variable "iac_project_name" { description = "The name of the iac project" type = string default = "oci-free" } variable "iac_project_source" { description = "The source repo of the iac project" type = string default = "" } variable "oci_region" { description = "The region for the OCI provider" type = string } variable "oci_profile" { description = "The config file profile for the OCI provider" type = string default = null } variable "tenancy_id" { description = "The OCID of the tenancy" type = string } variable "prefix" { description = "Name prefix for all resources" type = string default = "free-" } variable "admin_create_credentials" { type = object({ api_key = bool auth_token = bool customer_key = bool password = bool }) default = { api_key = true auth_token = false customer_key = false password = false } description = "Types of credentials to create for the admin user" }