variable "tailscale_domain" { type = string default = "" description = "The domain name of the tailscale network to manage." } variable "tailscale_admin_users" { type = list(string) default = ["admin"] description = "usernames of the tailscale network's admins, minus the `@domain` part." } variable "tailscale_api_key" { type = string default = "tskey-XXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" sensitive = true description = "The tailscale API key to use." validation { condition = can(regex("^tskey-", var.tailscale_api_key)) error_message = "The tailscale API key must start with `tskey-`" } } variable "relay_tag" { type = string default = "tag:tailscale" description = "The tag to use for the tailscale network's relay nodes." validation { condition = can(regex("^tag:\\w+", var.relay_tag)) error_message = "tailscale tags must start with `tag:` followed by a tag name." } } variable "relay_instance_type" { type = string default = "t2.micro" description = "The EC2 instance type to use for the relay server." } variable "relay_key_name" { type = string default = "default" description = "The name of the pre-existing key pair to use for ssh access to the relay server." } variable "aws_region" { type = string default = "us-east-1" description = "The AWS region to use." } variable "vpc_id" { type = string default = "vpc-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" description = "ID of the vpc to deploy tailscale relay to." } variable "subnet_id" { type = string default = "subnet-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" description = "ID of the subnet to attach tailscale relay to." } variable "additional_routes" { type = list(string) default = [] description = "The routes in addition to selected VPC's routes, to add to the tailscale network." validation { condition = alltrue([ for route in var.additional_routes : can(regex("^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}/\\d{1,2}$", route)) ]) error_message = "routes must be in CIDR format." } } variable "fallback_nameservers" { type = list(string) # default = ["", "", "", "", ""] default = ["", "", "", ""] description = "additional nameservers to push to the tailscale network." } variable "advertise_nameservers" { type = bool default = true description = "Whether to advertise the tailscale network's nameservers to clients." } variable "advertise_routes" { type = bool default = true description = "Whether to advertise the tailscale server's subnet routes to clients." } variable "advertise_exit_node" { type = bool default = true description = "Whether to advertise the tailscale server as an exit node." } variable "enable_tailscale_ssh" { type = bool default = false description = "Whether to enable ssh-over-tailscale for tailscale network nodes." } variable "relay_associate_public_ip" { type = bool default = true description = "Whether to associate a public IP address with the relay server." }