#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Leseratte10 This file is part of the ACSM Input Plugin by Leseratte10 ACSM Input Plugin for Calibre / acsm-calibre-plugin For more information, see: https://github.com/Leseratte10/acsm-calibre-plugin ''' #@@CALIBRE_COMPAT_CODE@@ import sys, binascii, traceback def GetMasterKey(wineprefix): import subprocess, os, re verbose_logging = False try: import calibre_plugins.deacsm.prefs as prefs deacsmprefs = prefs.ACSMInput_Prefs() verbose_logging = deacsmprefs["detailed_logging"] except: pass print("Asking WINE to decrypt encrypted key for us ...") if wineprefix == "" or not os.path.exists(wineprefix): print("Wineprefix not found!") return None # Default to win32 binary, unless we find arch in registry winearch = "win32" try: system_registry_path = os.path.join(wineprefix, "system.reg") regfile = open(system_registry_path, "r") while True: line = regfile.readline() if not line: break archkey = re.match(r'#arch=(win32|win64)', line) if (archkey): winearch = archkey.groups()[0] break regfile.close() except: pass env_dict = os.environ env_dict["PYTHONPATH"] = "" env_dict["WINEPREFIX"] = wineprefix #env_dict["WINEDEBUG"] = "-all,+crypt" env_dict["WINEDEBUG"] = "+err,+fixme" try: from calibre.utils.config import config_dir from calibre_plugins.deacsm.__init__ import maindir as plg_maindir if plg_maindir is not None: print("FOUND MOD DIR!") moddir = os.path.join(plg_maindir,"modules") else: pluginsdir = os.path.join(config_dir,"plugins") maindir = os.path.join(pluginsdir,"ACSMInput") moddir = os.path.join(maindir,"modules") except: import os moddir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "keyextract") # extract the EXE file from Python code: # EXE files are obfuscated with base64 so that stupid AV programs # don't flag this whole plugin as malicious. # See keyextractDecryptor.py and the folder "keyextract" for more information. try: print("Extracting WINE key tools ...") from keyextractDecryptor import get_win32_data, get_win64_data if winearch == "win32": file32 = os.path.join(moddir, "decrypt_win32.exe") f = open(file32, "wb") f.write(get_win32_data()) f.close() elif winearch == "win64": file64 = os.path.join(moddir, "decrypt_win64.exe") f = open(file64, "wb") f.write(get_win64_data()) f.close() else: print("Invalid winearch: " + str(winearch)) except: print("Error while extracting packed WINE ADE key extraction EXE files ") traceback.print_exc() # calls decrypt_win32.exe or decrypt_win64.exe proc = subprocess.Popen(["wine", "decrypt_" + winearch + ".exe"], shell=False, cwd=moddir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) prog_stdout, prog_stderr = proc.communicate() if verbose_logging: print("Stderr log:\n{}".format(prog_stderr.decode("utf-8"))) print("Stdout log: {}".format(prog_stdout.decode("utf-8"))) print("Exit code: {}".format(proc.returncode)) if proc.returncode == 0: if verbose_logging: print("Successfully got encryption key from WINE: {}".format(prog_stdout.decode("utf-8"))) else: print("Successfully got encryption key from WINE.") master_key = binascii.unhexlify(prog_stdout) return master_key else: print("Failed to extract encryption key from WINE.") print("Exit code: {}".format(proc.returncode)) return None if __name__ == "__main__": print("Do not execute this directly!") exit()