# intro [![status-badge](https://build.bdeshi.space/api/badges/bdeshi/resume-manpage/status.svg)](https://build.bdeshi.space/bdeshi/resume-manpage) Look! it's a pdf! it's a manpage! no, it's my online resume! 🦸 created with [pug][pug] and [sass][sass], build with [parcel][parcel]. ## setup ```bash # select node version $ nvm install $ nvm use # install dependencies $ yarn install # build the output $ yarn build # build results are here $ ls dist ``` ## contents `/index.pug`: the starting point of the template. `/vars.pug`: sample variables. copy it to `/vars.local.pug` and edit it. `/includes`: template parts are located here. - `include /somefile` from anywhere will look for `somefile` in project root - `include ./somefile` will be relative to current pug file. `/assets`: css/sass, scripts, images etc are located here. `/assets/styles/index.sass`: the starting point of the sass template. `/meta`: additional resources that aren't directly used to build the template. - `/meta/iac`: terraform iac config for the backend services hosting the rendered site. --- [pug]: https://pugjs.org [sass]: https://sass-lang.com [parcel]: https://parceljs.org