#!/bin/env python # vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab # # xPml2XHtml.py # # This is a python script. You need a Python interpreter to run it. # For example, ActiveState Python, which exists for windows. # # Based on Code, Input and Ideas from: # The Dark Reverser (original author) # Kevin Hendricks # Logan Kennelly # John Schember (Calibre project) # WayneD's (perl pml2html.pl) # Changelog # 0.02 - tried to greatly improve html conversion especially with \t tags # 0.03 - more cleanup, a few fixes, and add in use of tidy to output xhtml # 0.04 - incorporate more cleanups # 0.05 - add check to fix block elements nested in inline elements which are not allowed # 0.07 - handle clean up for remains left over from fixing nesting issues rampant in pml # 0.08 - deal with inline style tags nesting issues in new way using a style tag list # 0.09 - add in support for wrapping all text not in a block in

tags # 0.10 - treat links effectively as block elements for style markup # 0.11 - add in various paragraphs indentations to handle leading spaces that html would ignore or compress # 0.12 - add in support for handling xml based pml footnotes and sidebars - using pseudo pml tags # 0.14 - add in full header info parsing and remove need for bookinfo.txt # 0.15 - cleanup high chars better handled, optional use of tidy with command line switch # 0.16 - use proper and safe temporary file when passing things to tidy # 0.17 - add support for tidy.exe under windows # 0.18 - fix corner case of lines that start with \axxx or \Uxxxx tags # 0.19 - change to use auto flushed stdout, and use proper return values # 0.20 - properly handle T markup inside links # 0.21 - properly handle new sigil Chapter Breaks for 0.2X series and up __version__='0.21' class Unbuffered: def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream def write(self, data): self.stream.write(data) self.stream.flush() def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.stream, attr) import sys sys.stdout=Unbuffered(sys.stdout) import struct, binascii, zlib, os, getopt, os.path, urllib, re, tempfile import logging from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT logging.basicConfig() #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) class PmlConverter(object): def __init__(self, s): def cleanupHighChars(src): # special win1252 chars 0x80 - 0xa0 properly handled src = re.sub('[\x80-\xff]', lambda x: '\\a%03d' % ord(x.group()), src) src = re.sub('[^\x00-\xff]', lambda x: '\\U%04x' % ord(x.group()), src) return src def convertFootnoteXMLtoPseudoPML(src): # creates pseudo tag \Ft="id"footnote text\Ft p = re.compile(r'\n') m = p.search(src) while m: (b, e) = m.span() fid = m.groups('label')[0] src = src[0:b] + '\\p\\Ft="' + fid + '"' + src[e:] src = re.sub('\n\n','\\\\Ft\n\n',src,1) m = p.search(src) return src def convertSidebarXMLtoPseudoPML(src): # creates pseudo tag \St="id"sidebar text\St p = re.compile(r'\n') m = p.search(src) while m: (b, e) = m.span() sid = m.groups('label')[0] src = src[0:b] + '\\p\\St="' + sid + '"' + src[e:] src = re.sub('\n\n','\\\\St\n\n',src,1) m = p.search(src) return src def convert_x_to_pX0(src): # converts all \x \x to \p\X0 \X0 make later code simpler p = re.compile(r'\\x(.*?)\\x') m = p.search(src) while m: (b, e) = m.span() src = src[0:b] + '\\p\\X0' + src[b+2:e-2] + '\\X0' + src[e:] m = p.search(src) return src def findPrevStartofLine(src,p,n): # find last end of previous line in substring from p to n b1 = src.rfind('\n',p,n) b2 = src.rfind('\\c',p,n) b3 = src.rfind('\\r',p,n) b4 = src.rfind('\\x',p,n) b5 = src.rfind('\\p',p,n) b = max(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5) if b == -1: return n if b == b1: return b + 1 return b + 2 def markHangingIndents(src): r = '' p = 0 while True: if p > len(src): return r n = src.find('\\t', p) if n == -1: r += src[p:] return r pc = findPrevStartofLine(src,p,n) if pc == n : # \t tag is at start of line so indent block will work end = src.find('\\t',n+2) if end == -1: end = n r += src[p:end+2] p = end + 2 else : # \t tag not at start of line so hanging indent case # recode \t to pseudo \h tags and move it to start of this line # and recode its close as well r += src[p:pc] + '\\h' + src[pc:n] end = src.find('\\t',n+2) if end == -1: end = n+2 r += src[n+2:end] + '\\h' p = end + 2 return r # recode double single slashes in pml to allow easier regular expression usage s = s.replace('\\\\','_amp#92_') s = cleanupHighChars(s) s = markHangingIndents(s) s = convertFootnoteXMLtoPseudoPML(s) s = convertSidebarXMLtoPseudoPML(s) s = convert_x_to_pX0(s) # file('converted.pml','wb').write(s) self.s = s self.pos = 0 self.markChapters = (s.find('\\X') == -1) def headerInfo(self): title, author, copyright, publisher, eisbn = None, None, None, None, None m = re.search(r'\\v.*TITLE="(?P[^"]+)".*\\v', self.s, re.DOTALL) if m: title = m.groups('value')[0] m = re.search(r'\\v.*AUTHOR="(?P[^"]+)".*\\v', self.s, re.DOTALL) if m: author = m.groups('value')[0] m = re.search(r'\\v.*PUBLISHER="(?P[^"]+)".*\\v', self.s, re.DOTALL) if m: publisher = m.groups('value')[0] m = re.search(r'\\v.*EISBN="(?P[^"]+)".*\\v', self.s, re.DOTALL) if m: eisbn = m.groups('value')[0] m = re.search(r'\\v.*COPYRIGHT="(?P[^"]+)".*\\v', self.s, re.DOTALL) if m: copyright = m.groups('value')[0] return title, author, copyright, publisher, eisbn def nextOptAttr(self): p = self.pos if self.s[p:p+2] != '="': return None r = '' p += 2 while self.s[p] != '"': r += self.s[p] p += 1 self.pos = p + 1 return r def skipNewLine(self): p = self.pos if p >= len(self.s): return if self.s[p] == '\n': self.pos = p + 1 return def next(self): p = self.pos if p >= len(self.s): return None if self.s[p] != '\\': res = self.s.find('\\', p) if res == -1: res = len(self.s) self.pos = res return self.s[p : res], None, None c = self.s[p+1] # add in support for new pseudo tag \\h if c in 'pxcriuovthnsblBk-lI\\d': self.pos = p + 2 return None, c, None if c in 'TwmqQ': self.pos = p + 2 return None, c, self.nextOptAttr() if c == 'a': self.pos = p + 5 return None, c, int(self.s[p+2:p+5]) if c == 'U': self.pos = p + 6 return None, c, int(self.s[p+2:p+6], 16) c = self.s[p+1:p+1+2] if c in ('X0','X1','X2','X3','X4','Sp','Sb'): self.pos = p + 3 return None, c, None # add in support for new pseudo tags Ft and St if c in ('C0','C1','C2','C3','C4','Fn','Sd', 'Ft', 'St'): self.pos = p + 3 return None, c, self.nextOptAttr() print "unknown escape code %s" % c self.pos = p + 1 return None, None, None def LinkPrinter(link): return '' % link # for every footnote provide a unique id (built on footnote unique id) # so that a hyperlink return is possibly def FootnoteLinkPrinter(link): rlink = 'return_' + link footnote_ids[link] = rlink return '' % (rlink, link) def Footnote(link): return '' % footnote_ids[link] # for every sidebar provide a unique id (built from sidebar unique id) # so that a hyperlink return is possibly def SidebarLinkPrinter(link): rlink = 'return_' + link sidebar_ids[link] = rlink return '' % (rlink, link) def Sidebar(link): return '' % sidebar_ids[link] # standard font switch is used mainly for special chars that may not be in user fonts # but since these special chars are html encoded neither of these are needed # def NormalFont(link): # return '%s' %link # def EndNormalFont(link): # return '' # def StdFont(link): # return '%s' %link # def EndStdFont(link): # return '' # See http://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/PML#Palm_Markup_Language # html non-style related beg and end tags html_tags = { 'v' : (''), 'c' : ('\n
', '
\n'), 'r' : ('\n
', '
\n'), 't' : ('
\n'), 'h' : ('
\n'), # pseudo-tag created to handle hanging indent cases 'X0' : ('

', '

\n'), 'X1' : ('

', '

\n'), 'X2' : ('

', '

\n'), 'X3' : ('

', '

\n'), 'X4' : ('
', '
\n'), 'q' : (LinkPrinter, ''), 'Fn' : (FootnoteLinkPrinter, ''), 'Sd' : (SidebarLinkPrinter, ''), 'Ft' : (Footnote, EndFootnote), 'St' : (Sidebar, EndSidebar), 'I' : ('', ''), 'P' : ('

', '

\n'), # pseudo tag indicating a paragraph (imputed from pml file contents) #'x' : ('

', '

\n'), handled via recoding } # html style related beg and end tags html_style_tags = { 'i' : ('', ''), 'u' : ('', ''), 'b' : ('', ''), 'B' : ('', ''), 'o' : ('', ''), 'v' : (''), 'Sb' : ('', ''), 'Sp' : ('', ''), 'l' : ('', ''), 'k' : ('', ''), 'I' : ('', ''), # according to calibre - all ereader does is italicize the index entries 'l' : ('', ''), 'k' : ('', ''), #'n' : (NormalFont, EndNormalFont), handle as a single and strip out to prevent undesired mid word breaks #'s' : (StdFont, EndStdFont), handle as a single and strip out to prevent undesired mid word breaks } # single tags (non-paired) that require no arguments html_one_tags = { #'p' : '
\n', handle them in the if block to create at body level #'\\': '\\', handled via recoding '-' : '­', 's' : '', # strip out see earlier note on standard and normla font use 'n' : '', # strip out see earlier note on standard and normla font use } # single tags that are not paired but that require attribute an argument #'w' : handled in the if block, #'m' : handled in if block, #'Q' : handled in if block, #'a' : handled in if block, #'U' : handled in if block, #'C0' : handled in if block, #'C1' : handled in if block, #'C2' : handled in if block, #'C3' : handled in if block, #'C4' : handled in if block, #'T' : handled in if block, html_block_tags = ('c','r','t','h','X0','X1','X2','X3','X4','x','P', 'Ft', 'St') html_link_tags = ('q','Fn','Sd') html_comment_tags = ('v') pml_chars = { 128 : '€', 129 : '' , 130 : '—', 131 : 'ƒ' , 132 : '„', 133 : '…', 134 : '†', 135 : '‡', 136 : 'ˆ' , 137 : '‰', 138 : 'Š' , 139 : '‹', 140 : 'Œ' , 141 : '' , 142 : 'Ž' , 143 : '' , 144 : '' , 145 : '‘', 146 : '’', 147 : '“', 148 : '”', 149 : '•', 150 : '–', 151 : '—', 152 : '' , 153 : '™', 154 : 'š' , 155 : '›', 156 : 'œ' , 157 : '' , 158 : 'ž' , 159 : 'Ÿ' , 160 : ' ' , } def process(self): lastbreaksize = 0 final = '\n' final += '\n\n' final += '\n' title, author, copyright, publisher, eisbn = self.headerInfo() if not title: title = bookname if not author: author = 'Unknown' final += '%s by %s\n' % (title, author) final += '\n' % title final += '\n' % author if copyright: final += '\n' % copyright if publisher: final += '\n' % publisher if eisbn: final += '\n' % eisbn final += '\n' final += '\n\n' in_tags = [] st_tags = [] def inSet(slist): rval = False j = len(in_tags) if j == 0: return False while True: j = j - 1 if in_tags[j][0] in slist: rval = True break if j == 0: break return rval def inBlock(): return inSet(self.html_block_tags) def inLink(): return inSet(self.html_link_tags) def inComment(): return inSet(self.html_comment_tags) def inParaNow(): j = len(in_tags) if j == 0: return False if in_tags[j-1][0] == 'P': return True return False def getTag(ti, end): cmd, attr = ti r = self.html_tags[cmd][end] if type(r) != str: r = r(attr) return r def getSTag(ti, end): cmd, attr = ti r = self.html_style_tags[cmd][end] if type(r) != str: r = r(attr) return r def applyStyles(ending): s = '' j = len(st_tags) if j > 0: if ending: while True: j = j - 1 s += getSTag(st_tags[j], True) if j == 0: break else: k = 0 while True: s += getSTag(st_tags[k], False) k = k + 1 if k == j: break return s def indentLevel(line_start): nb = 0 while line_start[nb:nb+1] == ' ': nb = nb + 1 line_start = line_start[nb:] if nb > 5: nb = 5 return nb, line_start def makeText(s): # handle replacements required for html s = s.replace('&', '&') s = s.replace('<', '<') s = s.replace('>', '>') return_s ='' # parse the text line by line lp = s.find('\n') while lp != -1: line = s[0:lp] s = s[lp+1:] if not inBlock() and not inLink() and not inComment(): if len(line) > 0: # text should not exist in the tag level unless it is in a comment nb, line = indentLevel(line) return_s += '

' % nb return_s += applyStyles(False) return_s += line return_s += applyStyles(True) return_s += '

\n' else: return_s += '


\n' elif inParaNow(): # text is a continuation of a previously started paragraph return_s += line return_s += applyStyles(True) return_s += '

\n' j = len(in_tags) del in_tags[j-1] else: if len(line) > 0: return_s += line + '
\n' else: return_s += '
\n' lp = s.find('\n') linefrag = s if len(linefrag) > 0: if not inBlock() and not inLink() and not inComment(): nb, linefrag = indentLevel(linefrag) return_s += '

' % nb return_s += applyStyles(False) return_s += linefrag ppair = ('P', None) in_tags.append(ppair) else: return_s += linefrag return return_s while True: r = self.next() if not r: break text, cmd, attr = r if text: final += makeText(text) if cmd: # handle pseudo paragraph P tags # close if starting a new block element if cmd in self.html_block_tags or cmd == 'w': j = len(in_tags) if j > 0: if in_tags[j-1][0] == 'P': final += applyStyles(True) final += getTag(in_tags[j-1],True) del in_tags[j-1] if cmd in self.html_block_tags: pair = (cmd, attr) if cmd not in [a for (a,b) in in_tags]: # starting a new block tag final += getTag(pair, False) final += applyStyles(False) in_tags.append(pair) else: # process ending tag for a tag pair # ending tag should be for the most recently added start tag j = len(in_tags) if cmd == in_tags[j-1][0]: final += applyStyles(True) final += getTag(in_tags[j-1], True) del in_tags[j-1] else: # ow: things are not properly nested # process ending tag for block # ending tag **should** be for the most recently added block tag # but in too many cases it is not so we must fix this by # closing all open tags up to the current one and then # reopen all of the tags we had to close due to improper nesting of styles print 'Warning: Improperly Nested Block Tags: expected %s found %s' % (cmd, in_tags[j-1][0]) print 'after processing %s' % final[-40:] j = len(in_tags) while True: j = j - 1 final += applyStyles(True) final += getTag(in_tags[j], True) if in_tags[j][0] == cmd: break del in_tags[j] # now create new block start tags if they were previously open while j < len(st_tags): final += getTag(in_tags[j], False) final += applyStyles(False) j = j + 1 self.skipNewLine() elif cmd in self.html_link_tags: pair = (cmd, attr) if cmd not in [a for (a,b) in in_tags]: # starting a new link tag # first close out any still open styles if inBlock(): final += applyStyles(True) # output start tag and styles needed final += getTag(pair, False) final += applyStyles(False) in_tags.append(pair) else: # process ending tag for a tag pair # ending tag should be for the most recently added start tag j = len(in_tags) if cmd == in_tags[j-1][0]: j = len(in_tags) # apply closing styles and tag final += applyStyles(True) final += getTag(in_tags[j-1], True) # if needed reopen any style tags if inBlock(): final += applyStyles(False) del in_tags[j-1] else: # ow: things are not properly nested print 'Error: Improperly Nested Link Tags: expected %s found %s' % (cmd, in_tags[j-1][0]) print 'after processing %s' % final[-40:] elif cmd in self.html_style_tags: spair = (cmd, attr) if cmd not in [a for (a,b) in st_tags]: # starting a new style if inBlock() or inLink(): final += getSTag(spair,False) st_tags.append(spair) else: # process ending tag for style # ending tag **should** be for the most recently added style tag # but in too many cases it is not so we must fix this by # closing all open tags up to the current one and then # reopen all of the tags we had to close due to improper nesting of styles j = len(st_tags) while True: j = j - 1 if inBlock() or inLink(): final += getSTag(st_tags[j], True) if st_tags[j][0] == cmd: break del st_tags[j] # now create new style start tags if they were previously open while j < len(st_tags): if inBlock() or inLink(): final += getSTag(st_tags[j], False) j = j + 1 elif cmd in self.html_one_tags: final += self.html_one_tags[cmd] elif cmd == 'p': # create page breaks at the level so # they can be easily used for safe html file segmentation breakpoints # first close any open tags j = len(in_tags) if j > 0: while True: j = j - 1 if in_tags[j][0] in self.html_block_tags: final += applyStyles(True) final += getTag(in_tags[j], True) if j == 0: break # insert the page break tag final += '\n

\n' if sigil_breaks: if (len(final) - lastbreaksize) > 3000: final += '
\n' lastbreaksize = len(final) # now create new start tags for all tags that # were previously open while j < len(in_tags): final += getTag(in_tags[j], False) if in_tags[j][0] in self.html_block_tags: final += applyStyles(False) j = j + 1 self.skipNewLine() elif cmd[0:1] == 'C': if self.markChapters: # create toc entries at the level # since they will be in an invisible block # first close any open tags j = len(in_tags) if j > 0: while True: j = j - 1 if in_tags[j][0] in self.html_block_tags: final += applyStyles(True) final += getTag(in_tags[j], True) if j == 0: break level = int(cmd[1:2]) + 1 final += '' % (level, attr, level) # now create new start tags for all tags that # were previously open while j < len(in_tags): final += getTag(in_tags[j], False) if in_tags[j][0] in self.html_block_tags: final += applyStyles(False) j = j + 1 else: final += '' % (cmd[1:2], attr) # now handle single tags (non-paired) that have attributes elif cmd == 'm': unquotedimagepath = bookname + '_img/' + attr imagepath = urllib.quote( unquotedimagepath ) final += '' % imagepath elif cmd == 'Q': final += ' ' % attr elif cmd == 'a': if not inBlock() and not inLink() and not inComment(): final += '

' final += applyStyles(False) final += self.pml_chars.get(attr, '&#%d;' % attr) ppair = ('P', None) in_tags.append(ppair) else: final += self.pml_chars.get(attr, '&#%d;' % attr) elif cmd == 'U': if not inBlock() and not inLink() and not inComment(): final += '

' final += applyStyles(False) final += '&#%d;' % attr ppair = ('P', None) in_tags.append(ppair) else: final += makeText('&#%d;' % attr) elif cmd == 'w': # hr width and align parameters are not allowed in strict xhtml but style widths are possible final += '\n

' % attr # final += '
' % attr self.skipNewLine() elif cmd == 'T': if inBlock() or inLink() or inComment(): final += ' ' % attr else: final += '

' % attr final += applyStyles(False) ppair = ('P', None) in_tags.append(ppair) else: logging.warning("Unknown tag: %s-%s", cmd, attr) # handle file ending condition for imputed P tags j = len(in_tags) if (j > 0): if in_tags[j-1][0] == 'P': final += '

' final += '\n\n' # recode html back to a single slash final = final.replace('_amp#92_', '\\') # cleanup the html code for issues specifically generated by this translation process # ending divs already break the line at the end so we don't need the
we added final = final.replace('
\n','\n') # clean up empty elements that can be created when fixing improperly nested pml tags # and by moving page break tags to the body level so that they can be used as html file split points while True: s = final final = final.replace('','') final = final.replace('','') final = final.replace('','') final = final.replace('','') final = final.replace('','') final = final.replace('','') final = final.replace('','') final = final.replace('','') final = final.replace(' ','') final = final.replace(' ','') final = final.replace(' ','') final = final.replace('

','') final = final.replace('

','') final = final.replace('

','') final = final.replace('

','') final = final.replace('

','') final = final.replace('

','') final = final.replace('

','') final = final.replace('

','') final = final.replace('

\n','') final = final.replace('

\n','') final = final.replace('

\n','') final = final.replace('

\n','') final = final.replace('
\n','') final = final.replace('
\n','') final = final.replace('
\n','') final = final.replace('
\n','') final = final.replace('
\n','') if s == final: break return final def tidy(rawhtmlfile): # processes rawhtmlfile through command line tidy via pipes rawfobj = file(rawhtmlfile,'rb') # --doctype strict forces strict dtd checking # --enclose-text yes - enclosees non-block electment text inside into its own

block to meet xhtml spec # -w 100 -i will wrap text at column 120 and indent it to indicate level of nesting to make structure clearer # -win1252 sets the input encoding of pml files # -asxhtml convert to xhtml # -q (quiet) cmdline = 'tidy -w 120 -i -q -asxhtml -win1252 --enclose-text yes --doctype strict ' if sys.platform[0:3] == 'win': cmdline = 'tidy.exe -w 120 -i -q -asxhtml -win1252 --enclose-text yes --doctype strict ' p2 = Popen(cmdline, shell=True, stdin=rawfobj, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=False) stdout, stderr = p2.communicate() # print "Tidy Original Conversion Warnings and Errors" # print stderr return stdout def usage(): print "Converts PML file to XHTML" print "Usage:" print " xpml2xhtml [options] infile.pml outfile.html " print " " print "Options: " print " -h prints this message" print " --sigil-breaks insert Sigil Chapterbbreaks" print " --use-tidy use tidy to further clean up the html " print " " return def main(argv=None): global bookname global footnote_ids global sidebar_ids global sigil_breaks try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ["sigil-breaks", "use-tidy"]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) usage() return 1 if len(args) != 2: usage() return 1 sigil_breaks = False use_tidy = False for o, a in opts: if o == "-h": usage() return 0 elif o == "--sigil-breaks": sigil_breaks = True elif o == "--use-tidy": use_tidy = True infile, outfile = args[0], args[1] bookname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(infile))[0] footnote_ids = { } sidebar_ids = { } try: print "Processing..." import time start_time = time.time() print " Converting pml to raw html" pml_string = file(infile,'rb').read() pml = PmlConverter(pml_string) html_src = pml.process() if use_tidy: print " Tidying html to xhtml" fobj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b',suffix=".html",delete=False) tempname = fobj.name fobj.write(html_src) fobj.close() html_src = tidy(tempname) os.remove(tempname) file(outfile,'wb').write(html_src) end_time = time.time() convert_time = end_time - start_time print 'elapsed time: %.2f seconds' % (convert_time, ) print 'output is in file %s' % outfile print "Finished Processing" except ValueError, e: print "Error: %s" % e return 1 return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": #import cProfile #command = """sys.exit(main())""" #cProfile.runctx( command, globals(), locals(), filename="cprofile.profile" ) sys.exit(main())