variable "org_name" { type = string description = "organization name; used in various resource identifiers" } variable "git_project" { type = string description = "git source of this project; used in resource tags" default = "" } variable "aws_region" { type = string description = "aws region where resources will be created" } variable "iac_username" { type = string description = "IAM user to create with admin access; for use by subsequent IaC projects" default = "iac" } variable "kms_alias" { type = string description = "alias of the kms key to create" default = "iac" } variable "s3_bucket_name_slug" { type = string description = "base name slug of the s3 bucket to create; this prefixed by `var.org_name`" default = "terraform-states" } variable "dynamodb_table_name_slug" { type = string description = "base name slug of the dynamodb table to create; this prefixed by `var.org_name`" default = "terraform-locks" } variable "s3_bucket_use_random_suffix" { type = bool description = "whether to add random suffix to bucket name, or assume the generated name is unique" default = false } variable "s3_enable_versioning" { type = bool description = "whether to enable object versioning on the created bucket" default = true } variable "s3_version_limit" { type = number description = "how many noncurrent versions of s3 objects to retain; max 100" default = 100 validation { condition = 0 <= var.s3_version_limit && var.s3_version_limit <= 100 error_message = "S3 noncurrent version limit must be between 0 to 100" } } variable "parameter_store_path" { type = string description = "the parameter store path where outputs will be added for reference" default = "/iac/terraform/pre-base/" }