#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import with_statement __license__ = 'GPL v3' # Standard Python modules. import os, sys, re, hashlib # PyQT4 modules (part of calibre). from PyQt4.Qt import (Qt, QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QLineEdit, QGroupBox, QPushButton, QListWidget, QListWidgetItem, QAbstractItemView, QIcon, QDialog, QUrl, QString) from PyQt4 import QtGui # calibre modules and constants. from calibre.gui2 import (error_dialog, question_dialog, info_dialog, open_url, choose_dir, choose_files) from calibre.utils.config import dynamic, config_dir, JSONConfig # modules from this plugin's zipfile. from calibre_plugins.ignobleepub.__init__ import PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION from calibre_plugins.ignobleepub.__init__ import RESOURCE_NAME as help_file_name from calibre_plugins.ignobleepub.utilities import (uStrCmp, DETAILED_MESSAGE, parseCustString) from calibre_plugins.ignobleepub.dialogs import AddKeyDialog, RenameKeyDialog from calibre_plugins.ignobleepub.ignoblekeygen import generate_key JSON_NAME = PLUGIN_NAME.strip().lower().replace(' ', '_') JSON_PATH = 'plugins/' + JSON_NAME + '.json' # This is where all preferences for this plugin will be stored # You should always prefix your config file name with plugins/, # so as to ensure you dont accidentally clobber a calibre config file prefs = JSONConfig(JSON_PATH) # Set defaults prefs.defaults['keys'] = {} prefs.defaults['configured'] = False class ConfigWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, help_file_data): QWidget.__init__(self) self.help_file_data = help_file_data self.plugin_keys = prefs['keys'] # Handle the old plugin's customization string by either converting the # old string to stored keys or by saving the string to a text file of the # user's choice. Either way... get that personal data out of plain sight. from calibre.customize.ui import config sc = config['plugin_customization'] val = sc.get(PLUGIN_NAME, None) if val is not None: title = 'Convert existing customization data?' msg = '

Convert your existing insecure customization data? (Please '+ \ 'read the detailed message)' det_msg = DETAILED_MESSAGE # Offer to convert the old string to the new format if question_dialog(self, _(title), _(msg), det_msg, True, True): userkeys = parseCustString(str(val)) if userkeys: counter = 0 # Yay! We found valid customization data... add it to the new plugin for k in userkeys: counter += 1 self.plugin_keys['Converted Old Plugin Key - ' + str(counter)] = k msg = '

' + str(counter) + ' User key(s) configured from old plugin customization string' inf = info_dialog(None, _(PLUGIN_NAME + 'info_dlg'), _(msg), show=True) val = sc.pop(PLUGIN_NAME, None) if val is not None: config['plugin_customization'] = sc else: # The existing customization string was invalid and wouldn't have # worked anyway. Offer to save it as a text file and get rid of it. errmsg = '

Unknown Error converting user supplied-customization string' r = error_dialog(None, PLUGIN_NAME, _(errmsg), show=True, show_copy_button=False) self.saveOldCustomizationData(str(val)) val = sc.pop(PLUGIN_NAME, None) if val is not None: config['plugin_customization'] = sc # If they don't want to convert the old string to keys then # offer to save the old string to a text file and delete the # the old customization string. else: self.saveOldCustomizationData(str(val)) val = sc.pop(PLUGIN_NAME, None) if val is not None: config['plugin_customization'] = sc # First time run since upgrading to new key storage method, or 0 keys configured. # Prompt to import pre-existing key files. if not prefs['configured']: title = 'Import existing key files?' msg = '

This plugin no longer uses *.b64 keyfiles stored in calibre\'s configuration '+ \ 'directory. Do you have any exsiting key files there (or anywhere) that you\'d '+ \ 'like to migrate into the new plugin preferences method?' if question_dialog(self, _(title), _(msg)): self.migrate_files() # Start Qt Gui dialog layout layout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(layout) help_layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(help_layout) # Add hyperlink to a help file at the right. We will replace the correct name when it is clicked. help_label = QLabel('Plugin Help', self) help_label.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.LinksAccessibleByMouse | Qt.LinksAccessibleByKeyboard) help_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) help_label.linkActivated.connect(self.help_link_activated) help_layout.addWidget(help_label) keys_group_box = QGroupBox(_('Configured Ignoble Keys:'), self) layout.addWidget(keys_group_box) keys_group_box_layout = QHBoxLayout() keys_group_box.setLayout(keys_group_box_layout) self.listy = QListWidget(self) self.listy.setToolTip(_('

Stored Ignoble keys that will be used for decryption')) self.listy.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) self.populate_list() keys_group_box_layout.addWidget(self.listy) button_layout = QVBoxLayout() keys_group_box_layout.addLayout(button_layout) self._add_key_button = QtGui.QToolButton(self) self._add_key_button.setToolTip(_('Create new key')) self._add_key_button.setIcon(QIcon(I('plus.png'))) self._add_key_button.clicked.connect(self.add_key) button_layout.addWidget(self._add_key_button) self._delete_key_button = QtGui.QToolButton(self) self._delete_key_button.setToolTip(_('Delete highlighted key')) self._delete_key_button.setIcon(QIcon(I('list_remove.png'))) self._delete_key_button.clicked.connect(self.delete_key) button_layout.addWidget(self._delete_key_button) self._rename_key_button = QtGui.QToolButton(self) self._rename_key_button.setToolTip(_('Rename highlighted key')) self._rename_key_button.setIcon(QIcon(I('edit-select-all.png'))) self._rename_key_button.clicked.connect(self.rename_key) button_layout.addWidget(self._rename_key_button) self.export_key_button = QtGui.QToolButton(self) self.export_key_button.setToolTip(_('Export highlighted key')) self.export_key_button.setIcon(QIcon(I('save.png'))) self.export_key_button.clicked.connect(self.export_key) button_layout.addWidget(self.export_key_button) spacerItem = QtGui.QSpacerItem(20, 40, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding) button_layout.addItem(spacerItem) layout.addSpacing(20) migrate_layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(migrate_layout) self.migrate_btn = QPushButton(_('Import Existing Keyfiles'), self) self.migrate_btn.setToolTip(_('

Import *.b64 keyfiles (used by older versions of the plugin).')) self.migrate_btn.clicked.connect(self.migrate_wrapper) migrate_layout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) migrate_layout.addWidget(self.migrate_btn) self.resize(self.sizeHint()) def populate_list(self): for key in self.plugin_keys.keys(): self.listy.addItem(QListWidgetItem(key)) def add_key(self): d = AddKeyDialog(self) d.exec_() if d.result() != d.Accepted: # New key generation cancelled. return self.plugin_keys[d.key_name] = generate_key(d.user_name, d.cc_number) self.listy.clear() self.populate_list() def rename_key(self): if not self.listy.currentItem(): errmsg = '

No keyfile selected to export. Highlight a keyfile first.' r = error_dialog(None, PLUGIN_NAME, _(errmsg), show=True, show_copy_button=False) return d = RenameKeyDialog(self) d.exec_() if d.result() != d.Accepted: # rename cancelled or moot. return keyname = unicode(self.listy.currentItem().text().toUtf8(), 'utf8') if not question_dialog(self, _('Are you sure?'), _('

'+ 'Do you really want to rename the Ignoble key named %s to %s?') % (keyname, d.key_name), show_copy_button=False, default_yes=False): return self.plugin_keys[d.key_name] = self.plugin_keys[keyname] del self.plugin_keys[keyname] self.listy.clear() self.populate_list() def delete_key(self): if not self.listy.currentItem(): return keyname = unicode(self.listy.currentItem().text().toUtf8(), 'utf8') if not question_dialog(self, _('Are you sure?'), _('

'+ 'Do you really want to delete the Ignoble key named %s?') % keyname, show_copy_button=False, default_yes=False): return del self.plugin_keys[keyname] self.listy.clear() self.populate_list() def help_link_activated(self, url): def get_help_file_resource(): # Copy the HTML helpfile to the plugin directory each time the # link is clicked in case the helpfile is updated in newer plugins. file_path = os.path.join(config_dir, 'plugins', help_file_name) with open(file_path,'w') as f: f.write(self.help_file_data) return file_path url = 'file:///' + get_help_file_resource() open_url(QUrl(url)) def save_settings(self): prefs['keys'] = self.plugin_keys if prefs['keys']: prefs['configured'] = True else: prefs['configured'] = False def migrate_files(self): dynamic[PLUGIN_NAME + 'config_dir'] = config_dir files = choose_files(self, PLUGIN_NAME + 'config_dir', _('Select Ignoble keyfiles to import'), [('Ignoble Keyfiles', ['b64'])], False) if files: counter = 0 skipped = 0 for filename in files: fpath = os.path.join(config_dir, filename) new_key_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] match = False for key in self.plugin_keys.keys(): if uStrCmp(new_key_name, key, True): skipped += 1 msg = '

A key with the name ' + new_key_name + ' already exists!

' + \ '

Skipping key file named ' + filename + '.

' + \ '

Either delete the existing key and re-migrate, or ' + \ 'create that key manually with a different name.' inf = info_dialog(None, _(PLUGIN_NAME + 'info_dlg'), _(msg), show=True) match = True break if not match: with open(fpath, 'rb') as f: counter += 1 self.plugin_keys[unicode(new_key_name)] = f.read() msg = '

Done migrating ' + str(counter) + ' ' + \ 'key files...

Skipped ' + str(skipped) + ' key files.' inf = info_dialog(None, _(PLUGIN_NAME + 'info_dlg'), _(msg), show=True) return 1 return 0 def migrate_wrapper(self): if self.migrate_files(): self.listy.clear() self.populate_list() def export_key(self): if not self.listy.currentItem(): errmsg = '

No keyfile selected to export. Highlight a keyfile first.' r = error_dialog(None, PLUGIN_NAME, _(errmsg), show=True, show_copy_button=False) return filter = QString('Ignoble Key Files (*.b64)') keyname = unicode(self.listy.currentItem().text().toUtf8(), 'utf8') if dynamic.get(PLUGIN_NAME + 'save_dir'): defaultname = os.path.join(dynamic.get(PLUGIN_NAME + 'save_dir'), keyname + '.b64') else: defaultname = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), keyname + '.b64') filename = unicode(QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save Ignoble Key File as...", defaultname, "Ignoble Key Files (*.b64)", filter)) if filename: dynamic[PLUGIN_NAME + 'save_dir'] = os.path.split(filename)[0] fname = open(filename, 'w') fname.write(self.plugin_keys[keyname]) fname.close() def saveOldCustomizationData(self, strdata): filter = QString('Text files (*.txt)') default_basefilename = PLUGIN_NAME + ' old customization data.txt' defaultname = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), default_basefilename) filename = unicode(QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save old plugin style customization data as...", defaultname, "Text Files (*.txt)", filter)) if filename: fname = open(filename, 'w') fname.write(strdata) fname.close()