#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # adobekey_get_passhash.py, version 1 # based on adobekey.pyw, version 7.2 # Copyright © 2009-2021 i♥cabbages, Apprentice Harper et al. # Copyright © 2021 noDRM # Released under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence, version 3 # # Revision history: # 1 - Initial release """ Retrieve Adobe ADEPT user passhash keys """ __license__ = 'GPL v3' __version__ = '1' import sys, os, time import base64, hashlib try: from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES except: from Crypto.Cipher import AES PASS_HASH_SECRET = "9ca588496a1bc4394553d9e018d70b9e" def unpad(data): if sys.version_info[0] == 2: pad_len = ord(data[-1]) else: pad_len = data[-1] return data[:-pad_len] try: from calibre.constants import iswindows, isosx except: iswindows = sys.platform.startswith('win') isosx = sys.platform.startswith('darwin') class ADEPTError(Exception): pass def decrypt_passhash(passhash, fp): serial_number = base64.b64decode(fp).hex() hash_key = hashlib.sha1(bytearray.fromhex(serial_number + PASS_HASH_SECRET)).digest()[:16] encrypted_cc_hash = base64.b64decode(passhash) cc_hash = unpad(AES.new(hash_key, AES.MODE_CBC, encrypted_cc_hash[:16]).decrypt(encrypted_cc_hash[16:])) return base64.b64encode(cc_hash).decode("ascii") if iswindows: try: import winreg except ImportError: import _winreg as winreg PRIVATE_LICENCE_KEY_PATH = r'Software\Adobe\Adept\Activation' def passhash_keys(): cuser = winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER keys = [] names = [] try: plkroot = winreg.OpenKey(cuser, PRIVATE_LICENCE_KEY_PATH) except WindowsError: raise ADEPTError("Could not locate ADE activation") idx = 1 fp = None i = -1 while True: i = i + 1 # start with 0 try: plkparent = winreg.OpenKey(plkroot, "%04d" % (i,)) except: # No more keys break ktype = winreg.QueryValueEx(plkparent, None)[0] if ktype == "activationToken": # find fingerprint for hash decryption j = -1 while True: j = j + 1 # start with 0 try: plkkey = winreg.OpenKey(plkparent, "%04d" % (j,)) except WindowsError: break ktype = winreg.QueryValueEx(plkkey, None)[0] if ktype == 'fingerprint': fp = winreg.QueryValueEx(plkkey, 'value')[0] #print("Found fingerprint: " + fp) # Note: There can be multiple lists, with multiple entries each. if ktype == 'passHashList': # Find operator (used in key name) j = -1 lastOperator = "Unknown" while True: j = j + 1 # start with 0 try: plkkey = winreg.OpenKey(plkparent, "%04d" % (j,)) except WindowsError: break ktype = winreg.QueryValueEx(plkkey, None)[0] if ktype == 'operatorURL': operatorURL = winreg.QueryValueEx(plkkey, 'value')[0] try: lastOperator = operatorURL.split('//')[1].split('/')[0] except: pass # Find hashes j = -1 while True: j = j + 1 # start with 0 try: plkkey = winreg.OpenKey(plkparent, "%04d" % (j,)) except WindowsError: break ktype = winreg.QueryValueEx(plkkey, None)[0] if ktype == "passHash": passhash_encrypted = winreg.QueryValueEx(plkkey, 'value')[0] names.append("ADE_key_" + lastOperator + "_" + str(int(time.time())) + "_" + str(idx)) idx = idx + 1 keys.append(passhash_encrypted) if fp is None: #print("Didn't find fingerprint for decryption ...") return [], [] print("Found {0:d} passhashes".format(len(keys))) keys_decrypted = [] for key in keys: decrypted = decrypt_passhash(key, fp) #print("Input key: " + key) #print("Output key: " + decrypted) keys_decrypted.append(decrypted) return keys_decrypted, names else: def passhash_keys(): raise ADEPTError("This script only supports Windows.") #TODO: Add MacOS support by parsing the activation.xml file. return [], [] if __name__ == '__main__': print("This is a python calibre plugin. It can't be directly executed.")