output "aws_account_id" { value = data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id description = "ID of the AWS account." } output "s3_bucket" { value = aws_s3_bucket.created.id description = "name of the created S3 bucket." } output "cloudfront_distribution" { value = aws_cloudfront_distribution.created.id description = "ID of the created CloudFront distribution." } output "cloudfront_domain" { value = aws_cloudfront_distribution.created.domain_name description = "domain name of the created CloudFront distribution." } output "acm_certificate_arn" { value = aws_acm_certificate.created.arn description = "ARN of the created ACM certificate." } output "iam_access_key_id" { value = aws_iam_access_key.publisher.id description = "access key ID of the publisher IAM user." } output "iam_secret_access_key" { value = aws_iam_access_key.publisher.secret sensitive = true description = "secret access key of the publisher IAM user." } output "domain_name" { value = var.domain_name description = "target publishing domain name." }