diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 579f396..a1da7bf 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -21,6 +21,14 @@ IMPORTANT:
- Support for PDFs might be unreliable. You will need to apply pull request #1689 (including my additional bugfix in the comments of that PR) to the DeDRM plugin in order to remove the DRM from PDF files. If you still encounter an issue with a PDF file created by this tool even with these bugfixes, please report a bug (in this repository, not in the DeDRM one) and attach the corrupted PDF.
- This software is not approved by Adobe. I am not responsible if Adobe detects that you're using nonstandard software and bans your account. Do not complain to me if Adobe bans your main ADE account - you have been warned.
+## Returning books
+If a book is marked as returnable (like a library book), you can "return" it to the library using this plugin.
+Just open the plugin settings, click "Show loaned books" (the option is only visible if you have at least one loaned book that's been downloaded with this plugin), select the book, then click the arrow button to return. Or click the "X" button to just remove the loan record from the list without returning the book.
+This makes the book available for someone else again, but it does not automatically get deleted from your Calibre library - you are responsible for doing that after returning a book.
+Note: You can only return books that you downloaded with version 0.0.9 (or newer) of this plugin. You cannot return books downloaded with ADE or with earlier versions of this plugin.
## Standalone version
@@ -38,5 +46,4 @@ There's a bunch of features that could still be added, but most of them aren't i
- Support for anonymous Adobe IDs
- Support for un-authorizing a machine
-- Support for returning loan books
- ...
diff --git a/calibre-plugin/__init__.py b/calibre-plugin/__init__.py
index 75e88cb..de7f627 100644
--- a/calibre-plugin/__init__.py
+++ b/calibre-plugin/__init__.py
@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@
# v0.0.6: First PDF support, allow importing previously exported activation data.
# v0.0.7: More PDF logging, PDF reading in latin-1, MacOS locale bugfix
# v0.0.8: More PDF bugfixes, support unlimited PDF file sizes, tell Calibre ACSMs are books.
+# v0.0.9: Add FulfillmentNotification support, add LoanReturn support.
from calibre.customize import FileTypePlugin # type: ignore
-__version__ = '0.0.8'
+__version__ = '0.0.9'
PLUGIN_VERSION_TUPLE = tuple([int(x) for x in __version__.split(".")])
@@ -308,7 +309,12 @@ class DeACSM(FileTypePlugin):
- success, replyData = fulfill(path_to_ebook)
+ import calibre_plugins.deacsm.prefs as prefs # type: ignore
+ deacsmprefs = prefs.DeACSM_Prefs()
+ success, replyData = fulfill(path_to_ebook, deacsmprefs["notify_fulfillment"])
if (success is False):
print("{0} v{1}: Hey, that didn't work: \n".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION) + replyData)
diff --git a/calibre-plugin/config.py b/calibre-plugin/config.py
index 51ba1ea..bff7a1a 100644
--- a/calibre-plugin/config.py
+++ b/calibre-plugin/config.py
@@ -7,11 +7,15 @@ import os, base64, traceback
from lxml import etree
+import time, datetime
from PyQt5.Qt import (Qt, QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QLineEdit,
QGroupBox, QPushButton, QListWidget, QListWidgetItem, QInputDialog,
QLineEdit, QAbstractItemView, QIcon, QDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QUrl)
+from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import Qt as QtGui
from zipfile import ZipFile
@@ -36,6 +40,10 @@ class ConfigWidget(QWidget):
self.tempdeacsmprefs = {}
self.tempdeacsmprefs['path_to_account_data'] = self.deacsmprefs['path_to_account_data']
+ self.tempdeacsmprefs['notify_fulfillment'] = self.deacsmprefs['notify_fulfillment']
+ self.tempdeacsmprefs['list_of_rented_books'] = self.deacsmprefs['list_of_rented_books']
# Start Qt Gui dialog layout
layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
@@ -76,6 +84,21 @@ class ConfigWidget(QWidget):
+ self.button_rented_books = QtGui.QPushButton(self)
+ self.button_rented_books.setText(_("Show loaned books"))
+ self.button_rented_books.clicked.connect(self.show_rented_books)
+ self.button_rented_books.setEnabled(activated)
+ ua_group_box_layout.addWidget(self.button_rented_books)
+ if (len(self.deacsmprefs["list_of_rented_books"]) == 0):
+ self.button_rented_books.setEnabled(False)
+ self.chkNotifyFulfillment = QtGui.QCheckBox("Notify ACS server after successful fulfillment")
+ self.chkNotifyFulfillment.setToolTip("Default: True\n\nIf this is enabled, the ACS server will receive a notification once the ACSM has successfully been converted. \nThis is not strictly necessary, but it is what ADE does, so it's probably safer to just do it as well.\nAlso, it is required to be able to return loaned books.")
+ self.chkNotifyFulfillment.setChecked(self.tempdeacsmprefs["notify_fulfillment"])
+ layout.addWidget(self.chkNotifyFulfillment)
from calibre_plugins.deacsm.libadobe import VAR_HOBBES_VERSION, createDeviceKeyFile, update_account_path
@@ -288,6 +311,7 @@ class ConfigWidget(QWidget):
def save_settings(self):
#self.deacsmprefs.set('path_to_account_data', self.txtboxUA.text())
+ self.deacsmprefs.set('notify_fulfillment', self.chkNotifyFulfillment.isChecked())
def load_resource(self, name):
@@ -296,3 +320,176 @@ class ConfigWidget(QWidget):
return zf.read(name).decode('utf-8')
return ""
+ def show_rented_books(self):
+ d = RentedBooksDialog(self, self.deacsmprefs["list_of_rented_books"])
+ d.exec_()
+class RentedBooksDialog(QDialog):
+ def __init__(self, parent, booklist):
+ QDialog.__init__(self,parent)
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.setWindowTitle("DeACSM: Manage loaned Books")
+ # Start Qt Gui dialog layout
+ layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
+ self.setLayout(layout)
+ keys_group_box = QGroupBox("List of loaned books", self)
+ layout.addWidget(keys_group_box)
+ keys_group_box_layout = QHBoxLayout()
+ keys_group_box.setLayout(keys_group_box_layout)
+ self.listy = QListWidget(self)
+ self.listy.setToolTip("List of loaned books")
+ self.listy.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection)
+ self.populate_list()
+ keys_group_box_layout.addWidget(self.listy)
+ button_layout = QVBoxLayout()
+ keys_group_box_layout.addLayout(button_layout)
+ self._add_key_button = QtGui.QToolButton(self)
+ self._add_key_button.setIcon(QIcon(I('view-refresh.png')))
+ self._add_key_button.setToolTip("Return book to library")
+ self._add_key_button.clicked.connect(self.return_book)
+ button_layout.addWidget(self._add_key_button)
+ self._delete_key_button = QtGui.QToolButton(self)
+ self._delete_key_button.setToolTip(_("Delete book entry from list"))
+ self._delete_key_button.setIcon(QIcon(I('list_remove.png')))
+ self._delete_key_button.clicked.connect(self.delete_book_entry)
+ button_layout.addWidget(self._delete_key_button)
+ self.lblAccInfo = QtGui.QLabel(self)
+ self.lblAccInfo.setText("Click the arrow button to return a loaned book to the library.\nClick the red X to delete the loan record without returning the book.")
+ layout.addWidget(self.lblAccInfo)
+ self.button_box = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel)
+ self.button_box.accepted.connect(self.accept)
+ self.button_box.rejected.connect(self.reject)
+ layout.addWidget(self.button_box)
+ self.resize(self.sizeHint())
+ def td_format(self, td_object):
+ seconds = int(td_object.total_seconds())
+ periods = [
+ ('y', 60*60*24*365),
+ ('M', 60*60*24*30),
+ ('d', 60*60*24),
+ ('h', 60*60),
+ ('m', 60),
+ ('s', 1)
+ ]
+ strings=[]
+ tick = 0
+ for period_name, period_seconds in periods:
+ if seconds > period_seconds:
+ period_value , seconds = divmod(seconds, period_seconds)
+ strings.append("%s%s" % (period_value, period_name))
+ tick += 1
+ if tick >= 2:
+ break
+ return " ".join(strings)
+ def populate_list(self):
+ self.listy.clear()
+ overdue_books = []
+ for book in self.parent.deacsmprefs["list_of_rented_books"]:
+ try:
+ book_time_stamp = book["validUntil"]
+ timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(book_time_stamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+ currenttime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ except:
+ print("Invalid book timestamp")
+ continue
+ if (timestamp <= currenttime):
+ # Book is overdue, no need to return. Delete from list.
+ overdue_books.append(book)
+ continue
+ else:
+ info = "(" + self.td_format(timestamp - currenttime)
+ info += " remaining)"
+ item = QListWidgetItem(book["book_name"] + " " + info)
+ item.setData(QtCore.Qt.UserRole, book["loanID"])
+ self.listy.addItem(item)
+ for book in overdue_books:
+ self.parent.deacsmprefs["list_of_rented_books"].remove(book)
+ self.parent.deacsmprefs.writeprefs()
+ def return_book(self):
+ if not self.listy.currentItem():
+ return
+ userdata = str(self.listy.currentItem().data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole))
+ print("Returning book %s (ID %s)" % (self.listy.currentItem().text(), userdata))
+ try:
+ from calibre_plugins.deacsm.libadobeFulfill import tryReturnBook
+ except:
+ try:
+ from libadobeFulfill import tryReturnBook
+ except:
+ print("{0} v{1}: Error while importing book return stuff".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION))
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ Ret_book = None
+ for book in self.parent.deacsmprefs["list_of_rented_books"]:
+ if book["loanID"] == userdata:
+ Ret_book = book
+ break
+ if Ret_book is None:
+ return
+ ret, msg = tryReturnBook(Ret_book)
+ if (ret):
+ print("Book successfully returned:")
+ print(msg)
+ self.delete_book_entry(nomsg=True)
+ self.populate_list()
+ return info_dialog(None, "Done", "Book successfully returned", show=True, show_copy_button=False)
+ else:
+ print("Book return failed:")
+ print(msg)
+ return error_dialog(None, "Error", "Book return failed", det_msg=msg, show=True, show_copy_button=False)
+ def delete_book_entry(self, nomsg = False):
+ if not self.listy.currentItem():
+ return
+ userdata = str(self.listy.currentItem().data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole))
+ print("Deleting book entry %s (ID %s)" % (self.listy.currentItem().text(), userdata))
+ success = False
+ for book in self.parent.deacsmprefs["list_of_rented_books"]:
+ if book["loanID"] == userdata:
+ self.parent.deacsmprefs["list_of_rented_books"].remove(book)
+ success = True
+ break
+ self.populate_list()
+ if success and not nomsg:
+ return info_dialog(None, "Done", "Book entry deleted without returning.", show=True, show_copy_button=False)
+ if not nomsg:
+ return error_dialog(None, "Error", "Error while deleting book entry", show=True, show_copy_button=False)
diff --git a/calibre-plugin/libadobe.py b/calibre-plugin/libadobe.py
index 5736827..f0a2eeb 100644
--- a/calibre-plugin/libadobe.py
+++ b/calibre-plugin/libadobe.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Helper library with code needed for Adobe stuff.
from Crypto import Random
from uuid import getnode
import os, hashlib, base64
-import urllib.request
+import urllib.request, ssl
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
@@ -177,15 +177,27 @@ def sendHTTPRequest_getSimple(URL: str):
return content
-def sendPOSTHTTPRequest(URL: str, document: bytes, type: str):
+def sendPOSTHTTPRequest(URL: str, document: bytes, type: str, returnRC = False):
headers = {
"Accept": "*/*",
"User-Agent": "book2png",
"Content-Type": type
+ # Ignore SSL:
+ ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
+ ctx.check_hostname = False
+ ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
req = urllib.request.Request(url=URL, headers=headers, data=document)
- handler = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
+ handler = urllib.request.urlopen(req, context=ctx)
+ ret_code = handler.getcode()
+ if (ret_code == 204 and returnRC):
+ return 204, ""
+ if (ret_code != 200):
+ print("Post request returned something other than 200 - returned %d" % (ret_code))
content = handler.read()
@@ -196,8 +208,11 @@ def sendPOSTHTTPRequest(URL: str, document: bytes, type: str):
if loc is not None:
- return sendPOSTHTTPRequest(loc, document, type)
+ return sendPOSTHTTPRequest(loc, document, type, returnRC)
+ if returnRC:
+ return ret_code, content
return content
@@ -206,7 +221,11 @@ def sendHTTPRequest(URL: str):
def sendRequestDocu(document: str, URL: str):
- return sendPOSTHTTPRequest(URL, document.encode("utf-8"), "application/vnd.adobe.adept+xml")
+ return sendPOSTHTTPRequest(URL, document.encode("utf-8"), "application/vnd.adobe.adept+xml", False)
+def sendRequestDocuRC(document: str, URL: str):
+ return sendPOSTHTTPRequest(URL, document.encode("utf-8"), "application/vnd.adobe.adept+xml", True)
######### Encryption and signing ###################
diff --git a/calibre-plugin/libadobeFulfill.py b/calibre-plugin/libadobeFulfill.py
index 53c3dfc..f2e4676 100644
--- a/calibre-plugin/libadobeFulfill.py
+++ b/calibre-plugin/libadobeFulfill.py
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ from lxml import etree
import base64
- from libadobe import addNonce, sign_node, get_cert_from_pkcs12, sendRequestDocu, sendHTTPRequest
+ from libadobe import addNonce, sign_node, get_cert_from_pkcs12, sendRequestDocu, sendRequestDocuRC, sendHTTPRequest
from libadobe import get_devkey_path, get_device_path, get_activation_xml_path
- from calibre_plugins.deacsm.libadobe import addNonce, sign_node, get_cert_from_pkcs12, sendRequestDocu, sendHTTPRequest
+ from calibre_plugins.deacsm.libadobe import addNonce, sign_node, get_cert_from_pkcs12, sendRequestDocu, sendRequestDocuRC, sendHTTPRequest
from calibre_plugins.deacsm.libadobe import get_devkey_path, get_device_path, get_activation_xml_path
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ def buildRights(license_token_node):
return ret
-def fulfill(acsm_file):
+def fulfill(acsm_file, do_notify = False):
# Get pkcs12:
pkcs12 = None
@@ -341,6 +341,8 @@ def fulfill(acsm_file):
return False, "Looks like there's been an error during Fulfillment: %s" % replyData
+ # Print fulfillmentResult
+ #print(replyData)
adobe_fulfill_response = etree.fromstring(replyData)
NSMAP = { "adept" : "http://ns.adobe.com/adept" }
@@ -348,6 +350,26 @@ def fulfill(acsm_file):
licenseURL = adobe_fulfill_response.find("./%s/%s/%s/%s" % (adNS("fulfillmentResult"), adNS("resourceItemInfo"), adNS("licenseToken"), adNS("licenseURL"))).text
+ if do_notify:
+ print("Notifying server ...")
+ success, response = performFulfillmentNotification(adobe_fulfill_response)
+ else:
+ print("Not notifying any server since that was disabled.")
+ is_returnable = False
+ try:
+ is_returnable_tx = adobe_fulfill_response.find("./%s/%s" % (adNS("fulfillmentResult"), adNS("returnable"))).text
+ if is_returnable_tx.lower() == "true":
+ is_returnable = True
+ except:
+ pass
+ if (is_returnable and do_notify):
+ # Only support loan returning if we also notified ACS.
+ # Otherwise the server gets confused and we don't want that.
+ updateLoanReturnData(adobe_fulfill_response)
success, response = fetchLicenseServiceCertificate(licenseURL, operatorURL)
if success is False:
@@ -357,6 +379,244 @@ def fulfill(acsm_file):
+def updateLoanReturnData(fulfillmentResultToken):
+ NSMAP = { "adept" : "http://ns.adobe.com/adept" }
+ adNS = lambda tag: '{%s}%s' % ('http://ns.adobe.com/adept', tag)
+ dcNS = lambda tag: '{%s}%s' % ('http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/', tag)
+ try:
+ loanToken = fulfillmentResultToken.find("./%s" % (adNS("loanToken")))
+ if (loanToken is None):
+ print("Loan token not found")
+ return False
+ except:
+ print("Loan token error")
+ return False
+ try:
+ loanID = loanToken.findall("./%s" % (adNS("loan")))[0].text
+ if (loanID is None):
+ print("Loan ID not found")
+ return False
+ operatorURL = loanToken.find("./%s" % (adNS("operatorURL"))).text
+ except:
+ print("Loan ID error")
+ return False
+ book_name = fulfillmentResultToken.find("./%s/%s/%s/%s" % (adNS("fulfillmentResult"), adNS("resourceItemInfo"), adNS("metadata"), dcNS("title"))).text
+ userUUID = fulfillmentResultToken.find("./%s/%s/%s/%s" % (adNS("fulfillmentResult"), adNS("resourceItemInfo"), adNS("licenseToken"), adNS("user"))).text
+ deviceUUID = fulfillmentResultToken.find("./%s/%s/%s/%s" % (adNS("fulfillmentResult"), adNS("resourceItemInfo"), adNS("licenseToken"), adNS("device"))).text
+ loanid = fulfillmentResultToken.find("./%s/%s/%s/%s" % (adNS("fulfillmentResult"), adNS("resourceItemInfo"), adNS("licenseToken"), adNS("fulfillment"))).text
+ permissions = fulfillmentResultToken.find("./%s/%s/%s/%s" % (adNS("fulfillmentResult"), adNS("resourceItemInfo"), adNS("licenseToken"), adNS("permissions")))
+ display = permissions.findall("./%s" % (adNS("display")))[0]
+ try:
+ dsp_until = display.find("./%s" % (adNS("until"))).text
+ except:
+ print("error with DSP")
+ return False
+ if (dsp_until is None):
+ print("No validUntil thing")
+ return False
+ # "userUUID" is the user UUID
+ # "deviceUUID" is the device UUID
+ # "loanID" is the loan ID
+ # "validUntil" is how long it's valid
+ try:
+ import calibre_plugins.deacsm.prefs as prefs # type: ignore
+ deacsmprefs = prefs.DeACSM_Prefs()
+ except:
+ print("Exception while reading config file")
+ return False
+ # Add all necessary information for a book return to the JSON array.
+ # The config widget can then read this and present a list of not-yet-returned
+ # books, and can then return them.
+ # Also, the config widget is responsible for cleaning up that list.
+ deacsmprefs["list_of_rented_books"].append({
+ "book_name": book_name,
+ "user": userUUID,
+ "device": deviceUUID,
+ "loanID": loanid,
+ "operatorURL": operatorURL,
+ "validUntil": dsp_until
+ })
+ deacsmprefs.writeprefs()
+ return True
+def tryReturnBook(bookData):
+ try:
+ user = bookData["user"]
+ device = bookData["device"]
+ loanID = bookData["loanID"]
+ operatorURL = bookData["operatorURL"]
+ except:
+ print("Invalid book data!")
+ return False, "Invalid book data"
+ req_data = ""
+ req_data += ""
+ req_data += "%s" % (user)
+ req_data += "%s" % (device)
+ req_data += "%s" % (loanID)
+ req_data += addNonce()
+ req_data += ""
+ NSMAP = { "adept" : "http://ns.adobe.com/adept" }
+ etree.register_namespace("adept", NSMAP["adept"])
+ full_text_xml = etree.fromstring(req_data)
+ signature = sign_node(full_text_xml)
+ if (signature is None):
+ print("SIGN ERROR!")
+ return False, "Sign error"
+ etree.SubElement(full_text_xml, etree.QName(NSMAP["adept"], "signature")).text = signature
+ print("Would notify server %s:" % (operatorURL + "/LoanReturn"))
+ doc_send = "\n" + etree.tostring(full_text_xml, encoding="utf-8", pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=False).decode("utf-8")
+ # print(doc_send)
+ retval = sendRequestDocu(doc_send, operatorURL + "/LoanReturn").decode("utf-8")
+ if " tag not found. Guess nobody wants to be notified.")
+ #print(etree.tostring(fulfillmentResultToken, encoding="utf-8", pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=False).decode("utf-8"))
+ return True, ""
+ errmsg = ""
+ errmsg_crit = ""
+ for element in notifiers:
+ url = element.find("./%s" % (adNS("notifyURL"))).text
+ body = element.find("./%s" % (adNS("body")))
+ critical = True
+ if element.get("critical", "yes") == "no":
+ critial = False
+ print("Notifying optional server %s" % (url))
+ else:
+ print("Notifying server %s" % (url))
+ if (user is None):
+ user = fulfillmentResultToken.find("./%s/%s/%s/%s" % (adNS("fulfillmentResult"), adNS("resourceItemInfo"), adNS("licenseToken"), adNS("user"))).text
+ if (device is None):
+ device = fulfillmentResultToken.find("./%s/%s/%s/%s" % (adNS("fulfillmentResult"), adNS("resourceItemInfo"), adNS("licenseToken"), adNS("device"))).text
+ full_text = ""
+ full_text += "%s" % user
+ full_text += "%s" % device
+ full_text += etree.tostring(body, encoding="utf-8", pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=False).decode("utf-8")
+ full_text += addNonce()
+ full_text += ""
+ NSMAP = { "adept" : "http://ns.adobe.com/adept" }
+ etree.register_namespace("adept", NSMAP["adept"])
+ full_text_xml = etree.fromstring(full_text)
+ signature = sign_node(full_text_xml)
+ if (signature is None):
+ print("SIGN ERROR!")
+ continue
+ etree.SubElement(full_text_xml, etree.QName(NSMAP["adept"], "signature")).text = signature
+ doc_send = "\n" + etree.tostring(full_text_xml, encoding="utf-8", pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=False).decode("utf-8")
+ # Debug: Print notify request
+ #print(doc_send)
+ code, msg = sendRequestDocuRC(doc_send, url)
+ try:
+ msg = msg.decode("utf-8")
+ except:
+ pass
+ if " 10):
print("Took more than 10 attempts to find startxref ...")
diff --git a/calibre-plugin/prefs.py b/calibre-plugin/prefs.py
index 169ccc8..a6018cf 100644
--- a/calibre-plugin/prefs.py
+++ b/calibre-plugin/prefs.py
@@ -18,6 +18,15 @@ class DeACSM_Prefs():
self.deacsmprefs.defaults['configured'] = False
+ self.deacsmprefs.defaults['notify_fulfillment'] = True
+ self.deacsmprefs.defaults['list_of_rented_books'] = []
+ if self.deacsmprefs['list_of_rented_books'] == []:
+ self.deacsmprefs['list_of_rented_books'] = []
self.pluginsdir = os.path.join(config_dir,"plugins")
if not os.path.exists(self.pluginsdir):