#!/usr/bin/env python # vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab import sys sys.path.append('lib') import os, os.path, urllib os.environ['PYTHONIOENCODING'] = "utf-8" import subprocess from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT import subasyncio from subasyncio import Process import Tkinter import Tkconstants import tkFileDialog import tkMessageBox from scrolltextwidget import ScrolledText class MainDialog(Tkinter.Frame): def __init__(self, root): Tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, root, border=5) self.root = root self.interval = 2000 self.p2 = None self.status = Tkinter.Label(self, text='Find your Kindle PID') self.status.pack(fill=Tkconstants.X, expand=1) body = Tkinter.Frame(self) body.pack(fill=Tkconstants.X, expand=1) sticky = Tkconstants.E + Tkconstants.W body.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=2) Tkinter.Label(body, text='Kindle Serial # or iPhone UDID').grid(row=1, sticky=Tkconstants.E) self.serialnum = Tkinter.StringVar() self.serialinfo = Tkinter.Entry(body, width=45, textvariable=self.serialnum) self.serialinfo.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=sticky) msg1 = 'Conversion Log \n\n' self.stext = ScrolledText(body, bd=5, relief=Tkconstants.RIDGE, height=15, width=60, wrap=Tkconstants.WORD) self.stext.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2,sticky=sticky) self.stext.insert(Tkconstants.END,msg1) buttons = Tkinter.Frame(self) buttons.pack() self.sbotton = Tkinter.Button( buttons, text="Start", width=10, command=self.convertit) self.sbotton.pack(side=Tkconstants.LEFT) Tkinter.Frame(buttons, width=10).pack(side=Tkconstants.LEFT) self.qbutton = Tkinter.Button( buttons, text="Quit", width=10, command=self.quitting) self.qbutton.pack(side=Tkconstants.RIGHT) # read from subprocess pipe without blocking # invoked every interval via the widget "after" # option being used, so need to reset it for the next time def processPipe(self): poll = self.p2.wait('nowait') if poll != None: text = self.p2.readerr() text += self.p2.read() msg = text + '\n\n' + 'Kindle PID Successfully Determined\n' if poll != 0: msg = text + '\n\n' + 'Error: Kindle PID Failed\n' self.showCmdOutput(msg) self.p2 = None self.sbotton.configure(state='normal') return text = self.p2.readerr() text += self.p2.read() self.showCmdOutput(text) # make sure we get invoked again by event loop after interval self.stext.after(self.interval,self.processPipe) return # post output from subprocess in scrolled text widget def showCmdOutput(self, msg): if msg and msg !='': if sys.platform.startswith('win'): msg = msg.replace('\r\n','\n') self.stext.insert(Tkconstants.END,msg) self.stext.yview_pickplace(Tkconstants.END) return # run as a subprocess via pipes and collect stdout def pidrdr(self, serial): # os.putenv('PYTHONUNBUFFERED', '1') pengine = sys.executable if pengine is None or pengine == '': pengine = "python" pengine = os.path.normpath(pengine) cmdline = pengine + ' ./lib/kindlepid.py "' + serial + '"' if sys.platform[0:3] == 'win': # search_path = os.environ['PATH'] # search_path = search_path.lower() # if search_path.find('python') >= 0: # cmdline = 'python lib\kindlepid.py "' + serial + '"' # else : # cmdline = 'lib\kindlepid.py "' + serial + '"' cmdline = pengine + ' lib\\kindlepid.py "' + serial + '"' cmdline = cmdline.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) p2 = Process(cmdline, shell=True, bufsize=1, stdin=None, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=False) return p2 def quitting(self): # kill any still running subprocess if self.p2 != None: if (self.p2.wait('nowait') == None): self.p2.terminate() self.root.destroy() # actually ready to run the subprocess and get its output def convertit(self): # now disable the button to prevent multiple launches self.sbotton.configure(state='disabled') serial = self.serialinfo.get() if not serial or serial == '': self.status['text'] = 'No Kindle Serial Number or iPhone UDID specified' self.sbotton.configure(state='normal') return log = 'Command = "python kindlepid.py"\n' log += 'Serial = "' + serial + '"\n' log += '\n\n' log += 'Please Wait ...\n\n' self.stext.insert(Tkconstants.END,log) self.p2 = self.pidrdr(serial) # python does not seem to allow you to create # your own eventloop which every other gui does - strange # so need to use the widget "after" command to force # event loop to run non-gui events every interval self.stext.after(self.interval,self.processPipe) return def main(argv=None): root = Tkinter.Tk() root.title('Kindle and iPhone PID Calculator') root.resizable(True, False) root.minsize(300, 0) MainDialog(root).pack(fill=Tkconstants.X, expand=1) root.mainloop() return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())