#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import with_statement __license__ = 'GPL v3' # Standard Python modules. import os, sys, re, hashlib # PyQT4 modules (part of calibre). from PyQt4.Qt import (Qt, QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QLineEdit, QGroupBox, QPushButton, QListWidget, QListWidgetItem, QAbstractItemView, QIcon, QDialog, QUrl, QString) from PyQt4 import QtGui import zipfile from zipfile import ZipFile # calibre modules and constants. from calibre.gui2 import (error_dialog, question_dialog, info_dialog, open_url, choose_dir, choose_files) from calibre.utils.config import dynamic, config_dir, JSONConfig from calibre.constants import iswindows, isosx # modules from this plugin's zipfile. from calibre_plugins.dedrm.__init__ import PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION from calibre_plugins.dedrm.__init__ import RESOURCE_NAME as help_file_name from calibre_plugins.dedrm.utilities import (uStrCmp, DETAILED_MESSAGE) import calibre_plugins.dedrm.dialogs as dialogs import calibre_plugins.dedrm.ignoblekeygen as bandn import calibre_plugins.dedrm.erdr2pml as ereader import calibre_plugins.dedrm.adobekey as adobe import calibre_plugins.dedrm.kindlekey as amazon JSON_NAME = PLUGIN_NAME.strip().lower().replace(' ', '_') JSON_PATH = os.path.join(u"plugins", JSON_NAME + '.json') IGNOBLEPLUGINNAME = "Ignoble Epub DeDRM" EREADERPLUGINNAME = "eReader PDB 2 PML" OLDKINDLEPLUGINNAME = "K4PC, K4Mac, Kindle Mobi and Topaz DeDRM" # This is where all preferences for this plugin will be stored # You should always prefix your config file name with plugins/, # so as to ensure you dont accidentally clobber a calibre config file dedrmprefs = JSONConfig(JSON_PATH) # get prefs from older tools kindleprefs = JSONConfig(os.path.join(u"plugins", u"K4MobiDeDRM")) ignobleprefs = JSONConfig(os.path.join(u"plugins", u"ignoble_epub_dedrm")) # Set defaults for the prefs dedrmprefs.defaults['configured'] = False dedrmprefs.defaults['bandnkeys'] = {} dedrmprefs.defaults['adeptkeys'] = {} dedrmprefs.defaults['ereaderkeys'] = {} dedrmprefs.defaults['kindlekeys'] = {} dedrmprefs.defaults['pids'] = [] dedrmprefs.defaults['serials'] = [] class ConfigWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, plugin_path): QWidget.__init__(self) self.plugin_path = plugin_path # get copy of the prefs from the file # Otherwise we seem to get a persistent local copy. self.dedrmprefs = JSONConfig(JSON_PATH) self.tempdedrmprefs = {} self.tempdedrmprefs['bandnkeys'] = self.dedrmprefs['bandnkeys'].copy() self.tempdedrmprefs['adeptkeys'] = self.dedrmprefs['adeptkeys'].copy() self.tempdedrmprefs['ereaderkeys'] = self.dedrmprefs['ereaderkeys'].copy() self.tempdedrmprefs['kindlekeys'] = self.dedrmprefs['kindlekeys'].copy() self.tempdedrmprefs['pids'] = list(self.dedrmprefs['pids']) self.tempdedrmprefs['serials'] = list(self.dedrmprefs['serials']) # Start Qt Gui dialog layout layout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(layout) help_layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(help_layout) # Add hyperlink to a help file at the right. We will replace the correct name when it is clicked. help_label = QLabel('Plugin Help', self) help_label.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.LinksAccessibleByMouse | Qt.LinksAccessibleByKeyboard) help_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) help_label.linkActivated.connect(self.help_link_activated) help_layout.addWidget(help_label) keys_group_box = QGroupBox(_('Configuration:'), self) layout.addWidget(keys_group_box) keys_group_box_layout = QHBoxLayout() keys_group_box.setLayout(keys_group_box_layout) button_layout = QVBoxLayout() keys_group_box_layout.addLayout(button_layout) self.bandn_button = QtGui.QPushButton(self) self.bandn_button.setToolTip(_(u"Click to manage keys for Barnes and Noble ebooks")) self.bandn_button.setText(u"Barnes and Noble ebooks") self.bandn_button.clicked.connect(self.bandn_keys) self.kindle_serial_button = QtGui.QPushButton(self) self.kindle_serial_button.setToolTip(_(u"Click to manage eInk Kindle serial numbers for Kindle ebooks")) self.kindle_serial_button.setText(u"eInk Kindle ebooks") self.kindle_serial_button.clicked.connect(self.kindle_serials) self.kindle_key_button = QtGui.QPushButton(self) self.kindle_key_button.setToolTip(_(u"Click to manage keys for Kindle for Mac/PC ebooks")) self.kindle_key_button.setText(u"Kindle for Mac/PC ebooks") self.kindle_key_button.clicked.connect(self.kindle_keys) self.adept_button = QtGui.QPushButton(self) self.adept_button.setToolTip(_(u"Click to manage keys for Adobe Digital Editions ebooks")) self.adept_button.setText(u"Adobe Digital Editions ebooks") self.adept_button.clicked.connect(self.adept_keys) self.mobi_button = QtGui.QPushButton(self) self.mobi_button.setToolTip(_(u"Click to manage PIDs for Mobipocket ebooks")) self.mobi_button.setText(u"Mobipocket ebooks") self.mobi_button.clicked.connect(self.mobi_keys) self.ereader_button = QtGui.QPushButton(self) self.ereader_button.setToolTip(_(u"Click to manage keys for eReader ebooks")) self.ereader_button.setText(u"eReader ebooks") self.ereader_button.clicked.connect(self.ereader_keys) button_layout.addWidget(self.kindle_serial_button) button_layout.addWidget(self.bandn_button) button_layout.addWidget(self.mobi_button) button_layout.addWidget(self.ereader_button) button_layout.addWidget(self.adept_button) button_layout.addWidget(self.kindle_key_button) self.resize(self.sizeHint()) def kindle_serials(self): d = dialogs.ManageKeysDialog(self,u"EInk Kindle Serial Number",self.tempdedrmprefs['serials'], dialogs.AddSerialDialog) d.exec_() def kindle_keys(self): d = dialogs.ManageKeysDialog(self,u"Kindle for Mac and PC Key",self.tempdedrmprefs['kindlekeys'], dialogs.AddKindleDialog, 'k4i') d.exec_() def adept_keys(self): d = dialogs.ManageKeysDialog(self,u"Adobe Digital Editions Key",self.tempdedrmprefs['adeptkeys'], dialogs.AddAdeptDialog, 'der') d.exec_() def mobi_keys(self): d = dialogs.ManageKeysDialog(self,u"Mobipocket PID",self.tempdedrmprefs['pids'], dialogs.AddPIDDialog) d.exec_() def bandn_keys(self): d = dialogs.ManageKeysDialog(self,u"Barnes and Noble Key",self.tempdedrmprefs['bandnkeys'], dialogs.AddBandNKeyDialog, 'b64') d.exec_() def ereader_keys(self): d = dialogs.ManageKeysDialog(self,u"eReader Key",self.tempdedrmprefs['ereaderkeys'], dialogs.AddEReaderDialog, 'b63') d.exec_() def help_link_activated(self, url): def get_help_file_resource(): # Copy the HTML helpfile to the plugin directory each time the # link is clicked in case the helpfile is updated in newer plugins. file_path = os.path.join(config_dir, u"plugins", u"DeDRM", u"help", help_file_name) with open(file_path,'w') as f: f.write(self.load_resource(help_file_name)) return file_path url = 'file:///' + get_help_file_resource() open_url(QUrl(url)) def save_settings(self): self.dedrmprefs['bandnkeys'] = self.tempdedrmprefs['bandnkeys'] self.dedrmprefs['adeptkeys'] = self.tempdedrmprefs['adeptkeys'] self.dedrmprefs['ereaderkeys'] = self.tempdedrmprefs['ereaderkeys'] self.dedrmprefs['kindlekeys'] = self.tempdedrmprefs['kindlekeys'] self.dedrmprefs['pids'] = self.tempdedrmprefs['pids'] self.dedrmprefs['serials'] = self.tempdedrmprefs['serials'] self.dedrmprefs['configured'] = True def load_resource(self, name): with ZipFile(self.plugin_path, 'r') as zf: if name in zf.namelist(): return zf.read(name) return "" def writeprefs(value = True): dedrmprefs['configured'] = value def addnamedvaluetoprefs(prefkind, keyname, keyvalue): try: if keyvalue not in dedrmprefs[prefkind].values(): # ensure that the keyname is unique # by adding a number (starting with 2) to the name if it is not namecount = 1 newname = keyname while newname in dedrmprefs[prefkind]: namecount += 1 newname = "{0:s}_{1:d}".format(keyname,namecount) # add to the preferences dedrmprefs[prefkind][newname] = keyvalue return (True, newname) except: pass return (False, keyname) def addvaluetoprefs(prefkind, prefsvalue): # ensure the keyvalue isn't already in the preferences if prefsvalue not in dedrmprefs[prefkind]: dedrmprefs[prefkind].append(prefsvalue) return True return False def convertprefs(always = False): def parseIgnobleString(keystuff): userkeys = {} ar = keystuff.split(':') for i, keystring in enumerate(ar): try: name, ccn = keystring.split(',') # Generate Barnes & Noble EPUB user key from name and credit card number. keyname = u"{0}_{1}_{2:d}".format(name.strip(),ccn.strip()[-4:],i+1) keyvalue = bandn.generate_key(name, ccn) if keyvalue not in userkeys.values(): while keyname in dedrmprefs['bandnkeys']: keyname = keyname + keyname[-1] userkeys[keyname] = keyvalue except Exception, e: print e.args[0] pass return userkeys def parseeReaderString(keystuff): userkeys = {} ar = keystuff.split(':') for i, keystring in enumerate(ar): try: name, cc = keystring.split(',') # Generate eReader user key from name and credit card number. keyname = u"{0}_{1}_{2:d}".format(name.strip(),cc.strip()[-4:],i+1) keyvalue = ereader.getuser_key(name,cc).encode('hex') if keyvalue not in userkeys.values(): while keyname in dedrmprefs['ereaderkeys']: keyname = keyname + keyname[-1] userkeys[keyname] = keyvalue except Exception, e: print e.args[0] pass return userkeys def parseKindleString(keystuff): pids = [] serials = [] ar = keystuff.split(',') for keystring in ar: keystring = str(keystring).strip().replace(" ","") if len(keystring) == 10 or len(keystring) == 8 and keystring not in pids: pids.append(keystring) elif len(keystring) == 16 and keystring[0] == 'B' and keystring not in serials: serials.append(keystring) return (pids,serials) def addConfigFiles(extension, prefskey, encoding = ''): # get any files with extension 'extension' in the config dir files = [f for f in os.listdir(config_dir) if f.endswith(extension)] try: priorkeycount = len(dedrmprefs[prefskey]) for filename in files: fpath = os.path.join(config_dir, filename) key = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] value = open(fpath, 'rb').read() if encoding is not '': value = value.encode(encoding) if value not in dedrmprefs[prefskey].values(): while key in dedrmprefs[prefskey]: key = key+key[-1] dedrmprefs[prefskey][key] = value #os.remove(fpath) return len(dedrmprefs[prefskey])-priorkeycount except IOError: return -1 if (not always) and dedrmprefs['configured']: # We've already converted old preferences, # and we're not being forced to do it again, so just return return # initialise # we must actually set the prefs that are dictionaries and lists # to empty dictionaries and lists, otherwise we are unable to add to them # as then it just adds to the (memory only) dedrmprefs.defaults versions! if dedrmprefs['bandnkeys'] == {}: dedrmprefs['bandnkeys'] = {} if dedrmprefs['adeptkeys'] == {}: dedrmprefs['adeptkeys'] = {} if dedrmprefs['ereaderkeys'] == {}: dedrmprefs['ereaderkeys'] = {} if dedrmprefs['kindlekeys'] == {}: dedrmprefs['kindlekeys'] = {} if dedrmprefs['pids'] == []: dedrmprefs['pids'] = [] if dedrmprefs['serials'] == []: dedrmprefs['serials'] = [] # get default adobe adept key(s) priorkeycount = len(dedrmprefs['adeptkeys']) try: defaultkeys = adobe.adeptkeys() except: defaultkeys = [] defaultcount = 1 for keyvalue in defaultkeys: keyname = u"default_key_{0:d}".format(defaultcount) keyvaluehex = keyvalue.encode('hex') if keyvaluehex not in dedrmprefs['adeptkeys'].values(): while keyname in dedrmprefs['adeptkeys']: defaultcount += 1 keyname = u"default_key_{0:d}".format(defaultcount) dedrmprefs['adeptkeys'][keyname] = keyvaluehex addedkeycount = len(dedrmprefs['adeptkeys']) - priorkeycount if addedkeycount > 0: print u"{0} v{1}: {2:d} Default Adobe Adept {3} found.".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, addedkeycount, u"key" if addedkeycount==1 else u"keys") # Make the json write all the prefs to disk writeprefs(False) # get default kindle key(s) priorkeycount = len(dedrmprefs['kindlekeys']) try: defaultkeys = amazon.kindlekeys() except: defaultkeys = [] defaultcount = 1 for keyvalue in defaultkeys: keyname = u"default_key_{0:d}".format(defaultcount) if keyvalue not in dedrmprefs['kindlekeys'].values(): while keyname in dedrmprefs['kindlekeys']: defaultcount += 1 keyname = u"default_key_{0:d}".format(defaultcount) dedrmprefs['kindlekeys'][keyname] = keyvalue addedkeycount = len(dedrmprefs['kindlekeys']) - priorkeycount if addedkeycount > 0: print u"{0} v{1}: {2:d} Default Kindle for Mac/PC {3} found.".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, addedkeycount, u"key" if addedkeycount==1 else u"keys") # Make the json write all the prefs to disk writeprefs(False) print u"{0} v{1}: Importing configuration data from old DeDRM plugins".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION) # Handle the old ignoble plugin's customization string by converting the # old string to stored keys... get that personal data out of plain sight. from calibre.customize.ui import config sc = config['plugin_customization'] val = sc.pop(IGNOBLEPLUGINNAME, None) if val is not None: print u"{0} v{1}: Converting old Ignoble plugin configuration string.".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION) priorkeycount = len(dedrmprefs['bandnkeys']) userkeys = parseIgnobleString(str(val)) for key in userkeys: value = userkeys[key] if value not in dedrmprefs['bandnkeys'].values(): while key in dedrmprefs['bandnkeys']: key = key+key[-1] dedrmprefs['bandnkeys'][key] = value addedkeycount = len(dedrmprefs['bandnkeys'])-priorkeycount print u"{0} v{1}: {2:d} Barnes and Noble {3} imported from old Ignoble plugin configuration string".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, addedkeycount, u"key" if addedkeycount==1 else u"keys") # Make the json write all the prefs to disk writeprefs(False) # Handle the old eReader plugin's customization string by converting the # old string to stored keys... get that personal data out of plain sight. val = sc.pop(EREADERPLUGINNAME, None) if val is not None: print u"{0} v{1}: Converting old eReader plugin configuration string.".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION) priorkeycount = len(dedrmprefs['ereaderkeys']) userkeys = parseeReaderString(str(val)) for key in userkeys: value = userkeys[key] if value not in dedrmprefs['ereaderkeys'].values(): while key in dedrmprefs['ereaderkeys']: key = key+key[-1] dedrmprefs['ereaderkeys'][key] = value addedkeycount = len(dedrmprefs['ereaderkeys'])-priorkeycount print u"{0} v{1}: {2:d} eReader {3} imported from old eReader plugin configuration string".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, addedkeycount, u"key" if addedkeycount==1 else u"keys") # Make the json write all the prefs to disk writeprefs(False) # get old Kindle plugin configuration string val = sc.pop(OLDKINDLEPLUGINNAME, None) if val is not None: print u"{0} v{1}: Converting old Kindle plugin configuration string.".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION) priorpidcount = len(dedrmprefs['pids']) priorserialcount = len(dedrmprefs['serials']) pids, serials = parseKindleString(val) for pid in pids: if pid not in dedrmprefs['pids']: dedrmprefs['pids'].append(pid) for serial in serials: if serial not in dedrmprefs['serials']: dedrmprefs['serials'].append(serial) addedpidcount = len(dedrmprefs['pids']) - priorpidcount addedserialcount = len(dedrmprefs['serials']) - priorserialcount print u"{0} v{1}: {2:d} {3} and {4:d} {5} imported from old Kindle plugin configuration string.".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, addedpidcount, u"PID" if addedpidcount==1 else u"PIDs", addedserialcount, u"serial number" if addedserialcount==1 else u"serial numbers") # Make the json write all the prefs to disk writeprefs(False) # copy the customisations back into calibre preferences, as we've now removed the nasty plaintext config['plugin_customization'] = sc # get any .b64 files in the config dir ignoblecount = addConfigFiles('.b64', 'bandnkeys') if ignoblecount > 0: print u"{0} v{1}: {2:d} Barnes and Noble {3} imported from config folder.".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, ignoblecount, u"key file" if ignoblecount==1 else u"key files") elif ignoblecount < 0: print u"{0} v{1}: Error reading Barnes & Noble keyfiles from config directory.".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION) # Make the json write all the prefs to disk writeprefs(False) # get any .der files in the config dir ineptcount = addConfigFiles('.der', 'adeptkeys','hex') if ineptcount > 0: print u"{0} v{1}: {2:d} Adobe Adept {3} imported from config folder.".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, ineptcount, u"keyfile" if ineptcount==1 else u"keyfiles") elif ineptcount < 0: print u"{0} v{1}: Error reading Adobe Adept keyfiles from config directory.".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION) # Make the json write all the prefs to disk writeprefs(False) # get ignoble json prefs if 'keys' in ignobleprefs: priorkeycount = len(dedrmprefs['bandnkeys']) for key in ignobleprefs['keys']: value = ignobleprefs['keys'][key] if value not in dedrmprefs['bandnkeys'].values(): while key in dedrmprefs['bandnkeys']: key = key+key[-1] dedrmprefs['bandnkeys'][key] = value addedkeycount = len(dedrmprefs['bandnkeys']) - priorkeycount # no need to delete old prefs, since they contain no recoverable private data if addedkeycount > 0: print u"{0} v{1}: {2:d} Barnes and Noble {3} imported from Ignoble plugin preferences.".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, addedkeycount, u"key" if addedkeycount==1 else u"keys") # Make the json write all the prefs to disk writeprefs(False) # get kindle json prefs priorpidcount = len(dedrmprefs['pids']) priorserialcount = len(dedrmprefs['serials']) if 'pids' in kindleprefs: pids, serials = parseKindleString(kindleprefs['pids']) for pid in pids: if pid not in dedrmprefs['pids']: dedrmprefs['pids'].append(pid) if 'serials' in kindleprefs: pids, serials = parseKindleString(kindleprefs['serials']) for serial in serials: if serial not in dedrmprefs['serials']: dedrmprefs['serials'].append(serial) addedpidcount = len(dedrmprefs['pids']) - priorpidcount if addedpidcount > 0: print u"{0} v{1}: {2:d} {3} imported from Kindle plugin preferences".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, addedpidcount, u"PID" if addedpidcount==1 else u"PIDs") addedserialcount = len(dedrmprefs['serials']) - priorserialcount if addedserialcount > 0: print u"{0} v{1}: {2:d} {3} imported from Kindle plugin preferences".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, addedserialcount, u"serial number" if addedserialcount==1 else u"serial numbers") # Make the json write all the prefs to disk writeprefs() print u"{0} v{1}: Finished setting up configuration data.".format(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION)