## Requirements | Name | Version | |------|---------| | [terraform](#requirement\_terraform) | ~> 1.8.0 | | [oci](#requirement\_oci) | ~> 5.42.0 | | [tls](#requirement\_tls) | ~> 4.0.5 | ## Providers | Name | Version | |------|---------| | [oci](#provider\_oci) | 5.42.0 | | [tls](#provider\_tls) | 4.0.5 | ## Modules No modules. ## Resources | Name | Type | |------|------| | [oci_identity_api_key.admin](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/oracle/oci/latest/docs/resources/identity_api_key) | resource | | [oci_identity_auth_token.admin](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/oracle/oci/latest/docs/resources/identity_auth_token) | resource | | [oci_identity_compartment.compartment](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/oracle/oci/latest/docs/resources/identity_compartment) | resource | | [oci_identity_customer_secret_key.admin](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/oracle/oci/latest/docs/resources/identity_customer_secret_key) | resource | | [oci_identity_group.administrators](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/oracle/oci/latest/docs/resources/identity_group) | resource | | [oci_identity_policy.administrators](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/oracle/oci/latest/docs/resources/identity_policy) | resource | | [oci_identity_ui_password.admin_initial](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/oracle/oci/latest/docs/resources/identity_ui_password) | resource | | [oci_identity_user.admin](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/oracle/oci/latest/docs/resources/identity_user) | resource | | [oci_identity_user_group_membership.admin](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/oracle/oci/latest/docs/resources/identity_user_group_membership) | resource | | [tls_private_key.admin_api_key](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/tls/latest/docs/resources/private_key) | resource | | [oci_identity_tenancy.tenancy](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/oracle/oci/latest/docs/data-sources/identity_tenancy) | data source | ## Inputs | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | |------|-------------|------|---------|:--------:| | [oci\_region](#input\_oci\_region) | The region for the OCI provider | `string` | n/a | yes | | [tenancy\_id](#input\_tenancy\_id) | The OCID of the tenancy | `string` | n/a | yes | | [admin\_create\_credentials](#input\_admin\_create\_credentials) | Types of credentials to create for the admin user |
api_key = bool
auth_token = bool
customer_key = bool
password = bool
"api_key": true,
"auth_token": false,
"customer_key": false,
"password": false
| no | | [iac\_project\_name](#input\_iac\_project\_name) | The name of the iac project | `string` | `"oci-free"` | no | | [iac\_project\_source](#input\_iac\_project\_source) | The source repo of the iac project | `string` | `"https://git.bdeshi.space/bdeshi/terraform-oci-free.git"` | no | | [oci\_profile](#input\_oci\_profile) | The config file profile for the OCI provider | `string` | `null` | no | | [prefix](#input\_prefix) | Name prefix for all resources | `string` | `"free-"` | no | ## Outputs | Name | Description | |------|-------------| | [admin\_auth\_token](#output\_admin\_auth\_token) | The auth token of the admin user | | [admin\_initial\_password](#output\_admin\_initial\_password) | The initial password of the admin user | | [admin\_user\_id](#output\_admin\_user\_id) | The ID of the admin user | | [api\_key\_fingerprint](#output\_api\_key\_fingerprint) | The fingerprint of the admin user API key | | [api\_key\_private](#output\_api\_key\_private) | The private part of the admin user API key | | [compartment\_id](#output\_compartment\_id) | The ID of the created compartment | | [compartment\_name](#output\_compartment\_name) | The name of the created compartment | | [customer\_key\_id](#output\_customer\_key\_id) | The ID of the customer key | | [customer\_key\_key](#output\_customer\_key\_key) | The ID of the customer key | | [tenancy\_id](#output\_tenancy\_id) | The ID of the tenancy | | [tenancy\_name](#output\_tenancy\_name) | The name of the tenancy |