be changed if any of the module ZIPs change. echo -n "2023-12-19-01" > module_id.txt # Copy LICENSE and README.md so it'll be included in the ZIP. cp ../LICENSE LICENSE cp ../README.md README.md shopt -s globstar echo "Injecting Python2 compat code ..." for file in **/*.py; do #echo $file # Inject Python2 compat code: sed_i '/#@@CALIBRE_COMPAT_CODE@@/ { r __calibre_compat_code.py d }' $file done # Create ZIP file from calibre-plugin folder. zip -r ../calibre-plugin.zip * popd rm -rf calibre-plugin-tmp