#! /usr/bin/python # vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab from __future__ import with_statement import csv import sys import os import getopt from struct import pack from struct import unpack class DocParser(object): def __init__(self, flatxml, fileid): self.id = os.path.basename(fileid).replace('.dat','') self.flatdoc = flatxml.split('\n') self.ocrtext = [] self.link_id = [] self.link_title = [] self.link_page = [] self.dehyphen_rootid = [] self.paracont_stemid = [] self.parastems_stemid = [] # find tag if within pos to end inclusive def findinDoc(self, tagpath, pos, end) : result = None docList = self.flatdoc cnt = len(docList) if end == -1 : end = cnt else: end = min(cnt,end) foundat = -1 for j in xrange(pos, end): item = docList[j] if item.find('=') >= 0: (name, argres) = item.split('=') else : name = item argres = '' if name.endswith(tagpath) : result = argres foundat = j break return foundat, result # return list of start positions for the tagpath def posinDoc(self, tagpath): startpos = [] pos = 0 res = "" while res != None : (foundpos, res) = self.findinDoc(tagpath, pos, -1) if res != None : startpos.append(foundpos) pos = foundpos + 1 return startpos # get a description of the paragraph def getParaDescription(self, start, end): # normal paragraph (pos, pclass) = self.findinDoc('paragraph.class',start,end) # class names are an issue given topaz starts them with numerals (not allowed) # use a mix of cases, (which cause some browsers problems), and actually # attach numbers after "reclustered*" to the end to deal with reflow issues # so we clean this up by lowercasing, prepend 'cl_', and remove all end pieces after reclustered pclass = pclass.lower() pclass = 'cl_' + pclass p = pclass.find('reclustered') if p > 0 : pclass = pclass[0:p+11] (pos, sfirst) = self.findinDoc('paragraph.firstWord',start,end) (pos, slast) = self.findinDoc('paragraph.lastWord',start,end) if (sfirst != None) and (slast != None) : return pclass, int(sfirst), int(slast) # some paragraphs are instead split into multiple spans and some even have word_semantic tags as well # so walk through this region keeping track of the first firstword, and the last lastWord # on any items that have it (pos, sfirst) = self.findinDoc('firstWord',start, end) first = int(sfirst) last = -1 for i in xrange(pos+1,end): (pos, slast) = self.findinDoc('lastWord',i,i+1) if slast != None: last = int(slast) return pclass, first, last def buildParagraph(self, cname, first, last, type, regtype) : parares = '' sep ='' br_lb = False if (regtype == 'fixed') or (regtype == 'chapterheading') : br_lb = True handle_links = False if len(self.link_id) > 0: handle_links = True if (type == 'full') or (type == 'begin') : parares += '

' if (type == 'end'): parares += ' ' for j in xrange(first, last) : word = self.ocrtext[j] sep = ' ' if handle_links: link = self.link_id[j] if (link > 0): title = self.link_title[link-1] if title == "": title='_link_' ptarget = self.link_page[link-1] - 1 linkhtml = '' % ptarget linkhtml += title + '' pos = parares.rfind(title) if pos >= 0: parares = parares[0:pos] + linkhtml + parares[pos+len(title):] else : parares += linkhtml if word == '_link_' : word = '' elif (link < 0) : if word == '_link_' : word = '' if word == '_lb_': if (j-1) in self.dehyphen_rootid : word = '' sep = '' elif handle_links : word = '' sep = '' elif br_lb : word = '
\n' sep = '' else : word = '\n' sep = '' if j in self.dehyphen_rootid : word = word[0:-1] sep = '' parares += word + sep if len(sep) > 0 : parares = parares[0:-1] if (type == 'full') or (type == 'end') : parares += '

' return parares # walk the document tree collecting the information needed # to build an html page using the ocrText def process(self): htmlpage = '' # first collect information from the xml doc that describes this page (pos, argres) = self.findinDoc('info.word.ocrText',0,-1) if argres : self.ocrtext = argres.split('|') (pos, argres) = self.findinDoc('info.dehyphen.rootID',0,-1) if argres: argList = argres.split('|') self.dehyphen_rootid = [ int(strval) for strval in argList] (pos, self.parastems_stemid) = self.findinDoc('info.paraStems.stemID',0,-1) if self.parastems_stemid == None : self.parastems_stemid = [] (pos, self.paracont_stemid) = self.findinDoc('info.paraCont.stemID',0,-1) if self.paracont_stemid == None : self.paracont_stemid = [] (pos, argres) = self.findinDoc('info.word.link_id',0,-1) if argres: argList = argres.split('|') self.link_id = [ int(strval) for strval in argList] (pos, argres) = self.findinDoc('info.links.page',0,-1) if argres : argList = argres.split('|') self.link_page = [ int(strval) for strval in argList] (pos, argres) = self.findinDoc('info.links.title',0,-1) if argres : self.link_title = argres.split('|') else: self.link_title.append('') (pos, pagetype) = self.findinDoc('page.type',0,-1) # generate a list of each region starting point # each region has one paragraph,, or one image, or one chapterheading regionList= self.posinDoc('region') regcnt = len(regionList) regionList.append(-1) anchorSet = False breakSet = False # process each region tag and convert what you can to html for j in xrange(regcnt): start = regionList[j] end = regionList[j+1] (pos, regtype) = self.findinDoc('region.type',start,end) if regtype == 'graphic' : if not anchorSet: htmlpage += '
\n' anchorSet = True (pos, simgsrc) = self.findinDoc('img.src',start,end) if simgsrc: htmlpage += '
' % int(simgsrc) elif regtype == 'chapterheading' : (pclass, first, last) = self.getParaDescription(start,end) if not breakSet: htmlpage += '
\n' breakSet = True if not anchorSet: htmlpage += '
\n' anchorSet = True tag = 'h1' if pclass[3:7] == 'ch1-' : tag = 'h1' if pclass[3:7] == 'ch2-' : tag = 'h2' if pclass[3:7] == 'ch3-' : tag = 'h3' htmlpage += '<' + tag + ' class="' + pclass + '">' htmlpage += self.buildParagraph(pclass,first,last,'middle', regtype) htmlpage += '' elif (regtype == 'text') or (regtype == 'fixed') or (regtype == 'insert') : ptype = 'full' # check to see if this is a continution from the previous page if (len(self.parastems_stemid) > 0): ptype = 'end' self.parastems_stemid=[] else: if not anchorSet: htmlpage += '
\n' anchorSet = True (pclass, first, last) = self.getParaDescription(start,end) if ptype == 'full' : tag = 'p' if pclass[3:6] == 'h1-' : tag = 'h4' if pclass[3:6] == 'h2-' : tag = 'h5' if pclass[3:6] == 'h3-' : tag = 'h6' htmlpage += '<' + tag + ' class="' + pclass + '">' htmlpage += self.buildParagraph(pclass, first, last, 'middle', regtype) htmlpage += '' else : htmlpage += self.buildParagraph(pclass, first, last, ptype, regtype) elif (regtype == 'tocentry') : ptype = 'full' # check to see if this is a continution from the previous page if (len(self.parastems_stemid) > 0) and (j == 0): # process the first paragraph as a continuation from the last page ptype = 'end' self.parastems_stemid = [] else: if not anchorSet: htmlpage += '
\n' anchorSet = True (pclass, first, last) = self.getParaDescription(start,end) htmlpage += self.buildParagraph(pclass, first, last, ptype, regtype) else : print 'Unknown region type', regtype print 'Warning: skipping this region' if len(self.paracont_stemid) > 0 : if htmlpage[-4:] == '

': htmlpage = htmlpage[0:-4] return htmlpage return self.convert2HTML() def convert2HTML(flatxml, fileid): # create a document parser dp = DocParser(flatxml, fileid) htmlpage = dp.process() return htmlpage