output "tenancy_id" { description = "The ID of the tenancy" value = var.tenancy_id } output "tenancy_name" { description = "The name of the tenancy" value = data.oci_identity_tenancy.tenancy.name } output "compartment_id" { description = "The ID of the created compartment" value = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id } output "compartment_name" { description = "The name of the created compartment" value = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.name } output "admin_user_id" { description = "The ID of the admin user" value = oci_identity_user.admin.id } output "customer_key_id" { description = "The ID of the customer key" value = try(oci_identity_customer_secret_key.admin[0].id, null) } output "customer_key_key" { description = "The ID of the customer key" value = try(oci_identity_customer_secret_key.admin[0].key, null) sensitive = true } output "admin_initial_password" { description = "The initial password of the admin user" value = try(oci_identity_ui_password.admin_initial[0].password, null) sensitive = true } output "admin_auth_token" { description = "The auth token of the admin user" value = try(oci_identity_auth_token.admin[0].token, null) sensitive = true } output "api_key_private" { description = "The private part of the admin user API key" value = try(tls_private_key.admin_api_key[0].private_key_pem, null) sensitive = true } output "api_key_fingerprint" { description = "The fingerprint of the admin user API key" value = try(oci_identity_api_key.admin[0].fingerprint, null) }