#! /usr/bin/python # ineptepub_plugin.py # Released under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence, version 3 or # later. # # Requires Calibre version 0.6.44 or higher. # # All credit given to I <3 Cabbages for the original standalone scripts. # I had the much easier job of converting them to a Calibre plugin. # # This plugin is meant to decrypt Adobe Digital Edition Epubs that are protected # with Adobe's Adept encryption. It is meant to function without having to install # any dependencies... other than having Calibre installed, of course. It will still # work if you have Python and PyCrypto already installed, but they aren't necessary. # # Configuration: # When first run, the plugin will attempt to find your Adobe Digital Editions installation # (on Windows and Mac OS's). If successful, it will create an 'adeptkey.der' file and # save it in Calibre's configuration directory. It will use that file on subsequent runs. # If there are already '*.der' files in the directory, the plugin won't attempt to # find the ADE installation. So if you have ADE installed on the same machine as Calibre... # you are ready to go. # # If you already have keyfiles generated with I <3 Cabbages' ineptkey.pyw script, # you can put those keyfiles in Calibre's configuration directory. The easiest # way to find the correct directory is to go to Calibre's Preferences page... click # on the 'Miscellaneous' button (looks like a gear), and then click the 'Open Calibre # configuration directory' button. Paste your keyfiles in there. Just make sure that # they have different names and are saved with the '.der' extension (like the ineptkey # script produces). This directory isn't touched when upgrading Calibre, so it's quite # safe to leave them there. # # Since there is no Linux version of Adobe Digital Editions, Linux users will have to # obtain a keyfile through other methods and put the file in Calibre's configuration directory. # # All keyfiles with a '.der' extension found in Calibre's configuration directory will # be used to attempt to decrypt a book. # # ** NOTE ** There is no plugin customization data for the Inept Epub DeDRM plugin. # # Revision history: # 0.1 - Initial release # 0.1.1 - Allow Windows users to make use of openssl if they have it installed. # - Incorporated SomeUpdates zipfix routine. # 0.1.2 - Removed Carbon dependency for Mac users. Fixes an issue that was a # result of Calibre changing to python 2.7. # 0.1.3 - bug fix for epubs with non-ascii chars in file names # 0.1.4 - default to try PyCrypto first on Windows """ Decrypt Adobe ADEPT-encrypted EPUB books. """ from __future__ import with_statement __license__ = 'GPL v3' import sys import os import zlib import zipfile import re from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_STORED, ZIP_DEFLATED from contextlib import closing import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree global AES global RSA META_NAMES = ('mimetype', 'META-INF/rights.xml', 'META-INF/encryption.xml') NSMAP = {'adept': 'http://ns.adobe.com/adept', 'enc': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#'} class ADEPTError(Exception): pass def _load_crypto_libcrypto(): from ctypes import CDLL, POINTER, c_void_p, c_char_p, c_int, c_long, \ Structure, c_ulong, create_string_buffer, cast from ctypes.util import find_library if sys.platform.startswith('win'): libcrypto = find_library('libeay32') else: libcrypto = find_library('crypto') if libcrypto is None: raise ADEPTError('libcrypto not found') libcrypto = CDLL(libcrypto) RSA_NO_PADDING = 3 AES_MAXNR = 14 c_char_pp = POINTER(c_char_p) c_int_p = POINTER(c_int) class RSA(Structure): pass RSA_p = POINTER(RSA) class AES_KEY(Structure): _fields_ = [('rd_key', c_long * (4 * (AES_MAXNR + 1))), ('rounds', c_int)] AES_KEY_p = POINTER(AES_KEY) def F(restype, name, argtypes): func = getattr(libcrypto, name) func.restype = restype func.argtypes = argtypes return func d2i_RSAPrivateKey = F(RSA_p, 'd2i_RSAPrivateKey', [RSA_p, c_char_pp, c_long]) RSA_size = F(c_int, 'RSA_size', [RSA_p]) RSA_private_decrypt = F(c_int, 'RSA_private_decrypt', [c_int, c_char_p, c_char_p, RSA_p, c_int]) RSA_free = F(None, 'RSA_free', [RSA_p]) AES_set_decrypt_key = F(c_int, 'AES_set_decrypt_key', [c_char_p, c_int, AES_KEY_p]) AES_cbc_encrypt = F(None, 'AES_cbc_encrypt', [c_char_p, c_char_p, c_ulong, AES_KEY_p, c_char_p, c_int]) class RSA(object): def __init__(self, der): buf = create_string_buffer(der) pp = c_char_pp(cast(buf, c_char_p)) rsa = self._rsa = d2i_RSAPrivateKey(None, pp, len(der)) if rsa is None: raise ADEPTError('Error parsing ADEPT user key DER') def decrypt(self, from_): rsa = self._rsa to = create_string_buffer(RSA_size(rsa)) dlen = RSA_private_decrypt(len(from_), from_, to, rsa, RSA_NO_PADDING) if dlen < 0: raise ADEPTError('RSA decryption failed') return to[:dlen] def __del__(self): if self._rsa is not None: RSA_free(self._rsa) self._rsa = None class AES(object): def __init__(self, userkey): self._blocksize = len(userkey) if (self._blocksize != 16) and (self._blocksize != 24) and (self._blocksize != 32) : raise ADEPTError('AES improper key used') return key = self._key = AES_KEY() rv = AES_set_decrypt_key(userkey, len(userkey) * 8, key) if rv < 0: raise ADEPTError('Failed to initialize AES key') def decrypt(self, data): out = create_string_buffer(len(data)) iv = ("\x00" * self._blocksize) rv = AES_cbc_encrypt(data, out, len(data), self._key, iv, 0) if rv == 0: raise ADEPTError('AES decryption failed') return out.raw print 'IneptEpub: Using libcrypto.' return (AES, RSA) def _load_crypto_pycrypto(): from Crypto.Cipher import AES as _AES from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA as _RSA # ASN.1 parsing code from tlslite class ASN1Error(Exception): pass class ASN1Parser(object): class Parser(object): def __init__(self, bytes): self.bytes = bytes self.index = 0 def get(self, length): if self.index + length > len(self.bytes): raise ASN1Error("Error decoding ASN.1") x = 0 for count in range(length): x <<= 8 x |= self.bytes[self.index] self.index += 1 return x def getFixBytes(self, lengthBytes): bytes = self.bytes[self.index : self.index+lengthBytes] self.index += lengthBytes return bytes def getVarBytes(self, lengthLength): lengthBytes = self.get(lengthLength) return self.getFixBytes(lengthBytes) def getFixList(self, length, lengthList): l = [0] * lengthList for x in range(lengthList): l[x] = self.get(length) return l def getVarList(self, length, lengthLength): lengthList = self.get(lengthLength) if lengthList % length != 0: raise ASN1Error("Error decoding ASN.1") lengthList = int(lengthList/length) l = [0] * lengthList for x in range(lengthList): l[x] = self.get(length) return l def startLengthCheck(self, lengthLength): self.lengthCheck = self.get(lengthLength) self.indexCheck = self.index def setLengthCheck(self, length): self.lengthCheck = length self.indexCheck = self.index def stopLengthCheck(self): if (self.index - self.indexCheck) != self.lengthCheck: raise ASN1Error("Error decoding ASN.1") def atLengthCheck(self): if (self.index - self.indexCheck) < self.lengthCheck: return False elif (self.index - self.indexCheck) == self.lengthCheck: return True else: raise ASN1Error("Error decoding ASN.1") def __init__(self, bytes): p = self.Parser(bytes) p.get(1) self.length = self._getASN1Length(p) self.value = p.getFixBytes(self.length) def getChild(self, which): p = self.Parser(self.value) for x in range(which+1): markIndex = p.index p.get(1) length = self._getASN1Length(p) p.getFixBytes(length) return ASN1Parser(p.bytes[markIndex:p.index]) def _getASN1Length(self, p): firstLength = p.get(1) if firstLength<=127: return firstLength else: lengthLength = firstLength & 0x7F return p.get(lengthLength) class AES(object): def __init__(self, key): self._aes = _AES.new(key, _AES.MODE_CBC) def decrypt(self, data): return self._aes.decrypt(data) class RSA(object): def __init__(self, der): key = ASN1Parser([ord(x) for x in der]) key = [key.getChild(x).value for x in xrange(1, 4)] key = [self.bytesToNumber(v) for v in key] self._rsa = _RSA.construct(key) def bytesToNumber(self, bytes): total = 0L for byte in bytes: total = (total << 8) + byte return total def decrypt(self, data): return self._rsa.decrypt(data) print 'IneptEpub: Using pycrypto.' return (AES, RSA) def _load_crypto(): _aes = _rsa = None cryptolist = (_load_crypto_libcrypto, _load_crypto_pycrypto) if sys.platform.startswith('win'): cryptolist = (_load_crypto_pycrypto, _load_crypto_libcrypto) for loader in cryptolist: try: _aes, _rsa = loader() break except (ImportError, ADEPTError): pass return (_aes, _rsa) class ZipInfo(zipfile.ZipInfo): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'compress_type' in kwargs: compress_type = kwargs.pop('compress_type') super(ZipInfo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.compress_type = compress_type class Decryptor(object): def __init__(self, bookkey, encryption): enc = lambda tag: '{%s}%s' % (NSMAP['enc'], tag) self._aes = AES(bookkey) encryption = etree.fromstring(encryption) self._encrypted = encrypted = set() expr = './%s/%s/%s' % (enc('EncryptedData'), enc('CipherData'), enc('CipherReference')) for elem in encryption.findall(expr): path = elem.get('URI', None) path = path.encode('utf-8') if path is not None: encrypted.add(path) def decompress(self, bytes): dc = zlib.decompressobj(-15) bytes = dc.decompress(bytes) ex = dc.decompress('Z') + dc.flush() if ex: bytes = bytes + ex return bytes def decrypt(self, path, data): if path in self._encrypted: data = self._aes.decrypt(data)[16:] data = data[:-ord(data[-1])] data = self.decompress(data) return data def plugin_main(userkey, inpath, outpath): rsa = RSA(userkey) with closing(ZipFile(open(inpath, 'rb'))) as inf: namelist = set(inf.namelist()) if 'META-INF/rights.xml' not in namelist or \ 'META-INF/encryption.xml' not in namelist: return 1 for name in META_NAMES: namelist.remove(name) try: rights = etree.fromstring(inf.read('META-INF/rights.xml')) adept = lambda tag: '{%s}%s' % (NSMAP['adept'], tag) expr = './/%s' % (adept('encryptedKey'),) bookkey = ''.join(rights.findtext(expr)) bookkey = rsa.decrypt(bookkey.decode('base64')) # Padded as per RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 if bookkey[-17] != '\x00': raise ADEPTError('problem decrypting session key') encryption = inf.read('META-INF/encryption.xml') decryptor = Decryptor(bookkey[-16:], encryption) kwds = dict(compression=ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=False) with closing(ZipFile(open(outpath, 'wb'), 'w', **kwds)) as outf: zi = ZipInfo('mimetype', compress_type=ZIP_STORED) outf.writestr(zi, inf.read('mimetype')) for path in namelist: data = inf.read(path) outf.writestr(path, decryptor.decrypt(path, data)) except: return 2 return 0 from calibre.customize import FileTypePlugin class IneptDeDRM(FileTypePlugin): name = 'Inept Epub DeDRM' description = 'Removes DRM from secure Adobe epub files. \ Credit given to I <3 Cabbages for the original stand-alone scripts.' supported_platforms = ['linux', 'osx', 'windows'] author = 'DiapDealer' version = (0, 1, 4) minimum_calibre_version = (0, 6, 44) # Compiled python libraries cannot be imported in earlier versions. file_types = set(['epub']) on_import = True priority = 100 def run(self, path_to_ebook): global AES global RSA from calibre.gui2 import is_ok_to_use_qt from PyQt4.Qt import QMessageBox from calibre.constants import iswindows, isosx AES, RSA = _load_crypto() if AES == None or RSA == None: # Failed to load libcrypto or PyCrypto... Adobe Epubs can\'t be decrypted.' raise ADEPTError('IneptEpub: Failed to load crypto libs... Adobe Epubs can\'t be decrypted.') return # Load any keyfiles (*.der) included Calibre's config directory. userkeys = [] # Find Calibre's configuration directory. confpath = os.path.split(os.path.split(self.plugin_path)[0])[0] print 'IneptEpub: Calibre configuration directory = %s' % confpath files = os.listdir(confpath) filefilter = re.compile("\.der$", re.IGNORECASE) files = filter(filefilter.search, files) if files: try: for filename in files: fpath = os.path.join(confpath, filename) with open(fpath, 'rb') as f: userkeys.append(f.read()) print 'IneptEpub: Keyfile %s found in config folder.' % filename except IOError: print 'IneptEpub: Error reading keyfiles from config directory.' pass else: # Try to find key from ADE install and save the key in # Calibre's configuration directory for future use. if iswindows or isosx: # ADE key retrieval script included in respective OS folder. from ade_key import retrieve_key try: keydata = retrieve_key() userkeys.append(keydata) keypath = os.path.join(confpath, 'calibre-adeptkey.der') with open(keypath, 'wb') as f: f.write(keydata) print 'IneptEpub: Created keyfile from ADE install.' except: print 'IneptEpub: Couldn\'t Retrieve key from ADE install.' pass if not userkeys: # No user keys found... bail out. raise ADEPTError('IneptEpub - No keys found. Check keyfile(s)/ADE install') return # Attempt to decrypt epub with each encryption key found. for userkey in userkeys: # Create a TemporaryPersistent file to work with. # Check original epub archive for zip errors. import zipfix inf = self.temporary_file('.epub') try: fr = zipfix.fixZip(path_to_ebook, inf.name) fr.fix() except Exception, e: raise Exception(e) return of = self.temporary_file('.epub') # Give the user key, ebook and TemporaryPersistent file to the plugin_main function. result = plugin_main(userkey, inf.name, of.name) # Ebook is not an Adobe Adept epub... do nothing and pass it on. # This allows a non-encrypted epub to be imported without error messages. if result == 1: print 'IneptEpub: Not an Adobe Adept Epub... punting.' of.close() return path_to_ebook break # Decryption was successful return the modified PersistentTemporary # file to Calibre's import process. if result == 0: print 'IneptEpub: Encryption successfully removed.' of.close return of.name break print 'IneptEpub: Encryption key invalid... trying others.' of.close() # Something went wrong with decryption. # Import the original unmolested epub. of.close raise ADEPTError('IneptEpub - Ultimately failed to decrypt') return