#!/usr/bin/env python # engine to remove drm from Kindle for Mac and Kindle for PC books # for personal use for archiving and converting your ebooks # PLEASE DO NOT PIRATE EBOOKS! # We want all authors and publishers, and eBook stores to live # long and prosperous lives but at the same time we just want to # be able to read OUR books on whatever device we want and to keep # readable for a long, long time # This borrows very heavily from works by CMBDTC, IHeartCabbages, skindle, # unswindle, DarkReverser, ApprenticeAlf, DiapDealer, some_updates # and many many others # It can run standalone to convert K4M/K4PC/Mobi files, or it can be installed as a # plugin for Calibre (http://calibre-ebook.com/about) so that importing # K4 or Mobi with DRM is no londer a multi-step process. # # ***NOTE*** If you are using this script as a calibre plugin for a K4M or K4PC ebook # then calibre must be installed on the same machine and in the same account as K4PC or K4M # for the plugin version to function properly. # # To create a Calibre plugin, rename this file so that the filename # ends in '_plugin.py', put it into a ZIP file with all its supporting python routines # and import that ZIP into Calibre using its plugin configuration GUI. from __future__ import with_statement __version__ = '1.1' class Unbuffered: def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream def write(self, data): self.stream.write(data) self.stream.flush() def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.stream, attr) import sys import os, csv, getopt import binascii import zlib from struct import pack, unpack, unpack_from #Exception Handling class DrmException(Exception): pass # # crypto digestroutines # import hashlib def MD5(message): ctx = hashlib.md5() ctx.update(message) return ctx.digest() def SHA1(message): ctx = hashlib.sha1() ctx.update(message) return ctx.digest() # determine if we are running as a calibre plugin if 'calibre' in sys.modules: inCalibre = True global openKindleInfo, CryptUnprotectData, GetUserName, GetVolumeSerialNumber, charMap1, charMap2, charMap3, charMap4 else: inCalibre = False # # start of Kindle specific routines # if not inCalibre: import mobidedrm if sys.platform.startswith('win'): from k4pcutils import openKindleInfo, CryptUnprotectData, GetUserName, GetVolumeSerialNumber, charMap1, charMap2, charMap3, charMap4 if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): from k4mutils import openKindleInfo, CryptUnprotectData, GetUserName, GetVolumeSerialNumber, charMap1, charMap2, charMap3, charMap4 global kindleDatabase # Encode the bytes in data with the characters in map def encode(data, map): result = "" for char in data: value = ord(char) Q = (value ^ 0x80) // len(map) R = value % len(map) result += map[Q] result += map[R] return result # Hash the bytes in data and then encode the digest with the characters in map def encodeHash(data,map): return encode(MD5(data),map) # Decode the string in data with the characters in map. Returns the decoded bytes def decode(data,map): result = "" for i in range (0,len(data)-1,2): high = map.find(data[i]) low = map.find(data[i+1]) if (high == -1) or (low == -1) : break value = (((high * len(map)) ^ 0x80) & 0xFF) + low result += pack("B",value) return result # Parse the Kindle.info file and return the records as a list of key-values def parseKindleInfo(): DB = {} infoReader = openKindleInfo() infoReader.read(1) data = infoReader.read() if sys.platform.startswith('win'): items = data.split('{') else : items = data.split('[') for item in items: splito = item.split(':') DB[splito[0]] =splito[1] return DB # Get a record from the Kindle.info file for the key "hashedKey" (already hashed and encoded). Return the decoded and decrypted record def getKindleInfoValueForHash(hashedKey): global kindleDatabase encryptedValue = decode(kindleDatabase[hashedKey],charMap2) if sys.platform.startswith('win'): return CryptUnprotectData(encryptedValue,"") else: cleartext = CryptUnprotectData(encryptedValue) return decode(cleartext, charMap1) # Get a record from the Kindle.info file for the string in "key" (plaintext). Return the decoded and decrypted record def getKindleInfoValueForKey(key): return getKindleInfoValueForHash(encodeHash(key,charMap2)) # Find if the original string for a hashed/encoded string is known. If so return the original string othwise return an empty string. def findNameForHash(hash): names = ["kindle.account.tokens","kindle.cookie.item","eulaVersionAccepted","login_date","kindle.token.item","login","kindle.key.item","kindle.name.info","kindle.device.info", "MazamaRandomNumber"] result = "" for name in names: if hash == encodeHash(name, charMap2): result = name break return result # Print all the records from the kindle.info file (option -i) def printKindleInfo(): for record in kindleDatabase: name = findNameForHash(record) if name != "" : print (name) print ("--------------------------") else : print ("Unknown Record") print getKindleInfoValueForHash(record) print "\n" # # PID generation routines # # Returns two bit at offset from a bit field def getTwoBitsFromBitField(bitField,offset): byteNumber = offset // 4 bitPosition = 6 - 2*(offset % 4) return ord(bitField[byteNumber]) >> bitPosition & 3 # Returns the six bits at offset from a bit field def getSixBitsFromBitField(bitField,offset): offset *= 3 value = (getTwoBitsFromBitField(bitField,offset) <<4) + (getTwoBitsFromBitField(bitField,offset+1) << 2) +getTwoBitsFromBitField(bitField,offset+2) return value # 8 bits to six bits encoding from hash to generate PID string def encodePID(hash): global charMap3 PID = "" for position in range (0,8): PID += charMap3[getSixBitsFromBitField(hash,position)] return PID # Encryption table used to generate the device PID def generatePidEncryptionTable() : table = [] for counter1 in range (0,0x100): value = counter1 for counter2 in range (0,8): if (value & 1 == 0) : value = value >> 1 else : value = value >> 1 value = value ^ 0xEDB88320 table.append(value) return table # Seed value used to generate the device PID def generatePidSeed(table,dsn) : value = 0 for counter in range (0,4) : index = (ord(dsn[counter]) ^ value) &0xFF value = (value >> 8) ^ table[index] return value # Generate the device PID def generateDevicePID(table,dsn,nbRoll): seed = generatePidSeed(table,dsn) pidAscii = "" pid = [(seed >>24) &0xFF,(seed >> 16) &0xff,(seed >> 8) &0xFF,(seed) & 0xFF,(seed>>24) & 0xFF,(seed >> 16) &0xff,(seed >> 8) &0xFF,(seed) & 0xFF] index = 0 for counter in range (0,nbRoll): pid[index] = pid[index] ^ ord(dsn[counter]) index = (index+1) %8 for counter in range (0,8): index = ((((pid[counter] >>5) & 3) ^ pid[counter]) & 0x1f) + (pid[counter] >> 7) pidAscii += charMap4[index] return pidAscii # convert from 8 digit PID to 10 digit PID with checksum def checksumPid(s): letters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789" crc = (~binascii.crc32(s,-1))&0xFFFFFFFF crc = crc ^ (crc >> 16) res = s l = len(letters) for i in (0,1): b = crc & 0xff pos = (b // l) ^ (b % l) res += letters[pos%l] crc >>= 8 return res class MobiPeek: def loadSection(self, section): before, after = self.sections[section:section+2] self.f.seek(before) return self.f.read(after - before) def __init__(self, filename): self.f = file(filename, 'rb') self.header = self.f.read(78) self.ident = self.header[0x3C:0x3C+8] if self.ident != 'BOOKMOBI' and self.ident != 'TEXtREAd': raise DrmException('invalid file format') self.num_sections, = unpack_from('>H', self.header, 76) sections = self.f.read(self.num_sections*8) self.sections = unpack_from('>%dL' % (self.num_sections*2), sections, 0)[::2] + (0xfffffff, ) self.sect0 = self.loadSection(0) self.f.close() def getBookTitle(self): # get book title toff, tlen = unpack('>II', self.sect0[0x54:0x5c]) tend = toff + tlen title = self.sect0[toff:tend] return title def getexthData(self): # if exth region exists then grab it # get length of this header length, type, codepage, unique_id, version = unpack('>LLLLL', self.sect0[20:40]) exth_flag, = unpack('>L', self.sect0[0x80:0x84]) exth = '' if exth_flag & 0x40: exth = self.sect0[16 + length:] return exth def isNotEncrypted(self): lock_type, = unpack('>H', self.sect0[0xC:0xC+2]) if lock_type == 0: return True return False # DiapDealer's stuff: Parse the EXTH header records and parse the Kindleinfo # file to calculate the book pid. def getK4Pids(exth, title): global kindleDatabase try: kindleDatabase = parseKindleInfo() except Exception as message: print(message) if kindleDatabase != None : # Get the Mazama Random number MazamaRandomNumber = getKindleInfoValueForKey("MazamaRandomNumber") # Get the HDD serial encodedSystemVolumeSerialNumber = encodeHash(GetVolumeSerialNumber(),charMap1) # Get the current user name encodedUsername = encodeHash(GetUserName(),charMap1) # concat, hash and encode to calculate the DSN DSN = encode(SHA1(MazamaRandomNumber+encodedSystemVolumeSerialNumber+encodedUsername),charMap1) print("\nDSN: " + DSN) # Compute the device PID (for which I can tell, is used for nothing). # But hey, stuff being printed out is apparently cool. table = generatePidEncryptionTable() devicePID = generateDevicePID(table,DSN,4) print("Device PID: " + checksumPid(devicePID)) # Compute book PID exth_records = {} nitems, = unpack('>I', exth[8:12]) pos = 12 # Parse the exth records, storing data indexed by type for i in xrange(nitems): type, size = unpack('>II', exth[pos: pos + 8]) content = exth[pos + 8: pos + size] exth_records[type] = content pos += size # Grab the contents of the type 209 exth record if exth_records[209] != None: data = exth_records[209] else: raise DrmException("\nNo EXTH record type 209 - Perhaps not a K4 file?") # Parse the 209 data to find the the exth record with the token data. # The last character of the 209 data points to the record with the token. # Always 208 from my experience, but I'll leave the logic in case that changes. for i in xrange(len(data)): if ord(data[i]) != 0: if exth_records[ord(data[i])] != None: token = exth_records[ord(data[i])] # Get the kindle account token kindleAccountToken = getKindleInfoValueForKey("kindle.account.tokens") print("Account Token: " + kindleAccountToken) pidHash = SHA1(DSN+kindleAccountToken+exth_records[209]+token) bookPID = encodePID(pidHash) bookPID = checksumPid(bookPID) if exth_records[503] != None: print "Pid for " + exth_records[503] + ": " + bookPID else: print "Pid for " + title + ":" + bookPID return bookPID raise DrmException("\nCould not access K4 data - Perhaps K4 is not installed/configured?") return null # # Main # def main(argv=sys.argv): global kindleDatabase import mobidedrm print ('K4MobiDeDrm v%(__version__)s ' 'provided by the work of many including DiapDealer, SomeUpdates, IHeartCabbages, CMBDTC, Skindle, DarkReverser, ApprenticeAlf, etc .' % globals()) if len(argv)<3: print "Removes DRM protection from K4PC, K4M, and Mobi ebooks" print "Usage:" print " %s []" % argv[0] return 1 if len(argv) == 4: pidnums = argv[3] if len(argv) == 3: pidnums = "" kindleDatabase = None infile = argv[1] outfile = argv[2] try: # first try with K4PC/K4M ex = MobiPeek(infile) if ex.isNotEncrypted(): print "File was Not Encrypted" return 2 title = ex.getBookTitle() exth = ex.getexthData() pid = getK4Pids(exth, title) unlocked_file = mobidedrm.getUnencryptedBook(infile, pid) except DrmException: pass except mobidedrm.DrmException: pass else: file(outfile, 'wb').write(unlocked_file) return 0 # now try from the pid list pids = pidnums.split(',') for pid in pids: try: print 'Trying: "'+ pid + '"' unlocked_file = mobidedrm.getUnencryptedBook(infile, pid) except mobidedrm.DrmException: pass else: file(outfile, 'wb').write(unlocked_file) return 0 # we could not unencrypt book print "Error: Could Not Unencrypt Book" return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.stdout=Unbuffered(sys.stdout) sys.exit(main()) if not __name__ == "__main__" and inCalibre: from calibre.customize import FileTypePlugin class K4DeDRM(FileTypePlugin): name = 'K4PC, K4Mac, Mobi DeDRM' # Name of the plugin description = 'Removes DRM from K4PC, K4Mac, and Mobi files. \ Provided by the work of many including DiapDealer, SomeUpdates, IHeartCabbages, CMBDTC, Skindle, DarkReverser, ApprenticeAlf, etc.' supported_platforms = ['osx', 'windows', 'linux'] # Platforms this plugin will run on author = 'DiapDealer, SomeUpdates' # The author of this plugin version = (0, 0, 1) # The version number of this plugin file_types = set(['prc','mobi','azw']) # The file types that this plugin will be applied to on_import = True # Run this plugin during the import priority = 200 # run this plugin before mobidedrm, k4pcdedrm, k4dedrm def run(self, path_to_ebook): from calibre.gui2 import is_ok_to_use_qt from PyQt4.Qt import QMessageBox global kindleDatabase global openKindleInfo, CryptUnprotectData, GetUserName, GetVolumeSerialNumber, charMap1, charMap2, charMap3, charMap4 if sys.platform.startswith('win'): from k4pcutils import openKindleInfo, CryptUnprotectData, GetUserName, GetVolumeSerialNumber, charMap1, charMap2, charMap3, charMap4 if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): from k4mutils import openKindleInfo, CryptUnprotectData, GetUserName, GetVolumeSerialNumber, charMap1, charMap2, charMap3, charMap4 import mobidedrm pidnums = self.site_customization # first try with book specifc pid from K4PC or K4M try: kindleDatabase = None ex = MobiPeek(path_to_ebook) if ex.isNotEncrypted(): return path_to_ebook title = ex.getBookTitle() exth = ex.getexthData() pid = getK4Pids(exth, title) unlocked_file = mobidedrm.getUnencryptedBook(path_to_ebook,pid) except DrmException: pass except mobidedrm.DrmException: pass else: of = self.temporary_file('.mobi') of.write(unlocked_file) of.close() return of.name # now try from the pid list pids = pidnums.split(',') for pid in pids: try: unlocked_file = mobidedrm.getUnencryptedBook(path_to_ebook, pid) except mobidedrm.DrmException: pass else: of = self.temporary_file('.mobi') of.write(unlocked_file) of.close() return of.name #if you reached here then no luck raise and exception if is_ok_to_use_qt(): d = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, "K4MobiDeDRM Plugin", "Error decoding: %s\n" % path_to_ebook) d.show() d.raise_() d.exec_() raise Exception("K4MobiDeDRM plugin could not decode the file") return "" def customization_help(self, gui=False): return 'Enter each 10 character PID separated by a comma (no spaces).'