variable "iac_project_name" { description = "The name of the iac project" type = string default = "oci-free" } variable "iac_project_source" { description = "The source repo of the iac project" type = string default = "" } variable "oci_region" { description = "The region for the OCI provider" type = string } variable "oci_profile" { description = "The config file profile for the OCI provider" type = string default = null } variable "tenancy_id" { description = "The OCID of the tenancy" type = string } variable "prefix" { description = "Name prefix for all resources" type = string default = "free-" } variable "admin_create_credentials" { type = object({ api_key = bool auth_token = bool customer_key = bool password = bool }) default = { api_key = true auth_token = false customer_key = false password = false } description = "Types of credentials to create for the admin user" } variable "vcn_cidr" { description = "The CIDR block for the VCN" type = string default = "" } variable "enable_ipv6" { description = "Enable IPv6 for the VCN" type = bool default = true } variable "create_vault" { description = "Create vault" type = bool default = true } variable "use_kms" { description = "Use created vault for key creation and management" type = object({ volume = bool object = bool database = bool }) default = { volume = true object = true database = true } } variable "supplied_compute_ssh_public_key" { description = "A pre-created public SSH key for the compute instances" type = string default = null } variable "created_compute_ssh_key_algorithm" { description = "The algorithm for the created SSH key if no key is provided" type = string default = "ED25519" validation { error_message = "created_compute_ssh_key_algorithm must be 'RSA', 'ECDSA' or 'ED25519'" condition = contains(["RSA", "ECDSA", "ED25519"], var.created_compute_ssh_key_algorithm) } } variable "create_instances" { description = "Create compute instances types" type = object({ micro = bool flex = bool }) default = { micro = true flex = true } } variable "create_static_ip" { description = "Create a reserved static IP" type = bool default = true } variable "attach_static_ip_to_flex" { description = "Attach reserved static IP to flex instance" type = bool default = true } variable "create_databases" { description = "Create databases" type = bool default = true } variable "database_types" { description = "Types of database workloads to create" type = list(string) default = [] validation { error_message = "database_types must be a list of 'OLTP', 'DW', 'AJD' or 'APEX'" condition = alltrue([for v in var.database_types : contains(["OLTP", "DW", "AJD", "APEX"], v)]) } } variable "enable_email_delivery" { description = "Create email delivery supporting configurations" type = bool default = true } variable "email_configuration" { description = "values for email configuration" type = object({ email_domains = list(string) approved_senders = list(string) suppression_list = list(string) }) default = { email_domains = [] approved_senders = [] suppression_list = [] } } variable "create_topics" { description = "Create notification topics" type = bool default = true } variable "topics" { description = "Values for notification topics configuration" type = map(object({ description = string subscriptions = list(object({ protocol = string endpoint = string })) })) default = {} }